STEPS - خطوات
Steps Program – برنامج خطوات
The Challenge
Science and education are continuously improving in a fast way; therefore, a new generation of researchers, who are aware of the most advanced scientific research tools and high-tech industries are greatly needed. The number of individuals studying abroad needs to be really increased, especially those who can pursue their degrees in top-tier Universities and institutes and come back to benefit their country.
The Solution
A smart web-based platform that provides guidance, counseling, and inspiration to undergraduate and graduate students on excellent ways to build skills, and seize distinguished learning, and training opportunities. Steps is a group of different services including a special wiki-like website that walks students step-by-step toward excelling in research and studies abroad. It also includes a broad range of counseling services that can help maximize your chances of acceptance in top-tier Universities and Institutions.
العلم يتطور بشكل متسارع على مستوى العالم.. يجب أن يكون الجيل الجديد من الطلاب والباحثين على دراية بأحدث وسائل البحث العلمى والصناعة المتطورة إضافة إلى العلوم الإنسانية والاجتماعية المختلفة .. لا بد أيضا من تحفيز وزيادة عدد من يرحلون لطلب العلم في كبرى جامعات العالم وأكثرها تميزاً في التخصصات المتعددة ودعمهم لإضافة ذلك في رصيد بلادهم .. لابد لهذه الكوكبة من الطلاب أن يتميزوا منذ بداية دراستهم في الجامعات المحلية حتى يستطيعوا التنافس مع أقرانهم على المستوى العالمي .. لابد من خطوات تكون دليلاً لهم نحو التميز ..
زيادة و تحفيز الطلاب على الدراسة في الخارج و رفع مستواهم في مرحلة ما قبل التخرج من الجامعات المحلية حتى يفوقوا و يتميزوا على أقرانهم من الدول أخرى – التواصل بين الطلاب في الخارج و إقامة مؤتمرات لهم – تأهيل الطلاب من خلال جداول متابعة زمنية و توفير استشارات و الخبرات لهم لدعم قدراتهم
Counseling cases done
Applications revised
Students joined top-tier Universities
- Implement a comprehensive Academic and Career Resource program and structure that provide an impact to the wide diverse beneficiaries starting from high/secondary school students, undergraduate and graduate students, researchers and knowledge seekers, and individuals who would like to excel in their professional and/or academic career local and abroad.
- Provide professional documents review and interview services for candidates who would like to study abroad.
- Build and provide community-based academic guidance and services to help students and researchers by other senior students and researchers on short-term projects that have potential impact in their academic career.
- Develop an interactive wiki-platform that includes clear steps and timing for excellence in preparing for studying abroad at both graduate and undergraduate levels and pursuing the careers beyond. The wiki acts as a community-based platform for adding written and audiovisual materials that covers all aspects of education and improving skills that help people pursue their desired careers while excelling in it.
- Study abroad counseling – check our counseling center
- Wiki for studying abroad
- Application document revision – check our counseling center
- Lectures, webinars, and discussions on studying abroad and career advices.