studying in Scandinavia

studying in Scandinavia

studying in Scandinavia

Scandinavia (Denmark, Sweden, and Norway)

Study in Scandinavia – and create an excellent platform for your future career.

Scandinavian countries top the United Nations Education Index and Scandinavian qualifications are recognized throughout the world. Gaining one will help propel you on to a successful career.

Scandinavian higher education institutions have a lot to offer international students. Whether you are coming to Scandinavia as part of your study programme at your home institution (as an exchange student) or to study for a full degree programme, Scandinavian highly international institutions offer a range of excellent study opportunities. The educational system in Scandinavia is well known for its unique teaching approach. The institutions offer a dynamic study environment, emphasizing independent study, initiative and project-oriented learning. As a student at a Scandinavian higher education institution you are encouraged to play an active role in your learning process and take responsibility for planning and carrying out your projects, either independently or together with other students. In addition to attending lectures, you will be expected to participate in discussion and continuously develop your critical thinking and analytical skills.

For international students, the Scandinavian approach to teaching and learning can introduce a whole new way of studying and thinking, which will challenge you and provide you with an excellent platform for your future career.

All Scandinavian higher education institutions have establish co-operation with business, industry as well as research and development institutes, which provide students with an opportunities to apply their theoretical knowledge and gain practical experience.

Scandinavia offers you a unique student experience and Scandinavian institutions of higher education welcome applications sent by qualified students from all over the world.

A Scandinavian education provides you with:

• Strong analytical and communicative skills

• The ability to work independently and in groups

• An international profile

• A good foundation for your future career
Living in Scandinavia and Social Security

Quality of life is a characteristic feature of the Scandinavian societies combining social security, a clean environment and an attractive business climate with high standards in education and research – also in an international perspective.

The Scandinavian countries are today modern welfare societies and have virtually abolished social classes and the differences between rich and poor are small. The principle behind the Scandinavian welfare society, known as “the Scandinavian welfare model”, is that all citizens have access to social benefits. Norway, Denmark and Sweden have open economies and trade with the rest of the world is of great importance. They are modern, knowledge-based societies with an increasing postindustrial service economy.

Most Swedes, Danes, and Norwegians speak English fluently as their second language, and you will find easy access to international television channels, foreign newspapers etc. Thanks to the Scandinavian international outlooks, visitors find it easy to live and study in Scandinavia.

The Scandinavian countries are known as countries with a high personal safety – even the King or Queen can go shopping with a minimum of security personnel. Scandinavians are generally informal, helpful and tolerant. They value individual freedom, equality and their social life. They have a love for small cafés, pubs, and social gatherings, which form an important part of their culture.

In this northern corner of the world you can combine your studies with exciting outdoor activities, both winter and summer. You can see the “Northern lights”, experience the midnight sun, fjords and mountains. Challenge yourself with skiing, white water rafting or climbing. Or simply enjoy the fresh air, clean water and lots and lots of space.

Working in Scandinavia

The work culture in Scandinavia is characterized by a non-hierarchical structure and open dialogue between management and employees. It is team-oriented, and the working environment is open and informal. Scandinavian companies offer flexible working conditions and modern facilities. The enhancement of qualifications is a high priority and most workplaces offer continuing education to their employees. Almost all Scandinavians speak fluent English. Many companies use English as their official working language.

Introductory programmes for international students

As a service to international students, many Scandinavians institutions have establish a “buddy-programme” aimed at helping international students to get settled more easily. On arrival, a “buddy” (a current student) will help the students to get settled, meet other students and assist them with practical matters in their first weeks at the institution.

The welcome programmes, the native courses and culture provide international students with another opportunity to familiarize themselves with host country and meet other international and native students.

Campus Life and Social Life

Most institutions have several committees or societies that organize activities, such as excursions, student politics, parties and cafes. There are numerous ways of socializing as a student in Scandinavia. Most studies involve teamwork and in many cases these groups facilitate the close contact between students. The groups are formed by students with the same interests or taking the same exams, or by students who simply enjoy working together and supporting each other in their studies. Group work therefore gives you an excellent opportunity to get to know native students. The Scandinavian campus-based institutions are not many, so the campus environment that you may know from your home country or other countries does not exist to the same extent in Scandinavia. However, this does not mean that there is a lack of social life or facilities at the higher education institutions.

On the other hand many of the cities in the Scandinavian countries will provide the best of city-life. There is a vast difference between nature in northern Norway and Sweden and the nature in Denmark. As a student in Scandinavia you will never be short of possibilities for unique nature experiences.

The buildings at most Scandinavian Institutions of higher education are modern and hold excellent up-to-date facilities such as libraries, lecture-, class- and study rooms, labs, IT, canteens etc. Computers are available at the libraries, in computer rooms and, at some institutions, even in the corridors – all students have free access to these facilities. The libraries are public, thus, all students can borrow books, tapes, language learning materials and the like for free.

Major cities have a students house with cultural activities. The social life at most institutions is vibrant and varied. An active social life is an essential part of student life and a great way to meet other native and international students. Where you choose to study will obviously depend on you personal preference. However Scandinavians tend to be active and sporting activities are popular among students. Sporting clubs and societies organise a wide range of activities on campus at most universities and university colleges. Taking part in these activities is probably the best way to meet new people and taking a break from studying.

Universities and University Colleges in Scandinavia

Universities are government institutions, whilst university colleges are run and funded in a variety of ways: some publicly, as governmental institutions, others privately. Some private institutions receive government grants, while others do not; some have examination rights, others do not.

Universities and university colleges offer courses within a wide range of specialist areas. The basic grade is a Bachelors Degree, which can be achieved after three years of study. A Masters Degree would provide further specialisation over a two-year study period. Unlike the American system, you mast have a Master degree to apply for a PhD scholarship. It is important that you make thorough investigations about the institution to which you wish to apply. Use the university website – and ask questions!

Quality Education

Scandinavian higher education has a long academic tradition that combines excellence with a dynamic and innovative culture in research as well as in teaching methods and learning environments. High academic standards, active study environments, interdisciplinary studies and project-based activities are some of the characteristics of studying in Scandinavia. Apart from attending lectures, students work together in small groups and are encouraged to contribute actively to discussions. The student’s own critical and analytical initiative is an important element of higher education in Scandinavia. The ability to communicate with others is another important element. This is not only reflected in the Scandinavian way of teaching, but also in the way the students are evaluated throughout the educational system, where both written and oral examinations are obligatory. The fact that education is not only given as lessons to the students, but also requires project work at times, make relations between the students stronger – and the teacher and student relations less formal.

When studying in Scandinavia you are also studying in a region that has fully implemented many of the principles of the Bologna process. This includes a 3+2+3 degree system, diploma supplements and the ECTS (European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System). So when you have finished a degree or course(s) at a Scandinavian institution, you hold papers that are transferable to many other countries.

Admission Requirements

Each institution is responsible for its own admissions. Requirements vary from programme to programme. The institution in Scandinavia will require certified copies of your educational qualifications (in English). That is, you must provide copies with original stamps and signatures, or have two people who are not related to you, sign the back of the copy with their name, address and birth date. Some institutions require that they receive the documents directly from the issuing institution. This can often take several months, so be sure to arrange in time.

All higher education programmes in Scandinavia require a high standard of English for regular admission to English-taught undergraduate and postgraduate programmes. To prove a satisfactory proficiency in English, the language tests TOEFL, IELTS and Cambridge ESOL examinations (CAE) are often used.

Recommendation letters or references as well as motivation letter are basically required. Sometimes, cover letter and/or research plan are also required.

Tuition Fees & Scholarships

Tuition fees:

All other students must pay tuition fees. Annual tuition fees for full-time degree students range from (≈ USD 8,000-21,000 / Euro 6,000 to 16,000). Please check with the institution of your interest. However, scholarships and grants are available from the higher education institutions and from public funded schemes. Higher education in Scandinavia is free for students from the EU/EEA and Switzerland. Similarly, if you are participating in an exchange programme your studies in Scandinavia are free.

Application fee:

Students from outside EU/EEA or Switzerland will be charged a fee when applying for a residence permit (visa) to study in Scandinavia.


“Nothing is for free” is a saying that is true in many cases. But in Scandinavia it is possible to get quality education without having to pay tuition fees. If certain prerequisites are met you could also be eligible for financial support that can pay for your living expenses. Through various fellowship programmes, scholarship schemes or student loans, international students can receive funding for a full degree or a limited number of semesters. The number of available scholarships varies from year to year, and competition is keen. Most foreign students in Scandinavia finance their stay without help from scholarships.

Most students come to Scandinavia via an exchange agreement between two institutions, an official exchange programme such as Socrates/Erasmus or a governmental bilateral agreement. The EU’s Erasmus Mundus project also makes Europe’s educational opportunities more accessible to the rest of the world by granting scholarships to non-European students attending select programmes. With a wide range of high quality courses and great flexibility, Scandinavian institutions prove to be an ideal study destination. From vocational subjects to postgraduate and doctorate level, there are plenty of opportunities for students to fulfill their ambitions.

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يتم يومياً نشر العديد من الأوراق البحثية العلمية في مجلات و جرائد علمية دولية يقدمها باحثون من مختلف الجهات البحثية الرسمية حول العالم ، لكن ما يميز هذه الورقة البحثية هو كونها نتاج أحد مبادرات مؤسستنا الغير ربحية و التي تهدف للتوعية بأهمية البحث العلمي و تقديم كل عون...

الدراسة في ألمانيا

الدراسة في ألمانيا

تكرس ألمانيا منذ قرون اهتماماً بالغًا بالعلم والثقافة والمعرفة؛ فمفكروها وفلاسفتها وموسيقيوها أغنوا المكتبات العالمية. وتتميز ألمانيا بجامعاتها ومعاهدها التي تنتهج أحدث ما توصل إليه العلم لتطبيق مناهج دراسية متطورة قادرة على بناء أجيال من المتعلمين والمجهزين بأحدث ما توصل إليه العلم البشري لتعليمه وتطويره وتعتبر الدراسة في ألمانيا شبه مجانية للطالب المحلي والأجنبي على السواء . تعرف على هذا وأكثر من خلال الفيديو المرفق في المقال

هل تمثل منح الدراسة في بعض الجامعات العربية فرصة تعليم حقيقية ؟!

هل تمثل منح الدراسة في بعض الجامعات العربية فرصة تعليم حقيقية ؟!

في السنوات الأخيرة انتشرت فرص الحصول على منح دراسية وكثير من المميزات الإضافية من بعض الجامعات في الدول العربية، ولنكن أكثر تحديدًا فھي جامعات دول الخليج العربي المختلفة وبشكل خاص جامعات المملكة العربية السعودية. وللإجابة عن ھذا السؤال يجب أن نضع نصب أعيننا سؤال آخر...

مصادر ومبادرات معرفية وعلمية متاحة باللغة العربية

مصادر ومبادرات معرفية وعلمية متاحة باللغة العربية

أصبح التعلم من على الإنترنت وسيلة هامة في وقتنا الحالي. لكن هل توجد مبادرات ومؤسسات معنية بذلك وتنطق باللغة العربية؟ بالتأكيد .. ليس هذا فقط بل إن تلك المبادرات متنوعة في ما تقوم بها من أنشطة .. بعضها يركز على الدورات والكورسات والبعض الآخر يركز على الترجمة ونشر...

study in sweden

study in sweden

study in sweden

About Sweden

Sweden is the third largest country in Western Europe, having a total area of 450,295 square kilometres. Sweden has a great diversity in its nature and climate, characterized by its long coastline, extensive forests and numerous lakes. It is one of the world’s northernmost countries. The population in Sweden is approximately 9.5 inhabitants, with a low population density of 21 inhabitants per square kilometre.

Sweden experiences extreme contrasts between its long summer days and equally long winter nights. In the summer, the sun stays in the sky around the clock in the parts of Sweden north of the Arctic Circle, but even as far south as Stockholm, the June nights have only a few hours of semi-darkness.

The official language of Sweden is Swedish, a North Germanic language, related and very similar to Danish and Norwegian, but differing in pronunciation and orthography. A majority of Swedes, an estimation of 89%, are able to understand and speak English well. Most of those born after World War II speak English fluently.

Sweden remains one of the most egalitarian countries in terms of income distribution, and has one of the world’s lowest levels of poverty. It’s no surprise that Sweden consistently appears near the top of the Human Development Index, which ranks countries according to life expectancy, education and standard of living. While Swedes pay high taxes to maintain their prized social welfare system, they are no longer the highest-taxed people in the world.

Studying in Sweden

Sweden is one of the world’s most committed investors in basic research; spending in the field of research amounts to almost 4 percent of GDP to research and development, making Sweden the top-ranking country in the EU in that respect. Swedish research is wide-ranging and well respected internationally. Swedish researchers are especially prominent in the fields of natural science, medicine and technology.

Sweden is the home of the prestigious Nobel pize and has highly acclaimed universities dating back to the 15th century. Swedish universities are renowned for their investigative research and independent thinking, and this reputation is cemented with nationally certified degrees and rigorous quality control. Sweden has one of the most ambitious educational evaluation programs in the world, aimed at maintaining the system’s competitive edge.

Realizing that global job market values ambitious, innovative and perceptive team players, Swedish universities have an open climate with a strong focus on group work, providing students with valuable skills for the future. Swedish universities foster these qualities through a forward-thinking culture where students are close to the latest ideas and trends.

Swedish master’s degree programs offer unusual opportunities to turn theory into practice. Many programs cooperate closely with the industry, offering students the possibility to mix study and practical work. This gives students admitted to swedish universities distinct advantages over their peers when entering the job market. Personal initiative and independent thinking are prized. Enrolled students will be required to take an active role and contribute with their opinions and ideas at lectures, seminars and in group discussions. Besides, the education system is student-centric and relations between students and teachers are informal in a remarkable way . For instance, a student in Sweden is expected to address his teachers by their first names.

Sweden has a number of large multinational corporations, such as telecom provider Ericsson, automotive companies Volvo and Scania, household appliances corporation Electrolux, bearing manufacturer SKF, and high-tech engineering groups Sandvik and Atlas Copco. Becoming a graduate of a leading swedish university might constitiute a priceless opportunity to work at one of these cutting edge organizations. Many Swedish companies use English as their official working language.

Swedish Master’s/Doctoral Studies

Sweden is providing more than 600 master’s program taught entirely in English. A requirement for applying to a master’s program is the completion of at least three years at first level at a Swedish higher education institution, or the international equivalent – such as a three-year bachelor’s degree (180 higher education credits). For language prerequisite, the applicant should show documented proficiency in English, such as passing TOEFL or IELTS exams with a minimum score, which might vary between universities. Besides, each program might require some specific entry requirements. Usually, a typical application requires including the bachelor’s certificate, transcript of records, a personal statement and a resume/C.V.

To be admitted to a postgraduate research (PhD) position, a student must hold a university degree equivalent to a bachelor’s degree or higher, with a major in the same subject as the intended field of study. In most cases a master’s degree is required. The major must have included a degree thesis presenting the results of independent research. Foreign students wishing to study for a PhD in Sweden are advised to prepare a master’s degree in Sweden first. A Swedish master’s degree is likely to improve a student’s chances of being admitted to a PhD program. Specific requirements are set for each subject. For information about these applicants should contact the department they are interested in. An assessment will also be made of the applicant’s suitability and his or her ability to complete doctoral studies.

Education Fees and Life expenses

A couple of years ago, Swedish universities had no tuition fees at all. Unfortunately, this is not the case anymore due to a recent bill passed in the Swedish parliament. The fees only apply to bachelor’s and master’s degree, whereas no fees are required for PhD programs. Students outside the EU, EEA or Switzerland are excluded from such fees. Fees vary from a university to another, ranging from 80,000 to 140,000 swedish Kronor (9,000 – 16,000 Euros) per academic year. Programs in specific fields such as medicine set higher fees. these tuition fees include free insurance and health benifits. However, the swedish institute, a government agency, as well as the swedish universites themselves, offer several scholarships every year to non EU/EEA students and researchers. These scholarships are available for applicants of specific countries and intended level of study, and can be quite competitive. Besides, some universities offer scholarships or tuition waivers directly to high-performing students.

Students admitted to programs in swedish universites are required to prove that they can cover living expenses during their study period, which is set to approximately SEK 7,300 per month. Of course living expenses vary greatly from a person to another, and from a city to another, but in general one can manage to support himself finantially in Sweden with much less that the required amount.

Student accomodation in Sweden

Finding a suitable accomodation in some cities in Sweden might not be an easy job as expected, specially in large cities such as Stockholm and Gothenburg, or traditional student cities such as Lund. There is no national system to arrange accomodation for students in Sweden. The local student union at the university might take over this function, however, it is recommended to seek other possibilities as well. Other possibililtes include contacting housing providers directly, or renting a appartment in the private market.


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يتم يومياً نشر العديد من الأوراق البحثية العلمية في مجلات و جرائد علمية دولية يقدمها باحثون من مختلف الجهات البحثية الرسمية حول العالم ، لكن ما يميز هذه الورقة البحثية هو كونها نتاج أحد مبادرات مؤسستنا الغير ربحية و التي تهدف للتوعية بأهمية البحث العلمي و تقديم كل عون...

الدراسة في ألمانيا

الدراسة في ألمانيا

تكرس ألمانيا منذ قرون اهتماماً بالغًا بالعلم والثقافة والمعرفة؛ فمفكروها وفلاسفتها وموسيقيوها أغنوا المكتبات العالمية. وتتميز ألمانيا بجامعاتها ومعاهدها التي تنتهج أحدث ما توصل إليه العلم لتطبيق مناهج دراسية متطورة قادرة على بناء أجيال من المتعلمين والمجهزين بأحدث ما توصل إليه العلم البشري لتعليمه وتطويره وتعتبر الدراسة في ألمانيا شبه مجانية للطالب المحلي والأجنبي على السواء . تعرف على هذا وأكثر من خلال الفيديو المرفق في المقال

هل تمثل منح الدراسة في بعض الجامعات العربية فرصة تعليم حقيقية ؟!

هل تمثل منح الدراسة في بعض الجامعات العربية فرصة تعليم حقيقية ؟!

في السنوات الأخيرة انتشرت فرص الحصول على منح دراسية وكثير من المميزات الإضافية من بعض الجامعات في الدول العربية، ولنكن أكثر تحديدًا فھي جامعات دول الخليج العربي المختلفة وبشكل خاص جامعات المملكة العربية السعودية. وللإجابة عن ھذا السؤال يجب أن نضع نصب أعيننا سؤال آخر...

مصادر ومبادرات معرفية وعلمية متاحة باللغة العربية

مصادر ومبادرات معرفية وعلمية متاحة باللغة العربية

أصبح التعلم من على الإنترنت وسيلة هامة في وقتنا الحالي. لكن هل توجد مبادرات ومؤسسات معنية بذلك وتنطق باللغة العربية؟ بالتأكيد .. ليس هذا فقط بل إن تلك المبادرات متنوعة في ما تقوم بها من أنشطة .. بعضها يركز على الدورات والكورسات والبعض الآخر يركز على الترجمة ونشر...

study in Australia

study in Australia

study in Australia

About Australia

Australia is located southeast of Asia. It is the only country in the world to occupy a single continent. The Australian continent [and the nearby island of Tasmania], form the 6th largest country on earth, with a total area of 7,682,300 sq km. Australia consists of six states and two territories. States: New South Wales, Victoria, Queensland, South Australia, Western Australia, and Tasmania; Territories: The Australian Capital Territory (location for the capital city Canberra) and the Northern Territory. Sydney is a city well known for its beauty, vitality and pleasant climate. It is the largest city in Australia with a population of over 5 million. It is also one of the world’s most multi-cultural cities, home to people of more than 120 nationalities. Australia’s surrounded by ocean. It is geographically isolated from the rest of the world. The seasons in Australia are reverse to the northern hemisphere. January and February are the warmest months, and June and July are the coldest. Australia contains distinctive plants and animals found nowhere else on earth. It considered to be rich in natural resources and is a major exporter of agricultural products, minerals, metals, and fossil fuels. The unemployment rate in Australia is reported as 5.1% (August 2012 statistics). The government is democratic, federal-state system recognizing the British monarch as sovereign. The major political parties: Liberal Party, National Party, Australian Labour Party, Australian Green Party. The population is around 23 million (August 2012). For more information about Australia, visit

Graduate Studies in Australia

There are two types of graduate degrees available in Australia: research (PhD and MSc), and course-work (master degrees). For a course-work degree admission usually is performed through applying to the school or the university. So, please check the website of the prospective school or the university for getting the detailed admission information. For a research degree, in most of Australian universities, admission means making an agreement with a supervisor that s/he will supervise you for a master/PhD degree. Then the formal procedure of admission is followed by contacting the university. The application procedure usually starts by sending an Email that includes your research interests, a short bibliography and your major achievements and your resume as attachment, to few supervisors that are working in the research area that you would like to pursue your degree. It is advisable to contact more than one supervisor to get reply of some or at least one of them. The agreement of one of them to supervise you for a PhD means admission to the university. However, you need to fulfil the general requirements of the university (e.g., WAM, English requirements). The next big step is than applying for a scholarship (the annual tuition fees usually range from AUD 15000- AUD 25000 for a PhD degree, depending on the university and field of study). Please see below for more information about scholarships.

Australian Universities and Selecting University

In Australian education system, and for a research degree, the most important factor to decide about the university is the prospective supervisor and the research group. In fact, it is your supervisor and your research group that have a direct impact on your PhD, and they may provide great opportunities for your success and your future career. So, my advice is to look for good supervisors, and good research groups, and then look for good universities. Of course, the more reputable and highly ranked is the university, the more is the chance of finding good supervisors and good research groups. Check the website of different schools/universities for different groups that are doing research, there. In Australia, there is a community of universities, called Group 8 Universities ( that are known for excellence in research. However, good supervisors and research groups could be also found in other Australian universities. There are different rankings of the universities available on the Web that you need to check depending on your area of study ( The general ranking of the Australian universities can be checked here However, checking the ranking of your specific area of study is more important than the general ranking, I suggest. Some general guideline that might help on finding good supervisors and research teams are:

• Look at the recent publication record of the prospective supervisor in terms of publication venues, number of grants, responsibilities, professional memberships and collaborations with reputable national and international people. For this purpose you need also to know the reputable conferences and journals in your field of study.

• Look for previous PhD students of the supervisors, where they are working, and in case that is possible contact them and ask them about the supervisor,

• Look for subjects/courses that the supervisor is teaching.

For a research group, the number of people in the group and their collaboration with each other and productivity are usually good indicators about the group environment as well.


There are four types of scholarships that may be available for international students. Information regarding the first three categories can be normally found on the Website of universities, or schools.

EIPRS (Endeavour International Postgraduate Research Scholarships): A government sponsored scholarships. This considered to be the most famous and common scholarships.

IPRS (International Postgraduate Research Scholarships): The equivalent to EIPRS, but it is paid by the hosting universities.

• Institution grants, which provide grants in specific areas. For example NICTA – National ICT of Australia ( – offers scholarships to students in Computer, Communications, Information Technology and Electronics fields. CSIRO (Commonwealth Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation offer scholarships in a wider set of areas.

• Scholarships available from research grants. Some supervisors advertise the availability of such scholarships on their Websites. It is also advisable to ask your supervisor, when you apply for admission, if there is any scholarships of this type available. It should be noted that the probability that such type of scholarships is very limited, if available.

For more information check the following sources:

Australiana universities accept both IELTS and TOEFL test scores, with a preference of IELTS. Check the details of requirement for each university from its website. Generally, the minimum requirement of good universities for IELTS is 6.5 in all bands, with overall band of 6.5 to 7 (depending on the university). However, the fact is that the stronger you are in English proficiencies, the higher is your chance of success as you do not need to spend some part of your time learning English while studying.

Planning for Getting Scholarships

You need to apply to different scholarships that are listed above. Note that generally the application for scholarships (first three categories) is open from mid-July up to mid/end of September in different universities, for a start in the first semester of each academic year. Here are some points that may help:

• Plan carefully and ahead in time, and prepare all required documentation so do not miss the deadlines,

• Provide enough and detailed information about your undergraduate university and its accreditation system and courses.

• Make sure that your documents arrive on time. If possible, use trackable express post to expedite the delivery process.

• Include all your achievements, publication and awards in your CV, and provide supporting document for each of your claims.

• Try to get recommendation letters from previous supervisors, who know you most, and can write about you and your previous study and research work better. Scholarship winners usually have strong recommendation letters.

It is recommended to apply for scholarship/admission at multiple universities simultaneously in order to increase your chance of getting scholarships/admissions and also to have more options to choose

Living Expenses

The living expenses mainly depend on the city. Generally, big cities are more expensive with Sydney as the most expensive. There are different factors that constitute the expenses:

• Rent: if you are single, then you have the option of shared accommodation. In this case, in Sydney, the rents start from $150 per week per room. If you are married and looking for apartments, the rents usually start from $250 at the minimum, with a reasonable rate of $280-$320 per week.

• The rest of expenses greatly depend on different individuals. To give you an idea of expenses, the EIPRS scholarship offers almost AUD 24000 per annum, which provides a comfortable amount for a single person. There are couples that also live (survive) on this money, and are happy! A top-up of 6000 per annum can be also earned from different sources (e.g. teaching or hosting school in case of earning the governmental scholarship)

General information on cost estimation for living in Sydney can be found here


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Papers published through Labs Program

Papers published through Labs Program

يتم يومياً نشر العديد من الأوراق البحثية العلمية في مجلات و جرائد علمية دولية يقدمها باحثون من مختلف الجهات البحثية الرسمية حول العالم ، لكن ما يميز هذه الورقة البحثية هو كونها نتاج أحد مبادرات مؤسستنا الغير ربحية و التي تهدف للتوعية بأهمية البحث العلمي و تقديم كل عون...

الدراسة في ألمانيا

الدراسة في ألمانيا

تكرس ألمانيا منذ قرون اهتماماً بالغًا بالعلم والثقافة والمعرفة؛ فمفكروها وفلاسفتها وموسيقيوها أغنوا المكتبات العالمية. وتتميز ألمانيا بجامعاتها ومعاهدها التي تنتهج أحدث ما توصل إليه العلم لتطبيق مناهج دراسية متطورة قادرة على بناء أجيال من المتعلمين والمجهزين بأحدث ما توصل إليه العلم البشري لتعليمه وتطويره وتعتبر الدراسة في ألمانيا شبه مجانية للطالب المحلي والأجنبي على السواء . تعرف على هذا وأكثر من خلال الفيديو المرفق في المقال

هل تمثل منح الدراسة في بعض الجامعات العربية فرصة تعليم حقيقية ؟!

هل تمثل منح الدراسة في بعض الجامعات العربية فرصة تعليم حقيقية ؟!

في السنوات الأخيرة انتشرت فرص الحصول على منح دراسية وكثير من المميزات الإضافية من بعض الجامعات في الدول العربية، ولنكن أكثر تحديدًا فھي جامعات دول الخليج العربي المختلفة وبشكل خاص جامعات المملكة العربية السعودية. وللإجابة عن ھذا السؤال يجب أن نضع نصب أعيننا سؤال آخر...

مصادر ومبادرات معرفية وعلمية متاحة باللغة العربية

مصادر ومبادرات معرفية وعلمية متاحة باللغة العربية

أصبح التعلم من على الإنترنت وسيلة هامة في وقتنا الحالي. لكن هل توجد مبادرات ومؤسسات معنية بذلك وتنطق باللغة العربية؟ بالتأكيد .. ليس هذا فقط بل إن تلك المبادرات متنوعة في ما تقوم بها من أنشطة .. بعضها يركز على الدورات والكورسات والبعض الآخر يركز على الترجمة ونشر...

Why do we need mathematics?!

Why do we need mathematics?!

Why do we need mathematics?!

إذا كنت ترغب في التطوع معنا بتلخيص الندوة لملخص مكتوب يمكنك التقدم للتطوع بالضغط هنا

 Ahmed Naga

Ahmed Naga

Ph.D, Head of Research and Development at Applied Automation Technologies , USA


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Papers published through Labs Program

Papers published through Labs Program

يتم يومياً نشر العديد من الأوراق البحثية العلمية في مجلات و جرائد علمية دولية يقدمها باحثون من مختلف الجهات البحثية الرسمية حول العالم ، لكن ما يميز هذه الورقة البحثية هو كونها نتاج أحد مبادرات مؤسستنا الغير ربحية و التي تهدف للتوعية بأهمية البحث العلمي و تقديم كل عون...

الدراسة في ألمانيا

الدراسة في ألمانيا

تكرس ألمانيا منذ قرون اهتماماً بالغًا بالعلم والثقافة والمعرفة؛ فمفكروها وفلاسفتها وموسيقيوها أغنوا المكتبات العالمية. وتتميز ألمانيا بجامعاتها ومعاهدها التي تنتهج أحدث ما توصل إليه العلم لتطبيق مناهج دراسية متطورة قادرة على بناء أجيال من المتعلمين والمجهزين بأحدث ما توصل إليه العلم البشري لتعليمه وتطويره وتعتبر الدراسة في ألمانيا شبه مجانية للطالب المحلي والأجنبي على السواء . تعرف على هذا وأكثر من خلال الفيديو المرفق في المقال

هل تمثل منح الدراسة في بعض الجامعات العربية فرصة تعليم حقيقية ؟!

هل تمثل منح الدراسة في بعض الجامعات العربية فرصة تعليم حقيقية ؟!

في السنوات الأخيرة انتشرت فرص الحصول على منح دراسية وكثير من المميزات الإضافية من بعض الجامعات في الدول العربية، ولنكن أكثر تحديدًا فھي جامعات دول الخليج العربي المختلفة وبشكل خاص جامعات المملكة العربية السعودية. وللإجابة عن ھذا السؤال يجب أن نضع نصب أعيننا سؤال آخر...

مصادر ومبادرات معرفية وعلمية متاحة باللغة العربية

مصادر ومبادرات معرفية وعلمية متاحة باللغة العربية

أصبح التعلم من على الإنترنت وسيلة هامة في وقتنا الحالي. لكن هل توجد مبادرات ومؤسسات معنية بذلك وتنطق باللغة العربية؟ بالتأكيد .. ليس هذا فقط بل إن تلك المبادرات متنوعة في ما تقوم بها من أنشطة .. بعضها يركز على الدورات والكورسات والبعض الآخر يركز على الترجمة ونشر...

Computational Biology Tools | To trust or not to trust?

Computational Biology Tools | To trust or not to trust?

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Webinar Abstract


إذا كنت ترغب في التطوع معنا بتلخيص الندوة لملخص مكتوب يمكنك التقدم للتطوع بالضغط هنا

Reem Al Olaby

Reem Al Olaby

PhD candidate - The American University In Cairo


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Papers published through Labs Program

Papers published through Labs Program

يتم يومياً نشر العديد من الأوراق البحثية العلمية في مجلات و جرائد علمية دولية يقدمها باحثون من مختلف الجهات البحثية الرسمية حول العالم ، لكن ما يميز هذه الورقة البحثية هو كونها نتاج أحد مبادرات مؤسستنا الغير ربحية و التي تهدف للتوعية بأهمية البحث العلمي و تقديم كل عون...

الدراسة في ألمانيا

الدراسة في ألمانيا

تكرس ألمانيا منذ قرون اهتماماً بالغًا بالعلم والثقافة والمعرفة؛ فمفكروها وفلاسفتها وموسيقيوها أغنوا المكتبات العالمية. وتتميز ألمانيا بجامعاتها ومعاهدها التي تنتهج أحدث ما توصل إليه العلم لتطبيق مناهج دراسية متطورة قادرة على بناء أجيال من المتعلمين والمجهزين بأحدث ما توصل إليه العلم البشري لتعليمه وتطويره وتعتبر الدراسة في ألمانيا شبه مجانية للطالب المحلي والأجنبي على السواء . تعرف على هذا وأكثر من خلال الفيديو المرفق في المقال

هل تمثل منح الدراسة في بعض الجامعات العربية فرصة تعليم حقيقية ؟!

هل تمثل منح الدراسة في بعض الجامعات العربية فرصة تعليم حقيقية ؟!

في السنوات الأخيرة انتشرت فرص الحصول على منح دراسية وكثير من المميزات الإضافية من بعض الجامعات في الدول العربية، ولنكن أكثر تحديدًا فھي جامعات دول الخليج العربي المختلفة وبشكل خاص جامعات المملكة العربية السعودية. وللإجابة عن ھذا السؤال يجب أن نضع نصب أعيننا سؤال آخر...

مصادر ومبادرات معرفية وعلمية متاحة باللغة العربية

مصادر ومبادرات معرفية وعلمية متاحة باللغة العربية

أصبح التعلم من على الإنترنت وسيلة هامة في وقتنا الحالي. لكن هل توجد مبادرات ومؤسسات معنية بذلك وتنطق باللغة العربية؟ بالتأكيد .. ليس هذا فقط بل إن تلك المبادرات متنوعة في ما تقوم بها من أنشطة .. بعضها يركز على الدورات والكورسات والبعض الآخر يركز على الترجمة ونشر...

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