DAR - دار
Dar Program – برنامج دار
The Challenge
Forming a long-term online University is one central part of the ecosystem that Egypt Scholars aims to build. It is not only about knowledge sharing, but also the networking between the community of knowledge seekers and knowledge providers that make sure generations may start from where the previous generations ended. It is about forming a medium where ideas and interactions can open up many possibilities and write a new chapter of renaissance.
The Solution
Dar represents what we think of as a complete online (and later physical) academy for sharing and transferring knowledge. The use of internet enables this process to occur across the globe where the only thing that matters is how knowledgeable the speakers and how ready the audience are. Dar includes courses, seminars, book publishing, articles and blog posts, and several awareness projects.
لأن من أهداف علماء مصر طويلة المدى إنشاء جامعة عبر الإنترنت. فليست مشاركة المعرفة هي ما يهمنا فقط ولكن تكوين جسور للربط بين طالبي المعرفة ومقدميها فنضمن أن يبدأ الطالبون للمعرفة من حيث انتهى الآخرون. إنها من أجل إنشاء بيئة مناسبة لاحتضان الأفكار والتفاعلات بينها لخلق أكبر قدر من الفرص وكتابة فصل جديد في كتاب النهضة والتقدم.
أكاديمية عبر الإنترنت لنقل ومشاركة المعرفة. وجود الإنترنت يسهل هذه العملية ويجعلنا نهتم فقط بمدى تميز المحاضرين، ومدى استعداد الحضور/الجمهور. دار تتضمن المساقات والندوات، نشر الكتب والمقالات العلمية، وغيرها من المشروعات التوعوية الأخرى.
Webinars and Courses
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About DAR
- Develop and maintain an interactive online platform for education and knowledge transfer, and build a growing community of learners and educators with a strong focus on undergraduate and graduate coursework, research awareness, and skill-building.
- Design a holistic approach to engage learners in full curricula in their field of interest and innovate methods to enrich the engagement and effectiveness of online learning.
- Host and organize seminars and panel discussions to increase the awareness on the state-of-the-art advances in different scientific and social areas, public health, economy, and topics that have wide impact on the population in large.
- Provide “on demand” training and workshops for individuals, companies, and institutions by distinguished professionals and academicians worldwide.
- Collaborate with chapters, student parties, and Universities to support their learning goals through video-conferencing and organizing on-ground lectures/sessions
- Engage a diversity of professionals and consultants in the area of education to bring awareness on the latest challenges on teaching methods and try to communicate the best practices to professors inside and outside Egypt
- Translate visual courses, lectures, significant research papers and valuable books to Arabic.
- Simplify and explain scientific ideas in a creative and imaginative way.
- Convert scientific articles and lectures into audio books for visually impaired people.
- Weekly awareness program
- Scientific books in Arabic
- Blog
- On-demand training (contact us)
- MOOCs (coming soon)