الصحة العامة

يبدأ هذا المقال بالحديث عن التخصص و المهارات المطلوبة أو الموصى بها في التخصص, ثم يلي ذلك سرد لأشهر الجامعات العالمية التي تعمل في التخصص (مع ذكر اسم أساتذة الجامعة إن أمكن), و أسماء الأفراد الذين عندهم استعداد على مساعدة الطلبة سواء من خلال التوجيه أو الإشراف أو الاستشارات و كذلك سرد لبعض أبحاثهم.

عن التخصص
What is MPH?

The Master of Public Health (M.P.H.) and the Doctor of Public Health (Dr.P.H.) are multi-disciplinary professional degrees awarded for studies in areas related to public health. The MPH degree focuses on public health practice, as opposed to research or teaching. Master of Public Health programs are available throughout the world in Medical Schools, Schools of Public Health, and Schools of Public Affairs.

Additionally, students develop an integrated interdisciplinary, cross-cutting set of overall competency domains (Communication and Informatics, Diversity and Culture, Leadership, Professionalism, Program Planning, Public Health Biology, and Systems Thinking). A newly developing specialty within the MPH degree is Occupational Health Nursing.

In the United States (U.S.), medical graduates may pursue an MPH in public health practice; medical students can pursue an MPH in public health medicine.

In some countries the MPH program is only available for medical graduates (MBBS or equivalent), those without the medical degree can join the Master of Science in Public Health (MSPH) program.

Types of Schools

There are many Public Schools in the USA: Online programs and on Campus. There are 49 CEPH-accredited schools of public health and the number increases almost every year so try to join one of those schools.

How to apply for the un-CEPH-accredited schools?

Just go onto their websites and check there as each one is different.

What is SOPHAs?

We use SOPHAS in order to apply for those 49 schools only. You will have to apply through SOPHAS and go onto the School`s website as well to check if there is an application that you will have to fill as almost all the schools require you to fill an application and have an account on their website. You will have to make an account on SOPHAS to start there and you will be having your own checklist.


Where to start?

I believe that the very first step is to go online and check the deadline for the program/univ you want to apply to in the first place.


On SOPHAS you will find a checklist for the International students (one who were not graduated from the USA). Read everything and especially “prepare to apply” and “your application”


Documents required

Each school has its own requirements and deadlines. http://www.sophas.org/documents/SOPHAS_Intl.pdf)
School specific requirements and individual processes are commonly indicated for the:
Statement of Purpose Reference type preference (i.e. Faculty, Colleague, Employer) Test Scores and Test Score Waiver Process-See http://www.sophas.org/search.cfm School Specific Questions found on the SOPHAS Application Supplemental Application and Application Fee* indicated on SOPHAS School Profile Application review process and timeline for decisions Decision Notification (Please note SOPHAS is not privy to the admission decisions of schools)

What is WES?

World Education Services is a not-for-profit organization specializing in foreign credential evaluation. Must be accepted by Wes before applying for Schools on SOPHAS.

First, create an account on the WES, then you can choose the country you are asking about (ex. Egypt), and check the requirements for graduates from this country because each country has its own requirements. Some require your School (in Egypt for example) to send the documents in a sealed envelope and others do not.

Send you diploma and transcripts in both Arabic and English languages to the WES and must follow up with them because it takes weeks to get done and to check if there is anything missing.



Some accept USMLE certificate instead of the TOEFL or ILETS and some do not.Please refer to the link below:
Link for TOEFL website: http://www.ets.org/


Link for GRE website: http://www.ets.org/gre/


The only one I know about is : A famous one is the one between wezaret elmalia and Harvard (Go to the following link and choose Egypt). But you have to get back to Egypt for 2 or 4 years (I can not remember)


Statement of purpose

Write in 1-2 pages the following:

1) Your background and how this led you to MPH
2) Where do you see yourself in 5 years from now ?
3) Why did you choose to apply for this school ?

Letters of recommendation

3-4 letters depending on each school from physicians, professors, researchers you worked with stating why you are eligible for joining the school. Since most of MPH is about research, I believe try to get most of your letters from researchers/professors


Application fee for the following:

1) Sophas
2) WES
3) Each school has an application fee as well so the more you apply the more you pay schools
5) GRE

المهارات و الخبرات المطلوبة

تحت التأسيس

أشهر الجامعات و الأساتذة في التخصص

تحت التأسيس

المشرفين و أبحاثهم المنشورة

تحت التأسيس

شركات أو جهات ينصح بها في التدريب

تحت التأسيس

شركات أو جهات ينصح في العمل

تحت التأسيس

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