Integrated Circuits | Compact Low-Power Analog Building Blocks for High Density Neural Implants

Integrated Circuits | Compact Low-Power Analog Building Blocks for High Density Neural Implants

Integrated Circuits | Compact Low-Power Analog Building Blocks for High Density Neural Implants

Webinar Abstract

Neural brain recording holds the promise of transforming disabled peoples’ lives. Transforming their thoughts into actions to control, for example, artificial limbs, robotic arms, wheelchairs, or even computer cursors and keyboard strokes won’t only help them in their day-to-day lives, but will also enable them to better contribute to their society.
Implantable systems for brain recording require various circuit blocks, such as wireless power harvesting, front-end sense amplifiers, analog-to-digital conversion, and wireless telemetry. However, there are strict area and power constraints on such blocks designed for high-density neural recording. This presentation aims to demonstrate the various challenges of brain recording and attempts to overcome them.

Speaker’s Bio

Dr. Mohamed Nabil ..

Mohamed Nabil

Mohamed Nabil

PhD, IC Designer at Xilinx, CA


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