You can help us in many ways
Please check below for some task-based volunteering opportunities. If any of them is suitable for you please fill in the form below and we will get in touch with more materials to help you do the task:

Invite Supporters
We can send you materials and templates in both Arabic and English about Egypt Scholars and you can help us spread the word and invite your colleagues, friends, family ..etc to support us and spread the word.
Write about us
If you got inspired or benefited from our services or programs, we appreciate that you can volunteer by recording a video or writing an article on how Egypt Scholars inspired you. This is a big deal for us and we appreciate your time.

Send Resources to Friends
You can help us by sending some of our resources to your friends and colleagues. We can send you some of the materials and resources that you can send to them.

Summarize a Video
Most of our lectures are in video format, but some people would benefit from them if they are available in a readable format. You can help us here by talking a video and converting it into a script.
Interact and Answer Questions
You can help us by interacting with our beloved fans in social media and help answer their questions and guide them to materials and resources in our website. If you are available in social media this will me a great help.

Translate an Article
There are many great articles available only in English and we think they are very important to our audience. If you are very good at English-Arabic translation, please help. This is a great value to our audience and can help them develop skills and know about latest and greatest.

Become a Fundraiser
When you volunteer to raise fund for Egypt Scholars you are doing to us a great favor. Funding is one of the core things that affect our sustainability and growth as a non-profit organization. We can support you with all materials you need if you decided to do this.

Deliver a Webinar
If you are an expert in certain field (10+ years of experience) and you would like to share your knowledge with our audience, please consider to volunteer as a speaker in one of our weekly webinars and spread the knowledge.
If any of the tasks/suggestions above works for you, please fill in the form below
Please make sure you fill in all the information accurately.
What happens after you fill in the form?
Your information will be available to our HR department. While we would like to engage as much applicants as possible, some of the tasks above get filled in so quickly. We plan to email you within a maximum of 30 days with details about the suitable task. If you get no messages from us it means that we could not find a suitable task/job that matches your application.
Still cannot find a suitable volunteering opportunity?
No worries. You can still fill in the form above with as much details as possible and we will contact you when something matching your skills comes up.