Interact, Teach, and Learn in a Global Community

An ecosystem where you can learn and teach, contribute and benefit, volunteer and support, share perspectives and exchange ideas.

تفاعل وعلم وتعلم في مجتمع متكامل

مجتمع ونظام متكامل نقدر من خلاله نتفاعل ونتعلم ونعلم بعض .. نقدر نتطوع وندعم ونستفيد ونتبادل الأفكار والآراء

We work in Education

Check our library, webinars, and other educational activities through our program “DAR”

We work in Counseling

Check our counseling, guidebook, and other career services through our program “STEPS”

We work in Mentoring

Check our scientific research mentoring, directed studies, and more though our program “LABS”

We work in R&D

Check how to help and support effective solutions for blind people and raise the awareness through our program “MOMKEN”

Current Services and Resources


Have a question about studying abroad or related topics? We can help


When it comes to applying for studying abroad we would like to maximize your opportunities


Next summer we plan to start our next lab, so make sure you become aware of it.


The lab provides a platform where people can learn, discuss ideas, implement them, and get evaluated.

ES Library

Check out our library for some scientific, social, art, and inspirational articles.

Study Abroad Guide

If you are interested in studying abroad, our latest book will save you time and effort.

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Visit our e-library, wiki, and video channels. Learn about our courses and webinars. Check the Education menu for more details.



Check our volunteering positions to help teach, counsel, and/or mentor others. Check Support us menu for details.



Check our programs and participate in available opportunities, forums, and discussion groups. Communities platform is coming soon.


is a solid part of our strategy and ecosystem. While we have provided seminars and courses in different areas and disciplines, we aim to further expand our educational activities through MOOCs and interactive platforms and methods.


Mentoring and Counseling

is the way we think that generations can build on one another. We have different programs to mentor students at different levels and provide them with counseling focused more towards studying at top-tier institutions.

Research and Development

is our next leap. We have started with a program aiming to integrate people with disability – in the Arab world – in their societies by developing effective solutions for them, We expect to expand further in R&D in 2017 and beyond to overcome national and international challenges.

Help us today achieve your dream and our dream.

Every mind makes a difference!

From 2012 till now we were able to grow a team of couple hundreds of volunteers who work together remotely from 20+ countries. We know that everything is possible if we all – together – work hard to make things happen!

Every Support Makes a Difference!

With extremely-limited financial resource we were able to make a significant impact and achieve multiple milestones towards our mission. With your support, we can overcome many challenges ahead of us. Here is how you can support ..


Give your time and talent and enjoy knowing other peers.


Money gives power to good intentions.

Spread the word

Write, share, and make our voice heard

Apart from the free survey software, we also have access to QuestionPro’s free survey templates . We’ve found many of them useful and powerful to collect insights from various stakeholders of our organization.

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