LABS - معامل
The Challenge
Scientific research is the driver for nations to develop and achieve a renaissance. Taking courses and depending on self-reading may provide students and researchers with the basic knowledge. However, a mentoring platform is required to move one step forward and exchange experience with those who developed mature research skills and experiences.
The Solution
The lab provides a platform where people can learn, discuss ideas, implement them, and get evaluated. This is currently done with an online environment where a group of candidates gets mentoring and practical experience in scientific research and other disciplines through a group of academic and industry-related mentors.
البحث العلمي هو المحرك الأساسي للأمم للتقدم وتحقيق النهضة. قد يستطيع الطلاب والباحثون الحصول على أساسيات المعرفة من خلال الاعتماد على النفس والاطلاع على الكتب أو المذاكرة، ولكن من الضروري وجود منصة تضم أشخاص لديهم مهارات قوية وخبرة طويلة لتوجيه الطلاب ليتقدموا للأمام في الاتجاه الصحيح.
يقوم المعمل بتوفير هذه المنصة للطلاب فيحصلوا على التوجيه، والعلم، وفرصة لمناقشة الأفكار وتنفيذها، والتقييم أيضاً. المعمل بيئة تفاعلية عبر الإنترنت تضم مجموعة من الطلبة الراغبين في تعلّم أساسيات ومهارات البحث العلمي تحت إشراف أساتذة أكاديميين ورواد في مجال الصناعة لفترة زمنية محددة.
Papers published
Advanced Labs
Basic Labs
Students mentored
About LABS
- Design, implement, and improve interactive mentorship-based coursework (online and on-ground) with more focus on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics) areas, where a group of qualified mentors from academia and industry supervise enrolled students though understanding and practicing the courses materials.
- Develop the culture and basics of scientific research as a critical skills for undergraduate and graduate students through ES Scientific Research lab.
- Design, implement, and monitor a system for directed studies, where qualified mentors from academia and industry conduct research with a small group of undergrad and/or graduate students for early research engagement and potential for publishing their findings in ES periodical or international conferences/journals.
- Collaborate with Student chapters and organizations to replicate the labs projects at their Universities and support them when needed.
How to Apply