نسعى في “نشرة الفرص” أن نبحث ونجمع ونسرد لكم كل فرص التعلم الممكنة (المتاحة لمصر ودول الوطن العربي) بمختلف أنواعها سواء كانت فرص لمنح دراسية، تدريبات، وظائف أكاديمية، مساقات تعليمية، مؤتمرات علمية وغيرها. اقرأ آخر تحديث لقائمة الفرص المتاحة من خلال نشرتنا لهذا الأسبوع.


“Opportunities” is a newsletter about Scholarships, Internships, Fellowships, Academic Positions, Courses and Conferences. Check out our new edition and the different sections below:

Opportunities Newsletter - 21 March - 2025

Scholarship TitleField of StudyLevelCountryEligibilityRequirementsDeadlineOrganizationHow to ApplyCoverage

Headway Institute of Strategic Alliance (HISA) Youth Fellowship 2025 (23-26 August, 2025)

FellowshipUnited Kingdom
  • Applicants must be between 18-45 years old at the time of the fellowship.
  • Open to all regions and nationalities.
  • Should demonstrate a strong background in leadership, advocacy, research, or community engagement.
  • Proficiency in English (all sessions will be conducted in English).
  • Applicants should be passionate about youth activism, policy development, diplomacy, and global governance.
Complete the official HISA Youth Fellowship 2025 Application Form with:
  1. Personal details & academic/professional background.
  2. Motivation statement & relevant questions.
  3. Summary of relevant leadership, advocacy, or policy experience.
Application Link: Here 
15-Apr-25Headway Institute of Strategic Alliance (HISA)Official Link
  • Round Trip Air Tickets.
  • Exclusive Invitation Letter.
  • Shared Accommodation.
  • Fellowship Access.
  • Meals During Sessions.
  • Fellowship Toolkit & Merchandise.
  • Speaking Engagement.
  • Graduation Certification at the University of Oxford.
  • Notes: registration fees of 16$ for fully funded registration category (Non-refundable).

University of Science and Technology of China (USTC) Chineese Scholarship Council (CSC) Scholarship 2025

VariousBSc, MSc, PhDChina
  • All International Students can apply for the University of Science and Technology of China CSC Scholarship.
  • Age limits for Undergraduate Degree is 30 years, fora  Master’s degree is 35 years, and For Ph.D. is 40 Years.
  • Applicant must be in good health.
  • No criminal record.
  • You can apply with an English Proficiency Certificate.
  • Get an Acceptance letter to maximize your scholarship approval.
  • Go to the University’s website click on the department and then click on the faculty link. You must contact only relevant professors which means they are closer to your research interest.
  • Once you find a relevant professor There are main 2 things you need.
  • How to Write an Email for an Acceptance Letter, Check Here
  • Once Professor Agree to get you under his supervision you need to follow the 2nd steps.
  • 2. You need an Acceptance letter to get signed by your supervisor, Click here to get the Acceptance Letter Sample (https://www.chinesescholarshipcouncil.com/acceptance-letter-sample.html)
  • Requirements:
  • CSC Online Application Form (University of Science and Technology of China Agency Number, Check: Here 
  • Online Application Form of the University of Science and Technology of China.
  • Highest Degree Certificate (Notarized copy).
  • Transcripts of Highest Education (Notarized copy).
  • Undergraduate Diploma.
  • Undergraduate Transcript.
  • If you are in China Then the most recent visa or residence permit in China (Upload the Passport Home page again in this option on the University Portal)
  • A Study Plan or Research Proposal.
  • Two Recommendation Letters.
  • Passport Copy.
  • Economic proof.
  • Physical Examination Form (Health Report).
  • English Proficiency Certificate (IELTS is not Mandatory).
  • No Criminal Certificate Record (Police Clearance Certificate Record).
  •  Acceptance Letter (Not Mandatory).
  • There are a few steps you need to follow for the CSC Scholarship Application.
  • (Sometimes optional and sometimes needed) Try to get the Supervisor and Acceptance letter from him in your hand
  • You Should Fill CSC Scholarship Online Application Form.
  • Second, You Should Fill University of Science and Technology of China Online application For CSC Scholarship 2025
  • Upload all Required Documents for the China Scholarship on the CSC Website
  • There is no application fee for the Online Application for the Chinse Government Scholarship
  • Print Both Application forms along with your documents sent by email and through courier service at the University address.
  • Application Link: Here 
30-Apr-25Chinese GovernmentOfficial Link
This scholarship covers:
  • Tuition fees will be covered by CSC Scholarship.
  • Living Allowance will be provided at your Bank Account.
  • Accommodation (Twin beds room for undergraduates and Single for graduate students)
  • Comprehensive medical insurance (800RMB)
  • other benefits for selected students
  • living allowance:
      • 2500 for Bachelor’s degree Students.
      • 3000 RMB for Master’s Degree Students.
      • 3500 RMB For Ph.D. Degree Students.

National Scholarship Programme (NSP) of the Slovak Republic 2025

VariousFellowship, Exchange Programs Slovakia
  • Generally: Citizens of any country in the world (except the citizens of Slovakia) can apply.
  • Applicants who have previously received this scholarship are eligible for reapplication, provided a minimum of two years have passed since their prior scholarship.
  • A) students who: (All 3 conditions must be met)
  • Are university students at universities outside Slovakia?
  • Are students of the second level of higher education (master's students), or are students who at the time of the application deadline have already completed at least 2.5 years of their university studies in the same/similar study program?
  • Will be on a study stay in Slovakia during their higher education outside Slovakia and will be accepted by a public private, or state higher education institution in Slovakia for academic mobility to study in Slovakia.
  • Duration of a scholarship stay (students): 1 – 2 full semesters (i.e. 4 – 5 or 9 – 10 months) or 1 – 3 full trimesters, in case the academic year is divided into trimesters (i.e. 3 – 4 or 6 – 7 or 9 – 10 months).
  • B) PhD students whose higher education or scientific training takes place outside Slovakia and who are accepted by a public, private, or state higher education institution or a research institution in Slovakia eligible to carry out a doctoral study program (e.g. the Slovak Academy of Sciences) for academic mobility to study/conduct research/artistic stay in Slovakia.
  • Duration of a scholarship stay (PhD students): 1 – 10 months.
  • C) international university teachers, researchers, and artists who are invited to a teaching/research/artistic stay in Slovakia by an institution with a valid certificate of eligibility to carry out research and development, which is not a business company and it has its seat in Slovakia.
  • Duration of a scholarship stay (university teachers, researchers, or artists): 1 – 10 months.
  • Category A) Students:
      1. Curriculum vitae.
      2. Motivation letter.
      3. Detailed study program.
      4. Two recommendation letters issued by the applicant’s university teachers.
      5. Confirmation officially issued by the applicant’s home higher education institution confirming that the applicant is a regular student of the respective higher education institution at the time of applying.
      6. Bachelor’s diploma, diploma supplement together with the state examination certificate (if applicable).
      7. Admission/invitation letter issued by the applicant’s host higher education institution in Slovakia indicating the period of stay.
  • Scholarship applications are submitted online.
  • The required attachments should be submitted in Slovak or English language only (in case of documents written in other languages the application must contain the original documents together with their official translation into Slovak or English language, resp.
  • The applicant may submit a translation certified by the institution that issued the respective document instead.
  • Category B) PhD Students:
      1. Curriculum vitae.
      2. Motivation letter.
      3. Detailed study/research/artistic program.
      4. A recommendation letter was issued by the applicant’s dissertation supervisor.
      5. Confirmation officially issued by the applicant’s home higher education institution/research organization confirming that the applicant is on the application deadline a regular PhD student of the respective higher education institution /research organization.
      6. Master’s diploma, diploma supplement together with the state examination certificate (if applicable).
      7. list of publications/artistic activities in the required form.
      8. Admission/invitation letter issued by the applicant’s host higher education institution /research organization in Slovakia indicating the period of stay.
  • Category C) University teachers, researchers, and artists:
      1. Curriculum vitae.
      2. Detailed teaching and/or research/artistic program.
      3. Applicant’s diploma of the highest academic degree achieved.
      4. List of publications/artistic activities in the required form.
      5. An invitation letter issued by the applicant’s host higher education institution/research organization in Slovakia indicating the period of stay.
Application Link: Here 
30-Apr-25Ministry of Education, Research, Development and Youth of the Slovak RepublicOfficial Link
  • Monthly stipend: (650 – 1470 EUR) according to the applicant's category (check all details: Here).
  • The scholarship is intended to cover international scholarship holders’ living costs, i.e. the costs related to staying in Slovakia (food, accommodation, etc.), during their study, research/artistic, or teaching stay at universities and in research organizations in Slovakia.
  • Travel grant (For students and PhD students only): depends on the distance (in a direct line) between the applicant's residence (address of home institution) and the place of stay in Slovakia.
  • Medical examination fees of up to 250 EUR (for applicants who need a temporary residence permit to stay in Slovakia).
Australia Awards John Allwright Fellowship
  • Agriculture
  • Biology & Animal Science
  • Chemistry
  • Economics & Business
FellowshipAustraliaApplicants must meet the following key requirements at the time of applying:
  • You must not be a citizen of Australia, hold permanent residency in Australia or be applying for a visa to live in Australia permanently.
  • You must be a citizen of the country in which you are working.
  • You are endorsed by your current employer, ACIAR Project Leaders (Commissioned Organizations and Country Collaborators) and your primary supervisor.
  • You are currently employed on a permanent or long-term contract basis.
  • You are a scientist or economist who is actively involved in an ACIAR research project or small research activity within the last 24 months. ACIAR may consider supporting researchers from “advanced pipeline” projects.
  • Your Research Proposal addresses the gender equity and social inclusion, climate change and project contribution to the development priority of your country.
  • You hold qualifications, equivalent to at least an Australian Bachelor degree, in a discipline that is relevant to the proposed area of postgraduate study.
  • You have recently undertaken an English language testing program, i.e. IELTs, TOEFL, PTE or are prepared to take the test on receipt of application outcome.
  1. The following supporting documents are mandatory and must be uploaded with your application. Not providing these documents may impact your eligibility.
  2. Proof of citizenship (Birth certificate).
  3. An identity document (passport must have an expiry date more than 6 months from the application date).
  4. Certified copies of degree certificates.
  5. Certified copies of academic transcripts.
  6. Research proposal (consider how the proposed research will address gender equity and social inclusion, climate change, as well as the project contribution to the development priority of your country).
  7. Employer endorsement letter (Template available).
  8. Australian Project Leader referee report (Template available).
  9. Collaborating Country Project Leader referee report (Template available).
  10. Primary Supervisor endorsement letter (This can be a formal letter or copy of email correspondence)
  11. TIP: Information on acceptable certified copies is explained at Section 2.7.7 of the Australia Awards Scholarships Policy Handbook (PDF 1.26 MB). Also note, where documents are not in English, please provide the original copy and the English translation.
  12. In addition, we highly recommend you provide the following additional documents to strengthen your application:
    1. Current curriculum vitae (CV)
    2. English Language Details (if applicable, IELTs/TOEFL/PTE official report)
    3. Statement from university that English is the language of instruction
    4. List of publications (if applicable)
  13. Any other relevant documents in support of your application.
Application link: here.
30-Apr-25ACIAR (Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research)Official Link
  • The JAF is offered for the minimum period necessary for the individual to complete the academic program specified by the Australian higher education institution, including any preparatory training.
  • The following benefits generally apply:
    • Full tuition fees.
    • Return air travel – payment of a single return, economy class airfare to and from Australia, via the most direct route.
    • Establishment allowance – a once only payment as a contribution towards accommodation expenses, textbooks, study materials.
    • Contribution to Living Expenses (CLE) – a fortnightly contribution to basic living expenses paid at a rate determined by the department.
    • Introductory Academic Program (IAP)–a compulsory program prior to the commencement of formal academic studies covering information on living and studying in Australia.
    • Overseas Student Health Cover (OSHC) for the duration of the award (for award holder only) – provided to cover the scholar's basic medical costs (with the exception of pre-existing conditions)
    • Pre-course English (PCE) fees–if deemed necessary PCE may be available for students for in-country and/or in-Australia training.
    • Supplementary academic support may be available to ensure a scholar's academic success or enhance their academic experience.
    • Fieldwork may be available for eligible research students for one return economy class airfare via the most direct route to their country of citizenship or within Australia.

Excellence scholarships- University of Milan

Various MScItaly
  • International students, who have completed a first cycle degree (Bachelor or equivalent) abroad and who submit an application for admission to a two-year second cycle degree programme with no enrolment quota by 30th May, can apply for Excellence scholarships.
  • International students, who meet the same academic criteria and have passed the admission test for a second cycle degree programme with enrolment quota, can also apply.
  • A number of scholarships are reserved for candidates who have completed their upper school studies abroad and pass the admission test to the single-cycle degree programme in Medicine and Surgery taught in English (International Medical School).
  1. For the first year, students have to meet specific merit requirements based on the Bachelor’s degree academic records and on the curriculum vitae submitted during the admission application.
  2. For the second year, the merit requirements are based on their academic records.
31-May-25University of MilanOfficial Link
55 scholarships worth € 6,000 each, with the right to exemption from the all-inclusive tuition fee
100 total exemptions from the all-inclusive tuition fee.

Z Zurich Foundation Scholarship 2025

  • Aged 18 to 30* at the time of the One Young World Summit 2025
  • Passion for local and global issues
  • Demonstrated commitment to creating positive change
  • Willingness to engage and collaborate with fellow scholarship recipients and Zurich Insurance Group employees who are also attending the Summit
  • Proven impact in a field aligned with the work of the Z Zurich Foundation namely:
  • Improving Mental Wellbeing
  • Enabling Social Equity
  • Adapting to Climate Change
  • Most delegates are between the ages of 18 and 30.
  • The One Young World team will consider candidates who are older than 30, pending demonstration of appropriate personal impact, initiative, and willingness to engage.
  • We are not able to accept applications from those who will be aged under 18 at the time of the Summit.
  1. Fill in the online application here: here
01-May-25Z Zurich foundation in collaboration with One young worldOfficial Link
  • Access to the One Young World Summit 2025 in Munich.
  • Access to additional scholarship programming organised by Z Zurich Foundation. This programming is likely to include pre and post-One Young World Summit sessions, including opportunities to meet and learn with the wider Z Zurich Foundation delegation, and an impact-focused development day pre-Summit.
  • Hotel accommodation in Munich between 1 - 6 November (inclusive).
  • Return air travel.
  • Catering which includes breakfast, lunch and dinner.
  • Ground transportation between Summit venues in Munich.

Rotary Peace Fellowships 2026-27

  • Human Rights
  • International Affairs
  • Military
  • Security Politics
MSc, Professional development certificate programUnited Kingdom, United States, Australia, Japan, Sweden, Thailand, Uganda
  • Be proficient in English.
  • Have a bachelor's degree.
  • Have a strong commitment to cross-cultural understanding and peace as shown through professional and academic achievements and personal or community service.
  • Have the potential for leadership.
  • Be able to explain how their plan to promote peace aligns with Rotary’s mission (for certificate program only).
  • Candidates for Makerere University: Either be from Africa, have worked in Africa, work with African communities or initiatives outside the continent, or demonstrate a compelling interest in learning about peacebuilding approaches within the region. (for certificate program only).
  • Candidates for Bahçeşehir University: Either be from the Middle East or North Africa, have worked in the region, work elsewhere around the world with communities or initiatives related to the Middle East or North Africa, or demonstrate a compelling interest in learning about peacebuilding approaches within the region. (for certificate program only).
  • Have at least three years (for master’s program) or five years (for certificate program) of full-time relevant experience in peace or development work.
  • Candidates must have a gap of at least three years between the completion of their most recent academic degree program (undergraduate or graduate degree) and their intended start date for the fellowship.
  • Candidates currently enrolled in an undergraduate or graduate program, or who will be enrolled in the upcoming academic year, are not eligible to apply.
  • Rotary Peace Fellows who have completed the certificate program, or a Global Grant Scholarship, must wait three years between the end date of that program and their intended start date for the fellowship.
  • We encourage people with disabilities and people from other diverse backgrounds to apply. Rotary provides reasonable accommodations as needed to people with disabilities.
  • Rotaract club members who are not also Rotary club members are eligible to apply.
  • The following people are not eligible for the fellowship:
    • Active Rotary members, or Rotaract members who are also Rotary members
    • Employees of a Rotary club or district, Rotary International, or other Rotary entity
    • Spouses, lineal descendants (children or grandchildren by blood or legal adoption), spouses of lineal descendants, or ancestors (parents or grandparents by blood) of any living person in these categories
    • Former Rotary members and their relatives as described above (within 36 months of their resignation)
  • Relevant experience may include work in the planning, implementation, or evaluation of peacebuilding or development initiatives in the following categories:
    • Government, official diplomacy, or policymaking
    • Non-governmental organizations
    • Economic development
    • Private citizen diplomacy
    • Research and education
    • Advocacy and activism
    • Leadership in a religious congregation or organization
    • Media and the arts
    • Law enforcement or military
    • Public health
    • A candidate with innovative or context-specific experience that does not relate to a category listed above may include it in their application and Rotary Peace Centers staff will evaluate it
  1. Read the application instructions before applying: here
  2. Apply online via the link below prepare the following before application:
    1. Resume
    2. Academic and/or professional recommendations (1 for Master’s program and 2 for the certificate program)
    3. Personal statement video and essays
    4. Transcripts from postsecondary colleges and universities attended (master's only)
    5. English language proficiency test scores (master's only)
    6. Social impact plan (certificate only)
  3. All materials must be in English.
  4. Application Link: here
For English language proficiency test scores:
  1. The uploaded test scores should meet the accepted test formats and scores of a candidates first preference university program OR the accepted reason for an exemption request with uploaded exemption documentation.
  2. Types of tests accepted tests: TOEFL, TOEFL iBT, IELTS, IELTS for UKVI, PTE, Duolingo English Test with Subscores, and CES. (Note: accepted tests differ according to the university also Some candidates may be eligible for an exemption to their preferred university’s English language requirements. ) check this file:Rotary Peace Fellowships English test score and exemption reference sheet in the following link: here
15-May-25Rotary FoundationOfficial Link
  • The fellowships cover tuition and fees, room and board, round-trip transportation, and internship and field-study expenses.

Human Frontier Science Program Foundation (HFSP) Postdoctoral Fellowships - 2026

Life SciencesPostDoc, FellowshipWorldwide
  • Nationality: Applicants may be from any country and of any nationality.
  • Host country: All of the following requirements must be fulfilled. Candidates must:
    • Propose a change in country.
    • Propose a research institution in a host country that they are not a national of (for dual nationalities see the link below).
    • Not propose to move from one laboratory to another in the same country,
    • Not have studied nor worked in their proposed host country for more than 12 months by the activation date of their HFSP fellowship.
  • The combined duration of all stays (including research positions, collaborations, internships, Master’s and/or PhD work, postdoctoral research, and time as a visiting scientist or technician, etc.) is taken into account.
  • Host Institution: Applicants may not propose a host institution at which they have worked for more than 12 months (consecutively or not) by the activation date of their HFSP fellowship (Activation date: Successful applicants must begin (activate) their fellowship between 1 April 2026 and 1 January 2027)
  • Host Supervisor: Applicants must indicate a primary host supervisor. If scientifically required, applicants may also indicate a secondary host supervisor from the same or a different institution. The rules and requirements for all host supervisors are the same.
  • Applicants cannot propose to work with a host supervisor(s) who are:
    • former scientific collaborators,
    • former research supervisors,
    • or with whom they have worked or published.
  • Doctoral degree: The applicant must have completed their PhD or a comparable doctoral degree with equivalent research experience (for instance, an MD or medical PhD) before starting the fellowship and before 31 December 2026 at the latest. A completed doctoral degree is not required at the time of application.
  • Applicants are not eligible if the doctoral degree has been conferred more than 3 years (36 months) prior to the submission deadline of the Full Proposal (25 September 2025).
  • For exceptions please visit the following link: here
  • Publication Requirements: Lead author publication(s): HFSP only accepts full-length original research publications in English for which the applicant must either be the single author, first author, or joint first author (in the case of several first authors), review articles and patents are not taken into account.
  • The applicant must register at least one lead author manuscript that is either (i) published, (ii) in press, or (iii) accepted for publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
  • NOTE: For more details about eligibility features please visit the following link: here
  1. Keep the intended host supervisor(s) and institution aware of their application.
  2. Make sure that the host institution is willing to accept a postdoctoral fellow under the HFSPO rules, e.g. with regards to receiving external funding for its postdoctoral researchers.
  3. Check the institution’s policies for postdoctoral fellows and visa requirements for the proposed host country.
  4. Applicants must initiate their Letter of Intent in the application link by opening and saving the online form to obtain a 7-digit LOI ID by 7 May 2025, at the latest.
  5. The completed Letter of Intent must then be submitted by 15 May 2025.
  6. Requirements at the Letter of Intent stage:
    1. Title of the proposed project
    2. Personal information (name, ORCID id, email, degrees, short CV)
    3. Proposed host institution and host supervisor(s), and intended arrival date at the host institution
    4. Disclosure of any previous or current collaborations (if any) with the proposed host supervisor(s)
    5. Title and abstract of PhD thesis, and title and abstract of previous postdoctoral projects (if any) - A summary of the proposed research plan (up to 3000 characters, including spaces) briefly outlining the background of the proposed research project, aims, central hypotheses, experimental approach, and expected outcomes
    6. Publication list of the applicant
    7. Additional information on applicant’s publications (e.g. authorship, contributions).
    8. Confirmation that the host supervisor(s) are aware of, and support, the application (the host supervisor(s) will receive an automated email notification informing them of their role in the proposal).
  7. Applicants are advised to read the application guide carefully before apply: 
    1. Long-Term Fellowships (LTF): for applicants with a PhD on a biological topic: here.
    2. Cross-Disciplinary Fellowships (CDF): for applicants who hold a doctoral degree from a non-biological discipline: here.
  8. Application Link: here
07-May-25International Human Frontier Science Program Foundation (HFSP)Official Link
  • Fellows are granted a living allowance as well as a research and travel allowance. Depending on their specific situation fellows may also qualify to receive a child allowance, a parental leave allowance and a relocation allowance.

FY2025 Riken Integrative Medical Sciences (IMS) Internship Program

  • Genome-wide medical science
  • Immunology and physiology
  • Bioinformatics
  • Molecular, biochemical and quantitative sciences
  • The Internship is open to all the Nationals.
  • Applicants in Category 1 must be students in a Master's or PhD program or medical students at a level equivalent to that of a Master's student in Japan.
  • Applicants in Category 2 must be young postdocs within three years of obtaining their PhD. Applicants must be enrolled in an academic institution during the proposed internship period.
  • The applicant shows a desire to develop their future abilities as a researcher by placing themselves in a new research environment in RIKEN IMS.
  • The purpose and research topics of the applicant are appropriate to RIKEN IMS.
  • Applicants are required to be enrolled in an academic institution for the duration of their proposed internship.
  1. Contact the RIKEN IMS laboratory where you would like to work.
  2. Select a RIKEN IMS laboratory where you would like to work from among the listed laboratories: here and contact the lab to confirm that it is ready to host from FY2024. Refer to the RIKEN IMS laboratories list and contact the addresses shown on the relevant webpages.
  3. Research topic: After you find a laboratory that is willing to be your host, you should explain the research topic you propose to carry out at RIKEN. Discuss the topic with the team leader to make sure that your final research topic proposal takes into account the work being conducted within the host laboratory.
  4. Application: Send an email to the host laboratory's team leader attaching the following materials written in English.
  5. Given the selection schedule, please send the application no later than four months before your desired start date.
    1. Curriculum vitae
    2. Purpose (A4 size 1 page) including the research topics in RIKEN IMS
    3. Research background (A4 size 1 page)
    4. Desired dates (1-3 months)
    5. GDPR Consent form (EU and UK residents only)
  6. *A recommendation letter must be sent directly from the applicant's supervisor to host team leader.
N/A RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences (RIKEN IMS )Official Link
  • The duration of this program is between 1 to 3 months.
  • There are two support categories: Category 1 is for students and Category 2 is for young postdocs.
  • IMS provides the following support to conduct an internship at IMS.
    • Category 1: Lodging, travel expenses, and an internship allowance (3,000 yen/working day).
    • Category 2: Lodging and travel expenses. No daily allowance is provided.
  • Lodging: up to 11,600 yen/day for stays of 1 to 30 days, up to 10,440 yen for stays continuing from 31 to 60 days, and then up to 9,280 yen for 61 days and more).

OIST Internship 2025

  • Physics
  • Chemistry
  • Biology
  • Neuroscience
  • Mathematics
  • Computational Science
  • Environmental
  • Ecological, and
  • Marine Sciences
  • Science
  • Engineering
  • Medical
  • Excellent students who are in the final 2 years of the undergraduate or master's programs in universities, colleges, junior colleges, and vocational schools in Japan or overseas, or graduates of such institutions.
  • Currently enrolled students must have approval from their home institution.
  • The academic background of applicants should be appropriate to their desired host unit(s) at OIST.
  • Applications to the program must be made through the online form.
  • We only accept application documents online.
  • To apply for the program, you must create an account.
  • Please prepare all required documents in English, save them as a PDF file, and upload them to the application link: Here
  • You can only submit your application after at least one recommendation letter is received in the application system.
  • Required Documents:
      1. Transcript and Diploma.
      2. Statement of Purpose.
      3. Recommendation Letter.
      4. Passport.
      5. ID Photo.
15-Apr-25Okinawa Institute of Science and TechnologyOfficial Link
  • OIST will provide the following support for successful applicants.
  • Internship Allowance.
  • JPY 2,400 per working day (Non-taxable and weekends excluded).
  • Commuting Allowance.
  • OIST Shuttle Bus Pass.
  • Travel Expenses.
  • One direct round-trip air ticket (travel date will be the closest date to the term of placement).
  • Accommodation.
  • Furnished apartment on or off campus.
  • Other Support: OIST will also assist in visa acquisition, insurance procedures, and local registration. This will only be provided for the student. Therefore, this does not pertain to the dependents and family members of the student.

The Chung-Ang University Young Scientist Scholarship (CAYSS) Program - Fall 2025

  • Natural Science
  • Engineering
  • Pharmacy
  • Nursing
  • Medicine
MScKorea South
  • This scholarship is available for students who are majoring in Natural Science, Engineering, Pharmacy, Nursing, and Medicine.
  • Admission to the graduate school program is open to all qualified international applicants who hold a bachelor's degree from an accredited undergraduate institution(to be eligible for Master's program) or a bachelor's degree and Master's degree from an accredited undergraduate and graduate institution(to be eligible for Doctoral program).
  • For International Applicants:
      • Foreign nationals whose both parents hold foreign citizenship. (Non-Korean students whose parents are non-Korean.)
      • An applicant who is a foreigner(Non-Korean) and has completed all educational courses or degrees in a foreign country for more than 16 years equivalent to primary, secondary, and university education.
  • For those who obtained acceptance and recommendation from their prospective academic advisor, who is currently a full-time faculty member of Chung-Ang University University grades evaluation method CGPA:
      • The average grade points obtained in all the subjects must be higher than the standards written below. Please refer to the Conversion Table.
      • C.G.P.A.: 2.64/4.0, 2.80/4.3, 2.91/4.5, 3.23/5.0, or above 80 points on the percentile scale.
      • CGPA: Cumulative Grade Point Average.
  1. Step 1: Find and contact faculty members for acceptance and recommendation.
  2. Step 2: Faculty member sends a recommendation letter with "CAYSS" in the subject line to the CAU Office of International Affairs.
  3. Step 3: Submit the online application and required documents, including the CAYSS Pledge and statement of financial resources.
  4. If one of CAU’s full-time faculty members is willing to accept you as a CAYSS scholar, the professor should send us an email with the CAYSS applicant’s recommendation letter directly (CAU Office of International Affairs: gsadmin@cau.ac.kr).
  5. Based on the recommendation letter, the CAU Office of International Affairs will contact you with the detailed CAYSS application procedures and information.
  6. All the required documents for admission will be the same as regular international students but CAYSS applicants should submit the CAYSS Pledge as an additional document and a statement of financial resources.
  7. Step 4: Send all required documents by post to the CAU Office of International Affairs.
  8. Step 5: The Admission Committee evaluates applicants' academic achievements and contacts for further evaluation.
  9. Application Requirements:
      1. Attach ORIGINAL Certificate of English or Korean Language Proficiency.
      2. Proficiency tests are required unless exempted based on specific criteria.
      3. University grades evaluation based on CGPA standards specified.
15-Apr-25Chung-Ang UniversityOfficial Link
  • Fully Funded Tuition fee waivers for Four Semesters (including Application and Admission Fees ( enrollment fee and application fee of $100 USD).
  • Monthly stipend from their academic advisor (minimum of 500,000KRW per month).

The Mandela Rhodes Scholarship

VariousMScSouth Africa
  • You can study at a postgraduate level in English.
  • You are a citizen of an African country.
  • You are between the ages of 19 and 29.
  • By 1 Jan 2025, you will have an undergraduate degree with excellent academic results (above 70% or upper-second class Honours).
  • Recommenders: three letters of recommendation, in English, as part of your application. Your recommenders must submit their letters through our application platform.
  • Documentation: You will be required to upload certificates of completion for your degrees, transcripts of your academic results, and scans of your ID and passport documents. Your documents and transcripts must be provided in English.
  • Essays: You will be asked to write two short essays, one on your personal journey, and one on a specific question relating to our principles.
  • University application: You will be asked to fill in your proposed course of study on your application. We do not require proof that you have applied, but we recommend that you apply as soon as possible, and to more than one university.
  • Do your qualifications meet the requirements for your proposed course of study? Each country has its own framework for registering and rating qualification levels. In South Africa, this is managed by the South African Qualifications Agency (SAQA). SAQA accreditation can take 4-8 weeks, which can delay your acceptance to university and thus your study visa to South Africa.
  • To ensure that you will be accepted for your chosen program, we highly recommend that you find out as soon as possible what the National Qualification Framework (NQF) requirements for your course are, and whether your qualifications meet these requirements.
  • Masters programs in South Africa may require several years of work or clinical experience as an admission requirement.
  • It is your responsibility to check if you will be accepted to the course, and apply for backup options.
  • Application link: Here 
21-Apr-25The Mandela Rhodes foundationOfficial Link
  • The Mandela Rhodes Scholarship offers comprehensive funding for the core costs associated with your studies.
  • It covers tuition for a one-year Honours degree or a two-year master's degree in any field at a recognized South African institution of higher education.
  • This includes tuition and registration fees, allowances for study materials, research, and medical aid, accommodation and meals, personal allowance, and economy class travel to and from your home country to your South African university at the beginning and end of your degree.
  • You will also receive a personal allowance.

Erasmus Mundus MemBioMed Scholarship 2025/27

Life SciencesMScFrance, Italy, Germany
  • Bachelor of Science degree in Biology (180 ECTS) with advanced courses in cell biology, biochemistry, genetics, molecular biology, biophysics, biotechnology, bioengineering, cell medical biology, pharmacology and statistics.
  • Advanced laboratory and/or research is preferred.
  • A Candidate who is currently enrolled in the last year of Bachelor at the time of application is allowed to apply, but final admission will only be effective if proof of graduation is provided before MemBioMed program start, i.e. in July of the application year for the latest.
  • English Proficiency.
  • Oral English proficiency will also be taken into account during interviews of applicants in phase 3.
  1. Curriculum Vitae (preferred format: Europass).
  2. A cover letter (max. 1000 words).
  3. A scan of passport (a scan of the national ID will be accepted if the applicant does not have a passport at the time of application).
  4. All applicants must comply with visa requirements in the countries they intend to sojourn in.
  5. Copies of certificate(s)/degree(s)/diploma(s) along with translation in English must be presented. If the requested diploma has not yet been delivered, then an official letter from the awarding Institution will be needed.
  6. A scan of an official 1st cycle degree diploma or other eligible diploma in Life Sciences, recognized by the EU as a 1st or 2nd cycle degree equivalent to at least 180 ECTS credits. If the applicant has not completed the 1st cycle degree at the time of application, she/he must send available transcripts, proof of current enrolment, and a declaration of the end date; Applications from students in the last year of Bachelor or equivalent study programs will be accepted conditionally: the completion of the Bachelor of Life and Health Sciences prerequisite must be met at the time of administrative enrolment.
  7. The exact course list of the Bachelor Diploma with a description of the classes and the respective grades (certified translation to English).
  8. 2 recommendation letters: The candidate must request the reference letter to be sent from the referee’s professional email to the MemBioMed Programme (clemence.benoit@univ-cotedazur.fr) with the subject line "Reference letter + name of the candidate".
  9. Evidence of English proficiency:
    1. A recent TOEFL Certificate: minimum score of 580 points (paper), 237 (computer, each component >22) or 93 points (internet).
    2. A recent IELTS Certificate: minimum score of 6.5.
    3. A recently obtained CEFR level of English B2.
    4. A recent Certificate of a University Language Centre testifying that the student masters the necessary knowledge of English to function academically.
    5. A recent Cambridge C2 Proficiency (CPE) or C1 Advanced (CAE) 180, Cambridge component score 176.
    6. Certificate requirement is waived for students who have proof of at least one year of secondary or university level study in an English language school.
  10. Application Link: here
06-Apr-25Erasmus Mundus Joint MastersOfficial Link
  • The scholarship amount is calculated (pro-rata of the actual number of days) as: 1400 Euros/month (for 24 months).
  • Scholarship holders are not required to pay participation costs or other mandatory costs related to their participation in the Erasmus Mundus course.
  • The scholarship is a contribution to the costs incurred by the students and covers travel, visa, installation and subsistence costs.
  • The scholarship covers all the activities needed by the enrolled scholarship holder to complete the study program: study, research, placement activities, thesis preparation and defense, in line with the requirement of the joint Master.

The Dresden International Graduate School for Interdisciplinary Life Sciences (DIGS-ILS) - PhD Summer Selection 2025

  • Biomedicine and Regenerative Biology
  • Molecular, Cell and Developmental Biology
  • Biological Physics and Quantitative Biology
  • Bioengineering and Biomaterials
  • You have a truly excellent academic record and previous research experience.
  • You are highly committed to scientific research, and you have the potential and eagerness to conduct demanding research projects.
  • You have a distinctive proficiency in textbook knowledge of the relevant scientific disciplines.
  • You are proficient in the English language. Provision of TOEFL or IELTS results and GRE examination results is strongly recommended but not mandatory.
  • You hold (or anticipate to receive before taking up the PhD thesis work) a Master’s degree in one of the life sciences (e.g. Biology, Chemistry/Biochemistry, Biomedicine – incl. Medicine – Physics/Biophysics, Bioengineering, Biomaterials, Biotechnology) Mathematics, or Computer Science
  • Your degree course ended/ends with a thesis.
  • Candidates who have previously been affiliated with a DIGS-ILS research group for more than 3 months are considered as internal candidates. In general, they are eligible for admission.
  1. Additional personal and contact data.
  2. CV (educational and professional activities).
  3. Research experience, expertise, awards.
  4. Research interests and preferences.
  5. University certificates.
  6. Transcripts of marks.
  7. English Proficiency certificate (recommended but not mandatory): TOEFL or IELTS results, GRE examination results.
  8. For ongoing studies, please provide the latest transcript, respectively a temporary confirmation of the results obtained so far.
  9. Contact data for two referees.
  10. Application Link: here
06-May-25Technische Universität Dresden (TUD)Official Link
  • In general, the DIGS-ILS offers financial support for the duration of thesis, which is up to a maximum of 4 years.
  • Contracts are taxed, and contributions to health insurance, pension scheme, and social benefits are included.
  • The initial net income (after deduction of tax and contribution to compulsory health and social insurances) is 1,300–1,500 Euro per month.
  • There are neither tuition fees for participating in the PhD Program nor for being registered as PhD student at the Technische Universität Dresden (TUD).
  • Note: Official enrollment at the TUD as students is optional; the biannual enrollment fee at the TUD is about 290 Euro and includes the so-called Semesterticket, which entitles to use the public transport system in Dresden and surroundings.

Qalaa Holdings Scholarship 2025-2026

All academic fields – except for medicine, pharmacy and biosciences.MScAll universities in countries outside Egypt
  • Applicant must be under the age of 35.
  • Must be an Egyptian national and residing in Egypt.
  • Applicant must have a minimum of two years of work experience post-graduation.
  • Is planning to pursue his/her studies at one of the top universities abroad in their discipline of choice.
  • Must have been accepted at the university and program of interest.
  • Applicant must submit an unconditional acceptance letter (with the exception of a funding condition).
  • Excellent command of language of study. Good command of the English language.
  • Involvement with activities in civic, public or international affairs (NGOs, volunteer work, etc.) will be an asset.
  • Must have a genuine financial need.
  • Not a beneficiary of any other partial scholarship or grants (with exception to waivers from the university of choice itself).
  • Upon completion of program, graduates must be committed to return to work in Egypt for a minimum of 2 years.
  • Military service status must be clear (for males).
  1. The Qalaa Holdings Scholarship application form: here.
  2. Copy of letter of acceptance to University of choice.
  3. Copy of (completed) application form submitted to university of choice.
  4. An updated C.V.
  5. Two reference letters.
  6. Copy of Military Certificate (for Males only).
  7. Applications are only accepted in hard copy – by mail or through our Fedex account.
    1. By Regular Post:
      1. Qalaa Holdings Scholarship Foundation
      2. P.O Box 29
      3. Postal Code: 11516
      4. Cairo, Egypt
    2. By Fedex:
      1. Qalaa Holdings Scholarship Foundation
      2. Hold at Fedex Mohandessin office
  8. Note:
    1. You can check that your application has been delivered through: info@qalaascholarships.org
    2. Kindly wait for a week before checking.
    3. Please submit an acceptance letter to only one university.
    4. Submit your application package only once.
    5. Multiple applications from one person will result in rejection of all applications.
    6. Applications cannot be submitted by hand.
15-Apr-25Qalaa Holdings Scholarship FoundationOfficial Link
  • The QHSF funds under two schemes: the full scholarship covering tuition and living expenses and the partial scholarship covering tuition only. The ceiling for tuition fees is 50,000 USD per annum.

University of Edinburgh Global Undergraduate Maths Scholarships

Physics & MathBScUnited Kingdom
  • The scholarships are awarded to applicants with International fee status who are accepted for full-time admission to an undergraduate degree program hosted in the School of Mathematics at the University.
  • The scholarship is not available to students already in the program.
  • It is also not available to students studying Mathematics as part of a degree program hosted by another School within the University.
  • Applicants should have applied to the University of Edinburgh through the University and College Admissions Service (UCAS), but do not need to have received an offer in order to begin the scholarship application process.
  • The scholarship is competitive and based on academic merit.
  • In order to gain access to the scholarship application system, applicants must have applied for admission to the University of Edinburgh.
  • Please note that, following the submission of an application for admission, it can take up to five working days for all system checks to be completed and for access to be granted.
  • The online scholarship application form is located in EUCLID and can be accessed via MyEd our web-based information portal at: Here
  • When logging in to MyEd, you will need your University username and password.
  • If you require assistance, please go to this link: Here 
31-Mar-25The University of EdinburghOfficial Link
  • Partially Funded.
  • The scholarships are worth £5,000 and are tenable for the duration of the programme of study, subject to satisfactory academic progress.
  • A student is deemed to have made Satisfactory Progress in each year if there has been a formal School decision of either “Progress” or “Conditional Progression”, without the student needing to repeat a year.
  • If the student does not make satisfactory progress in any one year, the award will terminate from that point onwards.

Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University (Prague) - Development Scholarships (THE 'FSV UK SCHOLARS' PROGRAM)

  • Administration 
  • Graphic Design
  • Education
  • Geography & Outer Space
  • History & Anthropology
  • Human Rights
  • International Affairs
  • Languages
  • Law
  • Media
  • Marketing & PR
  • Military & Security
  • Politics
  • Religion
  • Society
  • Arts
  • Video & Photography
BSc, MScCzech Republic
  • The scholarship can be awarded to students studying in one of the Faculty's fee-based study programs in one of the first three years of study for Bachelor's programs or the first two years of study for Master's programs.
  • This means the application can be submitted by current students in the first or second year of Bachelor's studies or first year of Master's studies, or by a fresh applicant to any of our fee-based programs.
  • The student must settle all possible pre-existing tuition fee debts from previous academic years.
  • The scholarship will only be administered after the awarded student proceeds with the payment of tuition fee for the Winter semester.
  • As for newly accepted students, no money will be paid in advance of the student's arrival in Prague in case of a visa delay.
  • Scholarships will not be offered for the third year of study (Master's degree) or the fourth year of study (Bachelor's degree) under any circumstances.
  • The application submitted in this academic year is valid for scholarship awarded in the next academic year.
  • The scholarship is awarded for one year; in subsequent years, the awardees need to apply again.
  • Provided that the reasons for the award of the scholarship are still valid and funds allow it, the evaluation committee will give priority in the selection procedure to these students
  • The applicants have to be from developing countries or countries going through a process of political and economic transition (according to the report of UNCTAD) and have to state their needs of the financial support within the application
  1. The application has to include the following documents:
      1. Completed motivational essay of no more than 1000 words, explaining why you need a scholarship, and what you hope to gain from your studies at Charles University.
      2. Two letters of recommendation from teachers, who know you from your previous studies, including confirmation of your financial need (for fresh applicants for our programs).
      3. One letter of recommendation from a Charles University academic who knows you from your studies at the Faculty, including confirmation of your financial need (for current students of our programs).
  • All scholarship applicants who are fresh applicants for one of our programs HAVE TO also lodge an online application for their selected study program and note the name of the program on their application for a scholarship.
  • Without this, their application for a scholarship will not be considered and must be complete with the application fee paid by April 30th, 2025.
  • The application has to be submitted complete (with all necessary documents), and all submitted documents have to be originals and written in the English language, or accompanied by certified translations.
  • The application has to be submitted to admissions@fsv.cuni.cz
  • Please download the application: Here
30-Apr-25The Charles University and the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and SportsOfficial LinkPartially Funded and What is on offer: 
  • The scholarship is administered as a one-time lump-sum payment of CZK 75 000 (approx. EUR 3 000) to selected students to support the student's necessary living costs.
  • There is no tuition fee waiver as a part of the scholarship.

Fulbright Egyptian Student Program- Master's degree (Fully-funded)

VariousMScUnited States
  • Applicants must be residing in Egypt starting from the application process and throughout the selection, placement, and pre-departure processes.
  • Minimum of “Good” for applicants in the humanities and social sciences.
  • Minimum of “Very Good” for applicants in the sciences.
  • Proof of English Language proficiency from any of the approved test centers below.
  • Applicants must submit a score report for only one of the following tests:
      • TOEFL ITP – minimum required score of 550.
      • TOEFL iBT – minimum required scores of 80.
      • Academic or General IELTS – minimum overall score of 6.5.
      • Duolingo English Test – minimum required score of 105.
      • English Proficiency Test from Egyptian Universities – minimum required score of 550.
  • Applicants must successfully complete all the steps of the application, assessment, and selection process and successfully finalize all required procedures.
  • The following persons and their immediate family members (i.e. spouses and children) are ineligible to apply during and for a period ending one year following the termination of such employment: employees of the U.S. Department of State; local employees of the U.S. missions abroad who work for the U.S. Department of State and/or the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID); employees at organizations implementing exchange programs for the Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs at the Department of State; as well as Board Members or staff of a Fulbright Commission or their families (up to fourth kin).
  • U.S. citizens and green card holders and applicants are not eligible to apply.
  • Preference will be given to applicants without prior significant experience in the U.S. and/or overseas.
  • Students applying in medicine, veterinary medicine, nursing, psychological counseling, and dentistry fields should be aware that their programs cannot include clinical studies. 
  1. Online Application.
  2. Copies of transcripts for all post-secondary degrees in English.
  3. Proof of English Language proficiency (only one of the following tests):
      • TOEFL ITP: 550
      • TOEFL iBT: 80
      • IELTS: 6.5
      • Duolingo: 105
      • English Proficiency Test from Egyptian Universities: 550
  4. Three recommendation letters.
  5. Applicants applying for a master’s degree in the fields of Arts or Architecture are required to submit a portfolio of their work
  6. A scanned copy of the original valid National ID.
  7. Personal photo.
  8. Scanned copies of any previous U.S. J1 or J2 visas (if applicable) Application link: Here
31-May-25Fullbright Egypt ProgramOfficial Link
  • The program provides fully funded master’s degree grants for university graduates to study in the U.S. for a maximum of two years and cover these areas:
      • Travel allowance.
      • Stipend.
      • Health benefits coverage.
      • University tuition.
      • Other allowances.

American University of Beirut (AUB) - Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program

  • Engineering Management
  • Computing in Education
  • Business Administration
  • Nursing Administration and Management
  • Healthcare Leadership
  • Applicants must be citizens of countries on the African continent.
  • Good academic standing in the Bachelor's degree.
  • Talent that exceeds financial resources.
  • Commitment to giving back to the community, country, and region.
  • Leadership skills.
  • Commitment to attend all the additional learning experiences and workshops required by the Scholars Program.
  • 35 years or younger.
  • English Proficiency.
  1. Step 1: Complete the AUB online graduate application and upload supporting documents by May 16, 2025.
  2. Step 2: Submit RUSE scores by June 20, 2025: here.
  3. Admission requirements differ according to the department:
    1. Certificate of Bachelor's degree
    2. Two recommendation letters
    3. Statement of purpose
    4. Work experience
    5. English proficiency certificate. Details are available in this link: here.
Application Link: here
16-Apr-25Mastercard FoundationOfficial Link
  • The Mastercard Foundation Scholars Program provides full scholarships in partnership with the American University of Beirut (AUB).

HENNGE's Global Internship Program (GIP)

  • Full Stack Software Engineering
  • Front-end Software Engineering
  • Python, Go, and/or TypeScript
  • Full-stack Development
  • Cloud Computing
  • Distributed Systems
  • Essential:
    • Bachelor's degree in Computer Science or a related field (third-year students and above are welcome), or equivalent experience from a tech internship or bootcamp.
    • Fluency in English (Japanese is not required).
    • Knowledge of Linux / MacOS / Unix-like environments.
    • Interested in open source or tech community activities.
    • Experience in:
      • Full Stack Pathway only: Python or Go
      • Front-End Pathway only: React or Vue in TypeScript
  • Preferred:
    • Interested in pursuing a career in Japan
    • Interested in cloud computing platforms
    • Knowledge of distributed systems
    • Experience in Full-stack Web Application development
    • Knowledge of AWS and Terraform
    • Front-End Pathway only: Knowledge of server-side programming languages
  1. Step 1: Register through the apply button below and verify your email address.
  2. Step 2: Solve the coding challenge and submit your work with your CV and cover letter.
  3. Step 3: A phone screening, followed by an online interview, will be given to those who pass Step 2.
  4. Limited number of internship slots in each batch are available. Applications will be reviewed as they are received, and positions will be filled on a first-come, first-serve basis. We encourage you to apply early, as applications will close once all positions are filled.
  5. ** The coding challenge has no time limit, and the screening process will not consider solving time. Please note that the application is completed after uploading application documents and filling in the batch preferences.
Application Link:
  1. Full Stack Engineering Pathway: here
  2. Front-End Engineering Pathway: here
NAHENNGE K.K. CompanyOfficial Link
  • Monthly Subsidy
  • Round Trip airfares
  • Visa Guidance
  • Medical Insurance
  • Monthly technical sessions
  • Japanese Mobile Phone with Data
  • Facilities, refreshments, staff parties
  • Japanese cultural events

Ulam NAWA 2025 programme

VariousFellowship, PostDocPoland
  • Open to researchers worldwide (except Russia): Applications are welcome from international researchers globally, except those from Russia.
  • All disciplines eligible: Researchers from all academic fields are encouraged to apply.
  • Doctoral degree required: Applicants must hold a doctoral degree.
  • Research plan required: A research plan aligned with the program’s goals is a mandatory part of the application.
  • No age restrictions: There are no age limits for applicants.
  • Employment at a foreign institution (with exception): Candidates must be employed at a foreign university or research center. However, this requirement is waived for those who obtained their doctorate after August 31, 2024.
  • In the period of 3 years before the end of the recruitment process, they did not work nor study in Poland nor did they stay in Poland continuously for longer than 3 months for more information refer to: here
  1. Scientific resume of the Applicant in accordance with the application form.
  2. A scan of the doctoral diploma or confirmation of obtaining a doctoral degree together with an officially certified translation into English, if the original language is other than English or Polish.
  3. Copies of 3 required achievements as attached documents.
  4. Confirmation of employment by the HR department or another document confirming employment after August 31, 2024 at a foreign university or foreign scientific/research institution, issued in English. Confirmation is not required for an Applicant who obtained a doctoral degree after August 31, 2024.
  5. Invitation from the Host institution referred to in Art. 7 section 1 points 1-8 of u.p.s.w.n. with a date after the announcement of the call, the template of which is attached to the Announcement.
  6. More details about requirements are available at: here
Application Link: here.
12-May-25National Agency for Academic Exchange (NAWA)-Polish GovernmentOfficial Link
  • A scholarship in the amount of PLN 7,500 for each month of the Fellow's stay at a Polish Host institution.
  • Free Accommodation.
  • Living Expenses A lump sum for living and accommodation costs in the amount of PLN 4,000 for
  • each month of the Fellow’s stay in Poland.
  • Airfare Travel Tickets.
  • Monthly Amount for Family or Child.

MOFCOM Scholarship China 2025 (Ministry of Commerce of People’s Republic of China)

VariousBSc, MSc, PhDChinaTo be eligible for the MOFCOM Scholarship, applicants must meet the following criteria:
  • Be a citizen of a developing country.
  • Be in good health.
  • Hold a bachelor’s degree when applying for a master’s program, and a master’s degree when applying for a doctoral program.
  • Have a good academic record.
  • Have a strong interest in studying in China.
  • Meet the language requirements of the chosen program. Additionally, specific requirements for applicants from certain countries, such as Sierra Leone, include:
    • Be a senior government official, academic employee at a university, or a senior manager of a business, under the age of 45, with preferably more than three years of work experience.
    • Undergo a physical examination conducted at a designated hospital and signed by a Chinese doctor.
Applicants must submit the following documents to be considered for the MOFCOM Scholarship:
  1. Application form for the MOFCOM Scholarship.
  2. Highest Degree Certificate (Notarized copy).
  3. Transcripts of Highest Education (Notarized copy).
  4. Undergraduate Diploma and Transcript.
  5. Recent visa or residence permit in China (if applicable).
  6. Study Plan or Research Proposal.
  7. Two Recommendation Letters.
  8. Passport Copy.
  9. Economic Proof.
  10. Physical Examination Form (Health Report).
  11. English Proficiency Certificate (IELTS is not mandatory).
  12. No Criminal Certificate Record (Police Clearance Certificate).
  13. Acceptance Letter (Not mandatory).
Note: The deadline varies depending on the university and program of study. Applicants should check the university's website for the application deadline.
NAThe Ministry of Commerce of the People’s Republic of China (MOFCOM)Official LinkThe MOFCOM Scholarship offers two types of scholarships:
  • Full Scholarship: Covers tuition fees, accommodation, living expenses, and medical insurance.
  • Partial Scholarship: Covers tuition fees only.
  • Full or partial scholarship coverage.
  • Tuition fee waiver.
  • Accommodation allowance or free on-campus housing.
  • Living allowance.
  • Comprehensive medical insurance.
  • These benefits significantly reduce the financial burden on international students, allowing them to focus on their studies and personal development.

Eni Corporate University - The MEDEA Master in Energy and Environmental Management and Economics

  • Economics & Business
  • Energy
  • Engineering
MScItalyNon-Italian candidates must:
  • Hold a university degree from a recognised university in the fields of economics, engineering, mathematics, physics, chemistry, geology, statistics, law, political science or international relations.
  • Be less than 32 years old on 31 December of the year in which the Master's course begins.
  • Have an excellent knowledge of the English language.
  1. Candidates who wish to be considered for admission to the course must submit the application form, online, by the deadline set out in the relevant Attachment to this Call for Admission, using only the specific procedure made available in the Study Portal.
  2. Online application is in two stages:
    1. REGISTRATION: access the STUDENT PORTAL and, from the MENU at the upper right corner, click on the REGISTER tab and fill in the required information. At the end of the data entry, candidates are provided with a USERNAME and PASSWORD. These should be kept with care as they will be needed in the next stages of the process. Candidates who has already been enrolled at the University of Pavia will directly execute the LOGIN from the MENU in the upper right corner and will proceed with the point 2.
    2. APPLICATION: access the STUDENT PORTAL using the USERNAME and PASSWORD previously assigned, LOGIN and click on the ADMISSIONS tab. Then select ADMISSION TEST and select the required course. (If the ADMISSIONS link does not appear, click on ‘Choose a career option‘, on one of the courses that appears and resume the procedure.
  3. Upload the following documentation:
  4. Scan (front-rear) of the identity document used during registration.
  5. Documents required in article n. 9 - ‘Attachments to the online application‘ of the relevant Attachment of this Call for Admission.
  6. Step by step information: here.
  7. Candidates must attach their curriculum vitae during the online application process, including an indication that they hold the requested entry and selection requirements.
  8. All parts of the CV are recommended to be carefully and clearly drafted.
  9. Candidates holding a qualification awarded abroad must attach, during the online application process, the documents indicated in Article 3 of the Call for Applications. To complete their enrolment, the requested documentation must be presented, in its original form, together with a declaration of legal validity from the Italian diplomatic representative situated in the state where the certificate was issued, by 30/09/2025, to the Ufficio Master - Servizio Post Laurea – via Ferrata 5, 27100 Pavia.
  10. Once a completed application has been made on the Unipv portal, candidates must complete an application on the Eni.com website (either of the following links): here. More info: here
Application form: here
30-Apr-25Scuola Mattei & Medea MasterOfficial Link
  • Fully Funded.
  • Every year, Eni offers a number of scholarships that fully cover the cost of the MEDEA Master's (worth €25,000), which includes educational materials, the use of company canteens and a monthly grant of €1,000 gross for Italian students and €1,300 euros gross for non-Italian students.
  • Participants will be selected based on university qualifications and other professional qualifications and experience.
  • Academic or professional experience in the energy sector will be given appropriate consideration.
  • Individuals selected independently by the Eni's foreign companies can also enroll on the courses.

University of Bologna - International Talents @Unibo: scholarships for international students a.y. 2024/25

VariousMScItalyYou can apply for International Talents @Unibo if you meet the following requirements:
  • Qualification: you have obtained, or are in the process of obtaining, a qualification belonging to a non-Italian education system, valid for access to your second cycle programme.
  • Merit: you will have taken the GRE test by the deadline for application: GRE is an aptitude and skills assessment test that can be taken in affiliated centres in various countries around the world or online (if offered by the organisation in charge). You must register for the tests through the websites of the organisations in charge.
  • The test is held in English.
  • Financial status: you have an ISEE (Equivalent Economic Situation Indicator) of between €16.000 and €35.000 or equivalent financial status, if you cannot submit an ISEE certificate because your family has income outside Italy.
  • Read the information on the documentation to certify your family's economic situation valid for 2025. Carefully check the required documents to prepare them in good time, because you will have to submit them by the deadline of the call and it can take several weeks to obtain them.
  • Age: you must not be older than 30 years on the closing date of the call for applications Applicants must have knowledge of English (B2 level and above).
  1. Submit your application between 17 January 2025 at 12:00 CET and 30 May 2025 at 12:00 CEST, strictly through Studenti Online (www.studenti.unibo.it).
  2. Register on studenti.unibo.it. If you don’t have a Unibo username and password (institutional credentials) or SPID (digital identity to access the Italian Public Administration’s services) or CIE (Italian electronic identity card): Visit studenti.unibo.it and go to the “Register” section. If you are an international student without an Italian tax ID number (Codice Fiscale), go to the “International students registration” section; Fill in all the mandatory fields and follow the instructions to create your Unibo username and password. Please note: the personal details of individuals registering on the site must correspond exactly to those indicated in their passport or identity card; After the first access, you will have to replace the PUK code with a personal password. It is important to remember your Unibo username and password for the entire duration of your career, as you will need them every time you access your personal profile on studenti.unibo.it.
  3. Visit studenti.unibo.it and click on “Calls”.
  4. Select the call “Call for applications International Talents @Unibo, a.y. 2025-26”. You will only be able to continue with the online application process if you are in possession of the requirements specified in Art. 2, points 2 and 5 of this call.
  5. Check your contact details.
  6. Enter the required details.
  7. Upload the required documents in pdf format.
  8. Copy of a valid passport. If you are an EU citizen, you may attach a copy of a valid identity document;
  9. Copy of your unofficial GRE score report.
  10. Send your official GRE score report through ETS. The official score must be received by the University of Bologna no later than 30 May 2025 under penalty of nullity. Official scores received after this deadline will not be considered. The recipient code of the University of Bologna to send your official score report is 7850.
  11. Submit your ISEE 2025 certificate for higher education subsidies, or other financial requirements documents in accordance with Art. 6.
  12. Application link: here
30-May-25University of BolognaOfficial Link
  • Scholarships have valueof € 6,500 gross and includes full exemption from university fees.
  • Scholarships and tuition waivers are awarded for two academic years, based on GRE scores and means-tested tests.
  • Payment of installments is subject to conditions of merit.

The AI for Science Master’s program (Google DeepMind Scholarship)

Physics & MathMScSouth AfricaTo be eligible to apply for the AI for Science program, you have to:
  • Be a resident in Africa at time of application.
  • The residency requirement is not applicable to students who are displaced by war.
  • Be a citizen of any country in Africa.
  • Have completed a four-year undergraduate degree or a three-year undergraduate degree with an honours year by August 2025 (or December 2025 for southern African applicants).
  • Your undergraduate degree could be in physics, mathematics, statistics, computer science, engineering or any other discipline with a strong computational and mathematical component.
  • Not have held a previous scholarship to study at an AIMS centre.
  1. Your curriculum vitae
  2. A motivation letter of around 500 words
  3. Academic transcripts
  4. Written mathematics questions (to be found on the application site)
  5. Coding problem (to be found on the application site)
  6. NOTE: The online application includes a dozen short mathematics questions and one coding problem. It’s not an exam, but the questions give the selection panel some insight into how you approach problems. A full application can’t be completed at the last minute, and we encourage prospective Google DeepMind Scholars at AIMS South Africa to start applying early!
Application Link: here.
21-Mar-25The African Institute for Mathematical Sciences (South Africa)Official Link
  • The scholarship covers everything: flights to and from South Africa, tuition, accommodation, living expenses, medical insurance, and costs for running AI experiments and doing research.
  • There are also opportunities to connect with Google DeepMind’s researchers and engineers for mentoring and support.

African Scholarship Programme 2026 - The Nordic Africa Institute

Social Sciences and HumanitiesFellowshipSwedenApplicants should be:
  • Early career researchers based in Africa and engaged in Africa-oriented research.
  • The research topic should be within the Social Sciences and Humanities disciplines, focusing on contemporary Africa.
  • The research should also be relevant to the core principles of the UN Agenda 2030, as indicated in: here.
  • The program is open to two main categories of early career researchers:
    • Staff full-time employed by an African-based university or research center who are enrolled in a doctoral program in the African region and who do not have access to an international scholarship.
    • Postdoctoral researchers (within 4 years or less of PhD completion).
  • Research topics that focus on gender issues and the position of women in society are welcomed.
Apply online and upload the following documents:
  1. Up-to-date CV, including a list of publications (if available online, please include links).
  2. Outline of research project, 5 pages: A well-elaborated research proposal.
  3. Work plan, 1 page: The plan should be specific for the time spent at the Institute, including research objectives and expected results.
  4. Reference: A signed letter of support from the applicant’s Head of Department or other senior scholar in the same field, which confirms the current workplace/affiliation and field of research.
  1. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  2. Persons currently or previously employed by or otherwise professionally affiliated with the Nordic Africa Institute are not eligible for scholarships.
  3. The application must be in English.
  4. In the extraordinary event that the Scholarship Program for 2026 does not receive full funding, applicants will be informed immediately.
  5. It is also possible to apply through regular postal service. For more information contact marie.karlsson@nai.uu.se
Application Link: here.
31-Mar-25The Nordic Africa InstituteOfficial Link
  • The duration of the stay is approximately 90 days (3 months).
  • The scholarship includes a return air-fare (economy class), accommodation, a subsistence allowance of 400 SEK (approx. 40 USD) per day plus an installation grant of 2,500 SEK (approx. 250 USD) and access to a workspace, including a desk computer, in a shared office at the Institute.
  • Please note that the subsistence allowance will be provided only for the days spent in Uppsala.
  • Guest Researchers have access to the Uppsala University Library and to the Library of the Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences.

Spain CNIO Summer Training Program 2025

Biomedical and Life SciencesInternshipSpain
  • Students from all nationalities can apply.
  • You must have passed at least 2/3 of the total credit points (courses or exams) required for a Life Sciences or Biomedicine-related undergraduate degree (in any country).
  • You must maintain your undergraduate student status throughout the whole summer program (June 23th to August 14th, 2025).
  • You must have an excellent academic record with a Grade Point Average (GPA) above 0.75 (with your GPA as the numerator and the highest possible GPA as the denominator).
  • You must have a good knowledge of English.
  • You must be available from June 23th to August 14th (8 weeks) to attend the training program. If you cannot be at the CNIO during this period, you will not be eligible for the program.
  1. Fill out the application form:
    1. Personal Data
    2. Academic data
    3. CV
  2. Only shortlisted candidates will be asked to send the following documents by email to summertraining@cnio.es:
    1. Two letters of recommendation.
    2. Copy of an official Transcript of Records, Academic Transcript or Certification, stating the number of credits passed.
    3. Copy of the National Identity Card or Passport.
    4. Proof of having valid health insurance, whether public or private, during the whole summer stay.
    5. Citizens from countries issuing the European Health Card (EHC), including Spanish nationals, must present this documentation.
Application Link: here.
31-Mar-25The Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO)Official LinkThe CNIO will cover the student’s travel expenses:
  • One return ticket from the student’s hometown to Madrid.
  • Breakfasts and lunches at the center’s cafeteria.
  • Students will be covered by a personal accident insurance throughout their stay at the CNIO.
  • Citizens from countries not issuing the EHC will receive a private health insurance and a repatriation insurance, except those who are already covered by a valid health insurance during the whole summer stay.
  • Participation in this program does not imply any kind of contractual agreement between the selected candidates and the CNIO.
  • Upon completion of the training program, the CNIO will issue a certificate indicating his/her area of training.

Master of Advanced Studies in Medical Physics

Medical PhysicsMScItaly
  • The minimum qualification for applicants is a degree equivalent to an MSc in physics or related fields.
  • The selection of candidates will be based on their university performance, research activity, and professional experience in the field.
  • Adequate proficiency in the English language is required.
  • The Programme is open to young (generally below 30 years of age) qualified graduates from countries that are members of the United Nations, UNESCO, or IAEA.
Individuals wishing to apply for the Master of Advanced Studies in Medical Physics must complete the online application form.
  1. The applicant has to submit a CV, and a transcription of the university degree and can also submit a letter of recommendation from senior scientists familiar with the applicant.
  2. Scientists making recommendations should indicate if they have any contacts at the ICTP.
  3. Candidates should have English proficiency since all lectures and activities are held in English.
  4. Application link: Here
31-Mar-25International centre for theorerical physics ICTPOfficial Link
  • Qualified candidates may attend the course at their own cost.
  • A limited number of full or partial scholarships will be awarded to successful candidates from developing countries, thanks to the support of the IAEA and ICTP.
  • Full support includes travel, university fees, and a monthly stipend.
  • Partial support can be in the form of: half support: travel, university fees, and a partial monthly stipend or, only travel and registration fees.

Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT) - Chinese Government Scholarship 2026

VariousMSc, PhDChina
To be eligible, an applicant must:
  • Be non-Chinese citizens and in good health both mentally and physically, and will observe the Chinese laws and the regulations, and the rules and regulations of Beijing Institute of Technology:
  • Be an academically excellent holder of a bachelor's degree or its equivalent under the age of 35 when applying for a master's program;
  • Be an academically excellent holder of a master's degree or its equivalent under the age of 40 when applying for a Ph.D. program;
  • Hold an HSK certificate (minimum level 5 with a score of 180 or above) for Chinese-taught programs, for English-taught programs, a minimum score of 85 in TOEFL, an overall band of 6.0 in IELTS, or a score of 110 in the Duolingo English Test is required (native English speakers are exempt). Alternatively, other language certificates recognized by BIT may be provided;
  • Have at least 1-year related working or internship experience for the MBA program.
  1. Step 1: Online Registration: Here
  2. Chinese Government Scholarship applicants need to first register: Here and upload the required documents.
  3. Step 2: Material Review & Application Fee.
  4. Applicants who pass the initial Material Review will be required to pay the application fee of CNY 600 (non-refundable) directly in the online application system.
  5. Application Materials:
      1. CSC application form (For CSC applicants only)
      2. The Photocopy of the Passport's photo page (if you are in China or have a Chinese Visa, then please also provide the Chinese visa page)
      3. The Certified/Notarized Copy of the highest Degree's Diploma/ Certificate of Schooling (in Chinese or English).
      4. The Certified/Notarized Copy of Academic Transcripts (undergraduate level and above, if any, in Chinese or English).
      5. Curriculum Vitae.
      6. Personal Statement & Study Plan (template: Here)
      7. Two Recommendation Letters by professors or associate professors.
      8. Recommendation Form for International Students by BIT Advisors (template: Here)
      9. Physical Examination Record for Foreigner and Blood Test Report (template: Here)
      10. Proof of Language Proficiency.
      11. 11. Non-criminal Record.
      12. 12. Financial Guarantee Letter.
      13. 13. Other Supporting Documents (eg, papers/patent/award, etc.).
15-Apr-25Beijing Institute of Technology (BIT)Official Link
  • Tuition fees.
  • Free university dormitory or accommodation subsidy.
  • Master’s students: CNY 3,000 /month.
  • Doctoral students: CNY 3,500/month.
  • Comprehensive medical insurance: CNY 800/person/year.

The Klassik Stiftung Weimar awards Weimar Fellowships

  • Graphic Design
  • History & Anthropology
  • Society
FellowshipGermanyThe applicant must hold at least a master's degree in arts or equivalent. projects's significance for scientific study and research.
  1. Letter of motivation.
  2. Abstract of a research plan or art project (10–15 lines).
  3. A brief outline of the project profiling the applicant’s own research interests, the current standing of research in the relevant field, and the applicant’s own preliminary work.
  4. If you are applying for a Weimar Fellowship, please describe how your research project engages with collections in Weimar (4-5 pages).
  5. Curriculum Vitae.
  6. List of publications, if applicable.
  7. Application Form: Here
31-Jul-25The Klassik Stiftung WeimarOfficial Link
  • Fully funded: The fellowship consists of a scholarship of 1,500 euros/month and free accommodation at the “Villa Silberblick”, the former Nietzsche-Archiv.
  • Please indicate your preference for the fellowship period and an alternative period.

Erasmus Mundus Joint Master Techniques, Heritage, Territories of Industry (TPTI)

  • Architecture & Construction
  • Economics & Business
  • Engineering
  • Geography & Outer Space
  • History & Anthropology
MScFrance, Italy, Portugal
  • A bachelor's level for academics (bachelor's degree, diploma of laurea di primo livello) in history, art history, archaeology, anthropology, geography and regional planning or equivalent foreign qualification with specific curricular requirements obtained from a higher education institution accredited according to the national educational accreditation system of the country where it is located.
  • The end of studies for engineering schools, schools of architecture, landscape, heritage.
  • This Master Degree is open to architects, planning professionals, cultural professionals (archeology, museology, heritage curator), economists specializing in the management of cultural heritage, professionals specializing in the management / restoration of cultural heritage (engineers, paleo metallurgists), field archaeologists and experimental archaeologists, upon validation of experience.
  • Students who have already benefitted from an Erasmus Mundus Joint Master (EMJM) scholarship are not eligible to apply for an Erasmus Mundus TPTI scholarship.
  • English or French Language proficiency.
  1. A certified photocopy of the diploma required for registration or equivalences (grades).
  2. Certification of the B1 language level (French and English).
  3. A letter motivation written in French or English.
  4. Two letters of recommendation in French or in English, from professors of the university of origin or, for professionals, scientific leaders or supervisors.
  5. A curriculum vitae (special attention will be paid to candidates who already have experience in the field: internship, work, etc.).
  6. A study project proposing a comparative study relating to the patrimonialization of a tangible or intangible technical unit: know-how, tools or machines, building, landscape, or a site accompanied by basic bibliographic references: here
  7. The application form properly completed and dated.
NOTE: For all candidates who have already defended a master's thesis, it is requested to submit the PDF version on the application website.

Application Link: here.
20-Mar-25Erasmus Mundus Official LinkThe Erasmus Mundus scholarship includes:
  • Scholarship lump sum of 1400€/month for 24 months for subsistence, student travel, and accommodation costs for the entire programme.
  • Coverage of all participation costs for the 4 semesters: tuition fees, library and laboratory costs, and any other mandatory costs related to the student's participation in the Master study programme.
  • Health insurance, according to the EACEA regulations.

Graduate Scholarships - Khalifa University of Science and Technology

VariousMScUnited Arab Emirates
  • Completion of a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.0 out of 4.0, or equivalent (e.g. an upper second-class honor in a UK-style degree, from a reputable accredited institution).
  • A minimum level of English proficiency in the form of either:
    • iBT TOEFL (internet-based test) score of 91 (The test must be taken at a test center as the TOEFL iBT Home Edition is not accepted) or equivalent, or
    • Overall academic IELTS score of 6.5, or
    • 1550 EmSAT English score
  • English test exemptions:
    • A native English speaker who has completed his/her Bachelor’s/Master’s degree qualification in an English-medium institution, or
    • A graduate from an English-medium institution who can provide evidence of acquiring a minimum English proficiency
  • A minimum quantitative score of 150 in the general GRE. Applicants should attempt all three sections of the GRE. For more details about the GRE exam please visit: here
  • Admission interview.
  1. *Application Fee: 200 AED, inclusive of VAT, paid upon submitting the application.
  2. The following required documents should be scanned in a clear and legible form and be uploaded to the online application:
    1. Certified copy of Bachelor’s degree certificate.
    2. Equivalency certificate issued by the UAE Ministry of Education for applicants that have graduated from institutions outside of the UAE. To apply for your Equivalency Certificate, visit the UAE Ministry of Education Equivalency Certificate page: here and start the process as soon as possible as it is a lengthy process.
    3. Official school transcript showing the grading scale.
    4. English language proficiency score certificate (IELTS, TOEFL, or EmSAT). Official TOEFL score reports can be sent directly by your institution to Khalifa University of Science and Technology using the institutional TOEFL code 0960.
    5. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score report. Official score reports can be sent directly to Khalifa University of Science and Technology using the institutional GRE code 0822.
    6. Detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV).
    7. Statement of Purpose (500 to 1,000 words).
    8. Passport-style photograph on a white background.
    9. Copy of valid passport. International applicants who reside in the UAE should also upload a clear copy of their valid UAE visa.
    10. Copy of Family Book (Khulasat Al Qaid). This is required for UAE National applicants only.
    11. Valid UAE national ID card (for national and international applicants currently residing in the UAE).
    12. Statement of Purpose (500-1,000 words).
    13. A minimum of two referee recommendations (provided via online form).
    14. Research Statement (500 to 1,000 words). This is for PhD applicants only.
  3. Please note the following:
    1. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
    2. All documents received by the University are the property of Khalifa University of Science and Technology and will not be returned.
    3. Accepted applicants must submit all of their official documents before they register for their first semester classes at KU. Failure to submit all the required official documents in a timely manner will result in canceling your class registration.
    4. All applicants must provide evidence of meeting the English language requirement by uploading the relevant document with their application, even if he/she may be eligible for an exemption.
Application Link: here.
14-Apr-25Khalifa UniversityOfficial Link
  • Full coverage of tuition fees.
  • Textbooks provided by the University.
  • Free University accommodation for eligible full-time students only.
  • Medical insurance coverage for full-time international students sponsored by Khalifa University.
  • Mobilization and demobilization flights (between home country and Abu Dhabi) for full-time overseas international students, subject to University policies and procedures. Mobilization flight is not applicable for Students holding a UAE residence visa.
  • Coverage of UAE visa application fees for full-time international students.

Graduate Scholarships - Khalifa University of Science and Technology

VariousPhDUnited Arab Emirates
  • For applicants with MSc degree:
    • Completion of a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.0 out of 4.0, or equivalent (e.g. an upper second-class honors in a UK-style degree, from a reputable accredited institution).
    • Completion of a Master’s degree in a relevant discipline with a minimum CGPA of 3.25 out of 4.0 or equivalent from a reputable accredited institution.
  • For applicants without MSc degree (Direct PhD):
    • Completion of a Bachelor’s degree in a relevant discipline with a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.5 out of 4.0 or equivalent from a reputable accredited institution.
  • A minimum level of English proficiency in the form of either:
    •  iBT TOEFL (internet-based test) score of 91 (The test must be taken at a test center as the TOEFL iBT Home Edition is not accepted) or equivalent, or
    • Overall academic IELTS score of 6.5, or
    • 1550 EmSAT English score.
  • English test exemptions:
    • A native English speaker who has completed his/her Bachelor’s/Master’s degree qualification in an English-medium institution, or
    • A graduate from an English-medium institution who can provide evidence of acquiring a minimum English proficiency.
  • A minimum quantitative score of 150 in the general Graduate Record Examination (GRE) (The test must be taken at a test center as the GRE Home Edition is not accepted). Applicants must attempt all three sections of the GRE.
  • Admission interview.
  1. *Application Fee: 200 AED, inclusive of VAT, paid upon submitting the application.
  2. The following required documents should be scanned in a clear and legible form and be uploaded to the online application:
    1. Certified copy of Master’s degree certificate.
    2. Equivalency certificate issued by the UAE Ministry of Education for applicants that have graduated from institutions outside of the UAE. To apply for your Equivalency Certificate, visit the UAE Ministry of Education Equivalency Certificate page: here and start the process as soon as possible as it is a lengthy process.
    3. Official school transcript showing the grading scale.
    4. English language proficiency score certificate (IELTS, TOEFL, or EmSAT). Official TOEFL score reports can be sent directly by your institution to Khalifa University of Science and Technology using the institutional TOEFL code 0960.
    5. Graduate Record Examination (GRE) score report. Official score reports can be sent directly to Khalifa University of Science and Technology using the institutional GRE code 0822.
    6. Detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV).
    7. Statement of Purpose (500 to 1,000 words).
    8. Passport-style photograph on a white background.
    9. Copy of valid passport. International applicants who reside in the UAE should also upload a clear copy of their valid UAE visa.
    10. Copy of Family Book (Khulasat Al Qaid). This is required for UAE National applicants only.
    11. Valid UAE national ID card (for national and international applicants currently residing in the UAE).
    12. Statement of Purpose (500-1,000 words).
    13. A minimum of two referee recommendations (provided via online form).
    14. Research Statement (500 to 1,000 words).
  3. Please note the following:
  4. Incomplete applications will not be considered.
  5. All documents received by the University are the property of Khalifa University of Science and Technology and will not be returned.
  6. Accepted applicants must submit all of their official documents before they register for their first semester classes at KU. Failure to submit all the required official documents in a timely manner will result in canceling your class registration.
  7. All applicants must provide evidence of meeting the English language requirement by uploading the relevant document with their application, even if he/she may be eligible for an exemption.
Application Link: here.
14-Apr-25Khalifa UniversityOfficial LinkResearch Path (with work commitment)
  • Full coverage of tuition fees.
  • Basic monthly stipend of 20,000 AED.
  • Additional monthly allowance of 20,000 AED, subject to approval and meeting scholarship progression criteria.
  • Textbooks provided by the University.
  • Support to attend international research conferences, subject to approval.
  • Medical insurance coverage for full-time international students sponsored by Khalifa University.
  • Mobilization and demobilization flights (between home country and Abu Dhabi) for full-time overseas international students, subject to University policies and procedures. Mobilization flight is not applicable for Students holding a UAE residence visa.
  • Coverage of UAE visa application fees for full-time international students.
  • Commitment to work with Khalifa University or a nominated entity upon graduation for a period equivalent to the period of study. The University reserves the right for any reason not to offer the student a post after graduation.
Study Path (without work commitment)
  • Students are reassessed for scholarship eligibility annually.
  • Tier I (Full-Time only).
  • Full coverage of tuition fees.
  • Monthly stipend of 4,000 AED.
  • Free University accommodation for eligible full-time students only.
  • Textbooks provided by the University.
  • Support to attend international research conferences, subject to approval.
  • Medical insurance coverage for full-time international students sponsored by Khalifa University.
  • Mobilization and demobilization flights (between home country and Abu Dhabi) for full-time overseas international students, subject to University policies and procedures. Mobilization flight is not applicable for Students holding a UAE residence visa.
  • Coverage of UAE visa application fees for full-time international students.

Singapore International Graduate Award (SINGA) - January 2026 intake

  • Biomedical Sciences
  • Computing and Information Sciences
  • Engineering and Technology
  • Physical Sciences
  • Open for application to all international graduates with a passion for research and excellent academic results.
  • The program is primarily intended for international students studying for the first time in Singapore.
  • Singaporeans, Singapore Permanent Residents, and international students studying/who have studied in Singapore tertiary institutions are not eligible.
  • Applicants should have good skills in written and spoken English.
  • Good reports from academic referees are required.
  1. Application requirements: Bachelor’s and/or Master’s academic transcripts.
  2. Bachelor’s Degree certificate(s) / scroll(s) or a letter of certification from the university on your candidature if your degree certificate/scroll has not yet been conferred.
  3. 2 recommendation reports (to be completed and submitted online by the referees).
  4. Applicants applying to NUS supervisors/projects are required to submit their GRE scores in their SINGA application form.
  5. For all other applicants, you may be requested by the university to submit satisfactory GRE scores as part of the university admission requirement.
  6. The submission of IELTS / TOEFL / SAT I & II / GATE results is optional and may be requested later by the university for admission.
  7. Application link: Here 
01-Jun-25The Singapore International Graduate AwardOfficial Link
  • Fully funded support for up to 4 years of PhD studies including tuition fees, monthly stipend, airfare grant, settling-in allowance Tuition fees.
  • Monthly stipend of S$2,700 which will be increased to S$3,200 after the passing of the Qualifying Examination*.
  • One-time airfare grant of up to S$1,500.
  • One-time settling-in allowance of S$1,000.

ITH - Tourismusschulen Salzburg - Hospitality or Tourism Management Scholarship

  • Economics & Business
  • Media
  • Marketing & PR
  • Tourism & Hospitality
Diploma courseAustria
  • Limited places are reserved for applicants from the following countries: Ethiopia, Uganda, Burkina Faso, Mozambique, Bhutan, Palestinian Territories, Georgia, Armenia, and Moldova.
  • For students from other developing countries listed on the OECD DAC List: Here  
  • At least one year of experience in the hotel or tourism industry.
  • All courses are conducted in the English language, so an excellent command of English is absolutely necessary.
  • If your native language is not English, an internationally recognized certificate proving the knowledge of English (TOEFL, IELTS, Cambridge, or equivalent) is required.
  • Age limit for scholarship applicants: 20 to 35 years.
This residence permit is valid for the duration of the course (9 months). The applicant has to provide the following certified documents:
  1. A fully completed visa application form.
  2. Confirmation of registration (agreement with health insurance company- confirmation of accommodation – provided by ITH).
  3. Birth certificate.
  4. A copy of their criminal record.
  5. A copy of financial resources for one academic year (or scholarship confirmation).
  6. A copy of your passport (valid for at least three months after the end of the course).
  7. Passport photographs.
  8. Travel insurance (from your traveling date until the end of the Visa D).

    • Get information about ITH on the website or from an Austrian consulate or embassy
    • Collect all relevant documents and submit your application via the web application form at www.ith-salzburg.at (available from December 2024 onwards) between 02nd December 2024 and 16th of March 2025.
    • You will receive a confirmation by email that you application has been received and processed.
    • You will be informed about the result of your application in May 2025 at the latest. If you are awarded a scholarship you will receive a letter of acceptance..Fill out the online application form properly.
    • Make sure you supply all the required information and attach the entire required documents.
    • Send translated English or German documents if required.
    • Check your email regularly and include a working e-mail address and phone number
    • Apply on time. Applications after 16th March 2025 will not be processed.
    • Provide all admission requirements (read the ITH application information and visa process carefully).
    • Clarify any doubts with the ITH office and Austrian embassy/consulate
    • In your motivation letter make clear why you are interested in the program and why you should receive a scholarship
    • Only complete and appropriate applications will be considered.
    • After being admitted to the Institute, students have to apply for a residence permit called “Aufenthaltstitel Schüler” at the Austrian Embassy in their home countries.
16-Mar-25Institute of Tourism and Hotel Management, SalzburgOfficial Link
  • Tuition fee.
  • Course material.
  • Health insurance.
  • Food on school days.
  • Excursions and social events.
  • Monthly pocket money.
  • Partial costs of accommodation.
  • During the course, students also learn German. Germany is still one of the world’s main outgoing tourism markets; the ability to speak German is thus a competitive advantage.

International Centre for Theoretical Physics (ICTP) - Postgraduate Diploma Programme

  • Energy
  • Engineering
  • Geography & Outer Space
  • Physics 
  • Math
Postgraduate Diploma Programme (pre-PhD programme)Italy
  • The Postgraduate Diploma Programme is open to young (generally below 28 years of age), qualified graduates from all countries that are members of the United Nations, UNESCO or IAEA.
  • The minimum qualification for applicants is a degree equivalent to an MSc (or an exceptionally good BSc) in physics, mathematics or in a field related to the topics listed below.
  • The selection of candidates will be based on their university record and on academic recommendations.
  • Since the Postgraduate Diploma Programme is in English, fluency in speaking and writing is an essential qualification.
  • The applicant is expected to have adequate knowledge of the following topics in the specific field for which he/she is applying:
      • For Condensed Matter Physics: solid state physics; quantum mechanics; statistical mechanics; classical mechanics; electrodynamics; and mathematical physics.
      • For High Energy, Cosmology, and Astroparticle Physics: classical mechanics; electrodynamics; special theory of relativity; quantum mechanics; and statistical mechanics.
      • For Earth System Physics: a theoretical background in physics, mathematics, or engineering; mathematical methods applied in geophysics and geosciences.
      • For mathematics, it is basic abstract algebra, elements of real and complex analysis, and topology.
      • For Quantitative Life Sciences: classical mechanics, thermodynamics and statistical mechanics, mathematical methods for physics, basic programming skills
In addition to completing an online application form, candidates should upload the following as part of their application:
  1. Copies of transcripts of university academic records and university degrees in English (The selected candidates will be required to provide originals or certified copies of these documents as well as of their official English translation before he/she can be admitted to the Programme).
  2. Any certificates or documents that give proof of the student's ability to follow advanced-level courses, study, and write scientific literature in the English language.
  3. Two letters of recommendation, from senior scientists familiar with the applicant's studies and work.
  4. Application form link: Here 
15-Mar-25ICTPOfficial Link
  • Tuition-free; 10 yearly scholarships plus travel grant for applicants from developing countries.
  • In each Postgraduate Diploma Programme, scholarships and travel grants will be awarded to those 10 students selected from developing countries.
  • There are no course fees. Students will receive a scholarship for the entire year of study.
  • A limited number of qualified candidates who meet the same selection criteria as others may attend the courses at their own cost.
  • They must supply written evidence from a funding agency or a banking institution that funds are available for their entire year's stay, and are equal to those offered by the Centre.

Nanyang Global Scholarship 2025-26 Undergraduate Programmes

  • Open to all nationalities.
  • Successful awardees should read a full-time undergraduate degree program. The scholarship will cover the years of study at NTU.
  • Possess outstanding academic achievements in the Singapore-Cambridge GCE 'A' level, Diploma awarded by a polytechnic in Singapore, NUS High School Diploma, IB Diploma or Year 12 equivalent qualifications.
  • Excellent co-curricular records.
  • Scholarship holder is required to maintain a minimum Cumulative Grade Point Average (CGPA) of 3.5 over 5.0.
  • Scholarship holder must not, without the approval of the University, hold concurrently any other scholarships, bursaries, university loans or awards.
  • Strong leadership qualities and potential (The scholarship holder is required to take on the role of student ambassador, or any other similar role, representing the university to give publicity talks, to receive guests, etc., as and when called upon to do so).
  • The scholarship may be withdrawn at any time if, in the opinion of the University, the scholarship holder's progress or behavior is deemed unsatisfactory.
  • If the scholarship holder decides to terminate the scholarship prematurely, a repayment will be imposed.
  1. Applicants are required to submit their application for admission before submitting their application for scholarship: here
  2. The scholarship application period is the same as the admission application period.
  3. Apply for the scholarship with your assigned application number before the application closing date for that qualification.
  4. As part of completing the form, a Personal Essay of not more than 250 words is required. The scholarship application form includes 1 compulsory topic for you to write on.
  5. After completing your application form, applicants are required to submit the following:
    1. Upload a recent passport-size photo (digital image).
    2. -Submit a referee's appraisal online.
  6. After you have submitted your scholarship application, you will be provided with a URL to be forwarded to your school teacher, please inform him/her of your NTU application number and Date of Birth, as he/she will need the information to submit the appraisal online.
Application Link: here.
19-Mar-25Nanyang Technological University Singapore (NTU)Official LinkThe scholarship covers up to the normal programme duration on condition that the scholarship holder maintain a record of good academic performance and exemplary conduct.
  • Full coverage of subsidised tuition fees (after Tuition Grant).
  • Living allowance of S$6,500 per academic year.
  • Accommodation allowance of up to S$2,000 per academic year. (Applicable to scholarship holders who reside in NTU hostels only)
  • Travel grant of up to S$8,000 for an overseas programme subject to terms and conditions in the Travel Grant Form (for new cohorts from AY2025).
  • Computer allowance of S$2,000 (one-off).
  • No bond is attached to the Nanyang Global Scholarship apart from the three-year bond applicable to all Singapore PRs and international students under the MOE Tuition Grant Scheme.

Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS) Fellowship

Humanities and Social SciencesFellowshipNetherlands
  • NIAS Individual Fellowships are awarded to scholars, both from the Netherlands and abroad.
  • NIAS does not accept applicants (whatever their nationality) affiliated to a Russian or Belarusian university or research institute.
  • Applicants should have at least three years of academic experience since they obtained their PhD-degree.
  • The project proposal should be related to the field of Humanities and Social Sciences.
  • NIAS Individual Fellowships are also open to scholars who do not have a fixed position at a university or research institute.
  • The institute aims for a balanced year group in terms of academic cultures, gender, phase in career, and disciplines.
  • Good command of English Language.
  • An applicant who previously held a NIAS fellowship may only apply for a NIAS Individual Fellowship if there are at least 10 years between the application date of the previous fellowship and the current application deadline date (see for exceptions on this rule: here
  1. *Please ensure you have all the necessary information and documents readily available.
  2. The application form includes questions on five subjects:
    1. Type of fellowship you are applying for
    2. Personal information
    3. Work and career
    4. Fellowship: practical information
    5. Project proposal
  3. Upload the following documents (in PDF, DOC, or DOCX format):
    1. Full project proposal: A project description of no more than 1500 words.
    2. CV and list of relevant key publications (maximum 4 pages).
    3. Names of three international experts in your field who do not have a conflict of interest by reviewing your work.
  1. The applicant may not resubmit a project proposal that was previously rejected by NIAS;
  2. Please do not use AI to write texts for you.
Application Link: here.
17-Mar-25Netherlands Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities and Social Sciences (NIAS)Official Link
  • Stipend: 
    • Personal stipends are offered to fellows without an affiliation and fellows from outside the Netherlands.
    • Fellows are granted a monthly stipend of €3.500, - per month (exceptions apply for some of the supported fellowships).
    • This amount should cover essential expenses during the fellowship. The stipend is paid directly to the fellow.
  • Additional funding: Additional financial support for fellows from low income countries: here can be requested.
  • Legal status and insurance: NIAS is not obligated to make social-insurance contributions or to contribute to a pension or unemployment insurance.
  • Travel Expenses: For Fellows living outside Europe, an allowance equivalent to one return flight ticket (max €1.500).
  • Accommodation: 
    • NIAS offers accommodation on top locations in Amsterdam against a highly subsidized rate.
    • Fellows contribute €975, - per month for their NIAS accommodation. NIAS contributes the other €1.350 per month for the costs of accommodation.
For more information: here.

NHH Norwegian School of Economics - PhD Research Scholarships

  • Economics
  • Law
  • Business
  • Applicants must normally have completed a 5-year (3+2) study cycle resulting in a Master of Science (MSc) in Economics and Business Administration or a comparable degree relevant to your specialization (e.g. MSc in Social Sciences, Psychology, Philosophy, Mathematics, Management, Law).
  • Note that you only need to have completed your master’s degree before the starting date for the position (not before the application deadline).
  • The grade point average (GPA) must normally correspond to a B (4) or better, on a five-point scale (A=five, B=four, C=three, D=two, E=one) and is usually calculated based on the entire 5-year degree. The GPA requirement of a B or better also applies to your master’s thesis.
  • English language proficiency (TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE Academic).
  • GMAT or GRE
  1. Certificate of a Master of Science degree or equivalent including transcripts of grades, If you have not completed your degree when applying for the position, please attach an overview of the courses and grades that you have completed so far.
  2. Certificate of a bachelor’s degree or equivalent including transcripts of grades.
  3. Other relevant certificates or transcripts (e.g. courses completed at the PhD level), If the issuing authority of grades and degrees does not use the ECTS grading scale, please include an official description of the applied grading scale.
  4. Statement of purpose describing your motivation for applying for this position (250-300 words).
  5. Tentative research project outline (2000-4000 words). This research project outline should describe the aims, research questions, and motivation for the proposed area of research. Please note that your research project outline is tentative and often needs adjustments after your acceptance into the program.
  6. Curriculum vitae.
  7. List of publications and/or other documented research activities.
  8. Contact details of two referees (The referees should send their letters of recommendation to hr-phd@nhh.no before the application deadline).
  9. Unless you are waived, you are required to upload a scanned copy of your unofficial test scores in Jobbnorge before the deadline.
  10. A letter of recommendation may strengthen your application but is normally not mandatory. Please read the specific job announcement.
  11. Academic Proficiency Test: 
      • GMAT Focus Edition: a minimum score of 555 points.
      • GMAT Exam: a minimum score of 600 points.
      • GRE: a minimum score of 152 points on quantitative reasoning and 153 points on verbal reasoning.
  12. English Language Proficiency:
      • TOEFL written test: a minimum score of 575 points.
      • TOEFL computer-based test: a minimum score of 233 points.
      • TOEFL internet-based test: a minimum score of 90 points.
      • IELTS tests: a minimum score of 6,5 points.
      • PTE Academic: a minimum score of 62.
  • You are waived if: You are a native English speaker, You have a qualifying master’s degree from a Nordic institution or You have a qualifying master’s degree where the language of tuition is English.
  •  You are waived if: you hold a qualifying master’s degree from a Nordic institution
  • To become a PhD Research Scholar, you must apply for an announced scholarship. As a PhD Research Scholar, you are both a student and an employee, meaning you will receive a standard employment contract and a personnel form before your employment period commences. “PhD Research Scholar” is the official job title.
  • Application Link: Here 
17-Mar-25NHH Norwegian School of Economics Official Link
  • The annual salary for the PhD research scholar position will be NOK 550 000 (equivalent to approximately EUR 46 780 or USD 49 410) pr. August 2025.
  • For particularly well-qualified applicants, a higher salary may be considered, Thereafter annual adjustment of minimum 3%.
  • The salary ensures a fair standard of living in Norway, and is subject to Norwegian taxes and benefits, including health care provision and membership of the Norwegian Public Service Pension Fund.

2025 Chinese Government Scholarship High-Level Postgraduate Program

VariousMSc, PhDChina
  • Foreign citizenship, and in good health.
  • Applicants who apply for a Master's degree should be under 35 years old and have a Bachelor's degree.
  • Applicants who apply for a doctoral degree should be under 40 years old and have a Master's degree.
  • For applicants for Chinese-medium programs, HSK certificate level four or above is required for the applicants who would like to study in the programs of science and engineering; HSK level five is required for the applicants who would like to study in the programs of liberal arts programs. Applicants who have not reached the required level of Chinese are requested to take Chinese language training courses for one year before moving on to their degree studies.
  • Applicants whose native language is Chinese or who can provide proof of studying at the previous institution where the teaching language is Chinese can apply for a Han SK test waiver for further approval from the Wuhan University of Technology.
  • Applicants for English-medium programs should provide a score report on the English Language test. TOEFL requires 80, and ELTS requires 6. For those who could not offer the above-mentioned Standard English test results, additional oral or written English tests organized by Wuhan University of Technology will be required to participate in.
  • Native English-speaking applicants could be exempted from providing the above English proficiency certificate.
  • Applicants applying to study their native language or the third country's native languages such as English or French are not eligible for this scholarship program.
  • Applicants did not receive any other types of scholarships.
  1. Application Form for Chinese Government Scholarship (written in Chinese or English).
  2. Application Form for International Students of Wuhan University of Technology (written in Chinese or English).
  3.  Notarized highest diploma(degree certificate) and transcripts (the original and copy of each one: issued directly by the school/university, with an official stamp.
  4. Study Plan, within 1000 words, written in Chinese or in English.
  5. Two recommendation letters from either professors or associate professors, in Chinese or English.
  6. A scanned copy of an ordinary passport with a valid period after December 2025.
  7.  A photocopy of the Foreigner Physical Examination Form, filled in English or Chinese, can be downloaded: Here
  8. Please carefully plan your physical examination schedule as the result is valid for only six months, Please keep the original copy of the form for the school registration.  
  9. 8. Valid HSK certificate (if available), as for non-native English applicants, valid English level certificate is required if applying for an English-medium program (e. g TOEFL or IELTS).
  10.  Acceptance letter from the professor of Wuhan University of Technology (if available).
  11.  None Criminal Punishment Certificate.
10-Mar-25 Wuhan UniversityOfficial Link
  • Tuition waiver.
  • Free accommodation.
  • Living allowance: (PHD 3500RMB/per month, Master 3000RMB/per month).
  • Comprehensive medical insurance.
  • International travel expenses: self-afforded.
  • If you want to know more details of the scholarship, please visit the website at Here 

Uni. of Bonn - Argelander Scholarships for PhD Candidates from Universities in Africa, L. America and Asia

  • Preference is given to international doctoral candidates pursuing a doctoral degree at a university or a research institute in Africa, Latin America or Asia.
  • Doctoral candidates who are already pursuing their Ph.D. at the University of Bonn are not eligible for funding.
  • Recipients of funding should finish their doctorates at their home university.
  1. Online form.
  2. Project description (PDF of max. 8 pages), consisting of:
      • An outline of the research project to be worked on during the person’s stay in Bonn; please write your proposal for a multidisciplinary audience.
      • Reasons for the host to invite the doctoral candidate.
      • An outline of how the doctoral candidate will be integrated at the host institute (place of work, participation in the institute’s teaching and research activities), and an outline of how the project will be supervised in Bonn.
      • Justification by the home university regarding the academic goal of the research stay in Bonn
      • Information on the current status of the doctorate and the planned completion of the doctorate in the home country.
  3. CV and motivational letter of the doctoral candidate (PDF).
  4. A financing plan.
  • The application must be submitted by a full-time professor from the University of Bonn.
  • Up to two applications per host/ professor can be considered.
  • The doctoral candidates must submit a signed motivational letter.
  • Application link: Here 
31-Mar-25the University of BonnOfficial Link
The funding can cover the following:
  • A travel allowance (depending on country of origin/Osingle payment at the start of the subsidy).
  • A scholarship of €1,500 per month (additional funds for accompanying family members: up to €300 for a spouse and €250 per child).
  • A research expense allowance of up to €300 per month.
  • The funding is for a period of at least 3 and not more than 12 months.
  • When calculating costs, please note the instructions in the financing plan.

International Student Scholarships at Norwich University of the Arts 2024-25

VariousBSc, MScUnited Kingdom
  • International students can apply for these scholarships.
  • Scholarships are awarded on the strength of applicant portfolios and interviews as determined by course staff at the time of the interview. To be eligible, students must have overseas fee status and join NUA on three and four-year programmes or postgraduate courses.
  • For bachelor:
    • Successful completion of Hanawiyya al-A’aamaI (General Secondary Education Certificate), with a score of 80% or above.
  • Postgraduate entry requirements:
    • Applicants for postgraduate study should achieve a BA (Hons) or BSc Degree with a 2:1 or equivalent (between 60-70% depending on the country) for entry into our postgraduate programmes. Ideally your undergraduate degree would be in a subject related to your proposed course of study or you would have relevant experience.
    • English language proficiency tests requirements: here.
    • The student must also take their place and submit a scholarship form to the International Office by the relevant deadline, agreeing to all associated terms and conditions in the process.
    • Advanced entry students are not eligible for the general scholarships, though they can apply for the country-specific scholarships in some instances.
  1. UCAS Application: here
  2. If you are interested in an undergraduate degree course, you need to apply through UCAS.
  3. When you register with UCAS, you will need to include your previous and current qualifications information, personal statement, and references. Your personal statement is your chance to stand out from the crowd.
  4. When making your choices, you need both the institution code and the course code to apply. Our institution code is N39.
  5. We give equal consideration to all applications we receive by this deadline. If we have places available after this date, we may still be able to accept your application, but it will be dependent on there being spaces left on your chosen course(s). If any of our courses become full, we will update this on UCAS.
  6. For under graduate courses: Apart from submitting your application form, you will also need to submit the following:
    1. Portfolio: Most of our courses require you to submit a portfolio, which you can send to us digitally, if your course requires one. Your portfolio should demonstrate your technical skills, ability to generate ideas, and your passion for the subject area.
    2. *A portfolio is not required for the following courses:
      1. BA (Hons) Fashion Communication and Promotion
      2. BA (Hons) Fashion Marketing and Business
      3. BSc (Hons) Games Development
      4. BSc(Hons) Creative Technology
      5. BA (Hons) Acting – Requires an online audition
      6. BSc (Hons) Creative Computing
    3. Academic / Educational Qualification: You can find our range of academic entry requirements by country by visiting the page: here.
    4. English Language Proficiency Proof.
    5. Reference: We require one educational reference, or where you have been working prior to applying to study with us, a professional reference that can vouch for you. The referee needs to indicate how long and in what capacity they have known you, as well as provide us their candid opinion of you and your suitability to undertake your proposed course of study
    6. If submitting a reference letter, the reference must be on the organisation’s official letterhead, and bearing the stamp of the organisation and signature and job title of the referee. Alternatively, you can ask your referee to email their reference directly to our International Admissions Officer at ioadmissions@norwichuni.ac.uk. Please note, we do not accept references forwarded by the applicant if they are not on the official letterhead.
  7. For postgraduate courses:
    1. Personal Details
    2. Course Details
    3. Details of all Educational Qualifications to date
    4. Statement of Purpose (if available)
    5. Link to Portfolio (if available)
    6. Reference letter
    7. English Language Requirements: NUA requires all students to satisfy the English language requirements set by UK Visa and Immigration. Typically, students are asked to achieve an overall score of 6.0 with 5.5 in each section of the UKVI-approved IELTS exam. Exams must be taken at an approved test centre and be no more than two years old when the visa application is submitted. More information: here
Application link: Online Undergraduate Application Form: here.
18-May-25The Norwich University of the ArtsOfficial LinkUndergraduate Scholarships:
  • Vice Chancellor’s UG Scholarship - £16,500*
  • International UG Awards £2,000
Postgraduate Scholarships:
  • Vice-Chancellor’s PG Scholarship £3,500
  • International Alumni Fee Discount2 - £3,000 International PG Awards £2,000

Australia Awards- Master Scholarships

  • Climate change
  • Agriculture and food security
  • Mining and energy
  • Foreign policy and international security
  • Gender Equality, Disability and Social Inclusion
MScAustraliaCandidates from eligible African countries must also meet the following conditions:
  • Be a minimum of 25 years of age on 1 February 2025.
  • At minimum, have 5 years of post-graduate work experience, working in a field relative to their field of study.
  • Be a citizen of Algeria, Benin, Botswana, Côte d'Ivoire, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Egypt, Ethiopia, Ghana, Kenya, Madagascar, Malawi, Mauritius, Morocco, Mozambique, Namibia, Nigeria, Rwanda, Senegal, Sierra Leone, South Africa, Tanzania, Uganda, Zambia or Zimbabwe and be residing in and applying for the scholarship from their country of citizenship, unless working for an African Regional Organisation or working on diplomatic mission for their home country.
  • Not already hold or be undertaking a Master’s degree or equivalent (equivalent to a Master’s degree in home country).
  • Already hold an undergraduate degree (equivalent to an Australian undergraduate degree).
  • Not have previously received a long-term Australia Award.
  • Meet the minimum English language proficiency of at least 6.5 in IELTS with no band less than 6.0 (an internet based TOEFL score of at least 84, with a minimum of 21 in all subtests, or PTE Academic overall score of 58 with no communicative skill score less than 50). Scores must be valid on 1 January 2025. (Excluding candidates if their first language is English and they have undertaken their education in English). 
  1. All applications must be lodged online through OASIS at here
  2. Required documents:
    1. Passport Proof of Citizenship
    2. Undergraduate Degree Certificate
    3. Undergraduate Academic Transcript
    4. Curriculum Vitae
    5. Employer Referee Report
    6. Academic Referee Report
30-Apr-25Australian Government, Foreign Affairs and Trade GovernmentOfficial LinkAustralia Awards benefits:
  • Australia Awards scholarships are offered for the minimum period necessary for the individual to complete the academic program specified by the Australian education institution, including any preparatory training.
  • Scholarship recipients will receive the following:
    • Return air travel
    • A one-off establishment allowance on arrival
    • Full tuition fees
    • Contribution to living expenses
    • Introductory academic program
    • Overseas student health cover for the duration of the scholarship
    • Supplementary academic support
    • Fieldwork allowance for research students and master by coursework which has a compulsory fieldwork component

The Mercatus Center's James Buchanan Fellowship

  • Economics & Business
  • Politics
FellowshipUnited StatesIn order to be accepted into the James Buchanan Fellowship program, you must:
  • Have graduated within the last six years from a doctoral program.
  • Have an academic position at an accredited university and/or a research position with an organization dedicated to in-depth research in social sciences and other sciences.
  • Early-career scholars with a PhD from any discipline whose research and/or teaching interests would benefit from a greater understanding of key writings in political economy are strongly encouraged to apply.
Complete the online application, including:
  1. Personal information , contact information, educational information, How did you hear about us?, short essay questions.
  2. A 1-2 page cover letter explaining: your graduate school career to date, your academic career goals, your research interests and current projects, your familiarity with the thinkers associated with the Austrian, Virginia, and Bloomington schools of political economy, and what you hope to get out of the program.
  3. A current resume/CV.
  4. A list of resent academic publications, if any.
  5. A few short answer questions.
The application link: here
15-Apr-25The Mercatus Center at George Mason University Official LinkThe total award of up to $8,000 includes:
  • A stipend
  • All required reading materials
  • Travel and lodging to attend colloquia hosted by the Mercatus Center

Newton International Fellowship (NIF) programme

Natural SciencesFellowshipUnited Kingdom
  • You have a PhD, or will have a PhD by the time the funding starts.
  • You have no more than seven years of active full-time postdoctoral experience at the time of application (discounting career breaks, but including teaching experience and/or time spent in industry on research).
  • You are based outside the UK.
  • You do not hold UK citizenship.
  • Individuals who have lived, worked or undertaken research in the UK in the 12 months prior to the application deadline are not eligible to apply, with the exception of short-term visits of less than three months in total and applicants who are refugees in the UK according to the Geneva Convention.
  • Applicants who completed their PhD at a UK organisation must have been working and based outside the UK for at least one year at the deadline for the application.
  • Applicants proposing to return to their UK-based PhD organisation and/or PhD supervisor or to their postdoctoral supervisor will normally be considered to be ineligible and so applicants must have exceptional reasons for proposing to do so.
  • Individuals who have previously been in receipt of a Newton International Fellowship are not permitted to apply again.
  • You are competent in oral and written English.
  • Your research is within the Royal Society’s remit of natural sciences. For a full list, here.
  • All applications are developed with the support of a UK sponsor.
  • Applicants can be of any nationality and those requiring a visa are eligible to apply for a Global Talent Visa: here under the fast-track process of endorsement.
  1. Candidates should have ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID) identifier to complete the submission process.
  2. Completing the application form which includes the following items:
    1. Understanding our Promotion
    2. Eligibility Criteria
    3. Contact Details
    4. Lead Applicant Career Summary
    5. UK Sponsor Career Summary
    6. Research Proposal
    7. Data Management and Data Sharing
    8. Use of Animals in Research
    9. Use of Human Patients or Tissue
    10. Financial Details
    11. Applicant Declaration
    12. Nominated Referees Support (2 referees: one referee be nominated by the Applicant and one by the UK Sponsor)
Application Link: here.
18-Mar-25The Royal SocietyOfficial Link
  • The maximum award value will be £280,000 over two years.
  • Funds can cover:
    • Basic salary as set by the host institution and associated on-costs.
    • Research expenses.
    • Relocation and visa costs for Newton International Fellows and their dependents (partner and children). The total grant cap may be exceeded to cover relocation/visa costs if this is well justified in the application.
    • Estate costs and indirect costs.

Kochi University of Technology’s Special Scholarship Program (SSP) 3-year doctoral program

  • Intelligent Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering (Kami Campus)
  • Electronic and Photonic Engineering (Kami Campus)
  • Architecture and Infrastructure Design (Kami Campus)
  • Engineering Science (Kami Campus)
  • Informatics (Kami Campus)
  • Data and Innovation (Kami/Eikokuji Campus)
  • Economics and Management (Eikokuji Campus)
  • To have permission from the applicant's preferred supervisor to apply.
  • To hold a degree from an accredited institution comparable to the master's degree offered at KUT after 18 years of education, or to be scheduled to acquire such a degree before the KUT enrollment date.
  • To be 35 years old or under at the time of enrollment.
  • To have an excellent academic record and strong bachelor's and master's degrees from reputable universities.
  • To have the intention, adequate knowledge and research skill to study in the research field.
  • To have high English proficiency.
  1. Choose a maximum of two supervisors from the SSP Supervisor List.
  2. Send a complete Online Pre-Application Request to your preferred supervisors via KUT Online Pre-Application Request Form and obtain his/her permission to apply for the SSP program. Applicants are not allowed to make Pre-Application Request to more than two supervisors in a given entry period. Please note that your pre-application is considered rejected if your preferred supervisor does not reply to you within two weeks from the submission of the Online Pre-application Request Form.
  3. When your preferred supervisor contacts you, you must respond promptly.
  4. When you obtain a permission from the supervisors, choose only one preferred supervisor, complete all required documents and submit them to KUT by post. The documents must reach KUT by the deadline.
  5. Required Documents:
    1. A copy of an email or other communication which clearly shows that your preferred supervisor has given permission to apply
    2. Signed pre-application request
    3. Original bachelor's degree academic transcript
    4. Original master's degree academic transcript
    5. Original master's degree certificate
    6. A copy of master's thesis in English
    7. Research Outline
    8. Two signed recommendation letters in English or Japanese
    9. Original certificate of health in English or Japanese issued within the past 6 months
    10. Certificate of English proficiency (a minimum score of TOEFL iBT72 (Writing 17), IELTS5.5 (Writing 5.5), CET-6 or WSK(PETS-5). Applicants may not be required to submit English test score if they meet certain conditions.
    11. Rank certificate (If available)
    12. Copies of your past publications (If available)
    13. Copy of your passport (If available)
  6. Pre-application Link: here
  7. Sending Address:
    • International Relations Section, Kochi University of Technology
    • Address: Tosayamada, Kami City, Kochi 782-8502, JAPAN
    • Tel: +81-887-53-1130
    • Fax: +81-887-57-2000
11-Apr-25Kochi University of TechnologyOfficial Link
  • Exemption from 15,000 yen entrance examination fee, 300,000 yen enrollment fee and 535,800 yen/year tuition fee for three years.
  • To support living expenses, 150,000 yen/month is paid as scholarship for three years.
  • 150,000 yen is provided for travel and initial living costs. (given only to international applicants who are living outside Japan, and who have, or have the intention to acquire, "Student" status of Japanese residence at the time of entry into Japan).

QuanTEEM - Erasmus Mundus Master in Quantum Technologies and Engineering

Quantum technologiesMScDenmark, France, Germany
  • Candidates from all over the world are welcome to apply for admission in the Erasmus Mundus Master QuanTEEM.
  • Academic requirements: All applicants must hold a Bachelor of Science (equivalent to at least 180 ECTS) or an equivalent degree in science (strong background in physics is necessary).
  • Language proficiency: All applicants, except native English speakers, must provide recent evidence of their proficiency in English through one of the following documents:
    • TOEFL: minimum score: 600 points (paper) or 95 points (internet) or 250 (computer based)
    • IELTS: minimum score: 6.5
    • Cambridge English First (FCE) - Grade A or B
    • Certificate of a University Language Centre testifying that the student masters the necessary knowledge of English to function academically (specify CEF-level / minimum CEF-level B2)
  • Previous scholarship(s): A candidate who benefits or benefited from an Erasmus Mundus scholarship cannot be awarded an Erasmus Mundus scholarship to attend the QuanTEEM master's program.
  • Mobility rule: The QuanTEEM master’s programme includes compulsory physical mobility for all enrolled students (EMJM scholarship holders or not) consisting of a minimum of two study periods in two countries. These two countries must be different from the country of residence of the student at enrollment stage. Each of the two mandatory study periods must correspond to a workload of at least one academic semester (30 ECTS credits or equivalent) and must take place in full partner Higher Education Institutions, or under their direct supervision. Compulsory mobility periods cannot be replaced by virtual mobility (distance learning).
  1. Scanned copy of your passport or identity card (check the expiration date on your passport: for a regular long stay visa (more than 90 days), the expiration date must be 15 months after the day you plan to leave your country of origin).
  2. CV.
  3. Letter of motivation.
  4. Copy of transcript of records for your whole degree and a grading scale.
  5. Certified copy of your diploma(s) / degree(s) certificate(s).
  6. Copy of official language certificate attesting language skills in English.
  7. Other document you consider relevant to enhance your application.
  8. NOTE: All application documents are to be translated in French or English. Translations of official diplomas and transcripts must be issued by your home university or certified by an authorized translator.
Application Link: here.
06-Apr-25Erasmus Mundus Joint MastersOfficial Link
  • Erasmus Mundus scholarships of 1400€/month over a maximum of 24 month.in addition to waived tuition and insurance fees.

The Institute for Employment Research (IAB)-GradAB program

  • Candidates from outstanding graduates in the fields of economics, sociology, survey statistics, or other social sciences who hold a master’s degree and have a strong interest in labor market research.
  • If applicants are otherwise equally qualified, female applicants will be given preference.
  • Excellent academic qualification, special interest in and enthusiasm for issues of the labor market and occupational research, and a strong personality.
  • Preference will be given to dissertation proposals that benefit from being attached to the IAB, and that will be of particular benefit to the IAB.
  • Applications from disabled persons are highly welcome.
  • Extra scholarships are offered for applicants with a certificate of severe disability.
  • Applications for this extra scholarship are open all year round.
  1. Complete, tabular CV.
  2. Copies of school-leaving certificates and certificates of vocational training and professional activities, copies of university certificates already attained.
  3. A reference letter. The letter of recommendation must be submitted to the program coordinator directly (apply.gradab@iab.de).
  4. An outline of the project describing the fundamental, perhaps preliminary ideas of the dissertation proposal. The project outline submitted in English should be between 10,000 and 20,000 characters long, including spaces and the list of cited literature.
  5. The following points can provide a basic overview:
      1. Providing reasons for selecting the topic, and determining its place in current labour market research
      2. Illustrating major problems and issues of the project in the field of labour market research
      3. Provide a (non-exhaustive) list of relevant literature
      4. Considerations regarding the theoretical approach, the methodology of project implementation, and the data to be used (e.g. IAB data sets)
      5. Documentation of the FDZ: Here data sets can help in deciding on data research and preparing the project outline.
  • Application form: Here
  • Application Link: Please send your application documents as separate PDF files to apply.gradab@iab.de
16-Mar-25The Institute for Employment Research (IAB)Official Link
  • Regular participants of the GradAB receive a scholarship of 1,600 Euros per month.
  • Participants with a family can receive an additional 155 Euros per month if the annual net income of the spouse or partner is below 15,340 Euros, or if the participant has custody of at least one child living in the same household.
  • Participants receive a lump sum of 155 Euros for the first, 205 Euros for the second and each further child aged 18 and below, living in the same household, given that the participant has custody of the child.
  • Every participant of the GradAB receives 1,800 Euros per year for conference participation, further training (e.g. summer schools), and other dissertation-related expenses.

Padova international excellence scholarship programme 2025/2026 - University of Padova

  • Do not possess Italian citizenship (except for dual citizenship including Italian).
  • Hold a non-Italian foreign secondary school diploma (for Bachelor's or Single-cycle degree applicants) or a non-Italian Bachelor's degree (for Master's degree applicants) allowing admission to the Italian University system.
  • Do not reside in Italy.
  • Apply to one or more of the abovementioned degree programs completely taught in English at the University of Padua. Please remember that you can apply for up to 3 degree programs.
  • How to apply: you will be automatically considered for the selection procedure if you meet the eligibility criteria mentioned above (please check the section "Who can apply"). There is no separate application to be filled out or additional specific documents to be submitted besides those indicated in the Calls for applications of the chosen course.
  • For international applicants, certain documents are required for admission, which must be in PDF format, These include a valid:
      1. A curriculum vitae.
      2. Passport or ID card.
      3. Academic transcript or mark sheet.
      4. Motivation letter.
      5. Language proficiency certificate.
      6. Upper secondary school certificate or academic qualification.
      7. Additionally, specific documents may be required for the chosen degree program.
      8. Choose your discipline and apply: Here
09-Mar-25The University of PadovaOfficial Link
  • Fully Funded.
  • Amount of scholarship: fee-waiver + €8.000,00 scholarship (gross amount) per a.y.
  • The only amount to be paid by beneficiary students for each year consists of an admission fee, corresponding to the regional tax and marca da bollo.
  • Duration: the Padua International Excellence Scholarship has a maximum duration of:
      • 2 continuous years for Master’s degree candidates
      • 3 continuous years for Bachelor’s and Single Cycle degree candidates.
      • After the duration above indicated, beneficiary students will be required to cover their own expenses as well as tuition fees until graduation.
  • Payments arrangements and maintenance requirements: the scholarship will be paid in two (2) installments of €4.000,00 (gross amount) each per academic year upon achievement of the merit requirements indicated in the Call for Applications.

Royal Society - "The Lisa Jardine Grant Scheme" Fully Funded Fellowship

History of science & philosophyFellowshipUnited Kingdom
Applicants must be either:
  • Researchers holding PhDs awarded within the last ten years, in early research positions at universities and other eligible organizations (e.g. museums, galleries).
  • The applicant must hold a permanent or fixed-term contract for the duration of the award in an eligible organization.
  • Doctoral candidates with at least one year’s experience toward the thesis stage.
  • PhD students are encouraged to apply but are advised to begin with smaller, exploratory visit travel grants (see below), before submitting a larger proposal especially if their research is at an early stage of development.
  • All activities must be on a subject combining the humanities and the natural sciences.
  • This includes, but is not limited to: intellectual history, cultural history, history of science, philosophy of science, history of art, and historical geography.
  • The scheme places special emphasis on Early Modern science and European networks of the period.
  • UK and international applications are welcomed. Scholars based in non-UK organizations are required to incorporate research at The Royal Society as part of any proposal.
  • Both UK and international applicants applying for subsistence grants for extended research trips (1-3 months) must incorporate research at the Royal Society collections as part of their proposal.
  • Before applying please make sure that you meet the full eligibility requirements explained more fully in the scheme notes (PDF).
All applications require:
  1. Statement of support from the applicant’s Head of Department.
  2. A personal reference is usually from an academic supervisor or line manager.
  3. Approval of the application from the host organization.
  4. For researchers traveling internationally, evidence of support/permission is required from any private institution(s) they intend to visit for research with the exception of the Royal Society or if the organization has a public access policy.
  5. Host organization approval: Applications need organizational approval from the body that you enter as your ‘host organization’ in the contact information and research proposal pages of the application.
  6. For UK-based applicants, this should be the organization where the applicant is working or studying. Non-UK applicants should list the Royal Society as the host organization.
  7. Research destination permission: For applicants applying for international travel support, additional letters of access permission/support are required from any institutions they intend to visit for their research (with the exception of the Royal Society or if the institution has a public access policy).
  • For more information: Here 
  • Application link: Here
11-Mar-25 The Royal SocietyOfficial Link
  • Research subsistence grants.
  • Up to £2,000 per month to a maximum of 3 months, for travel and living expenses while attending the Royal Society collections and other, nearby scholarly collections.
  • Both international and UK-based scholars are required to incorporate research at the Royal Society as part of their proposal if applying under this subsistence strand of the scheme.
  • Travel grants.
  • Up to £2,000 for international travel to any relevant research destination, for short exploratory research trips (no more than 1 month,) or one-off event attendance.

European Master for Industry in Microwave Electronics and Photonics (EMIMEP)

EngineeringMScItaly, France, Spain, Germany
  1. A bachelor's diploma in Electronic Engineering, telecommunication engineering, photonics, or applied physics. The applicants might have solid bases in signal processing, electromagnetism, telecommunications, embedded systems, analog and digital electronics, propagation of electromagnetic waves, and the principle of photonics. Moreover, the applicant might submit the final grade of the bachelor’s Programme. For instance, applicants can convert their grades through the scenic-generic recognition convention.
  2. Previous professional experience (industrial internship, academic project, summer jobs) and/or research experience. Above all, the applicant has to justify a cumulative work experience of 4 weeks with a positive assessment;
  3. Study curriculum – List of the 180 acquired ECTS.
  4. Publications are relevant to the contents of the Master's Programme (e.g. internship reports).
  5. Foreign language skills. The required English-level competence should satisfy a minimum overall score as follows:
  6. It is compulsory to provide official English proficiency results for students coming from countries where English is not an official language.
  1. Letter of motivation in English – Writing a personal essay to demonstrate the applicant’s motivation and his/her ability to write clearly and concisely.
  2. Certified copies of High-School/Secondary school certificate.
  3. Certified copies of bachelor’s degree and transcripts until the application date.
  4. Copy of passport or ID.
  5. CV.
  6. Self-declaration of honours about the proof of residence
  7. Test report or certificate of English language proficiency. For instance, the Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL) International English Language Testing System (IELTS) or Pearson Test of English (PTE Academic).
  8. Three reference letters, one of them from a non-academic referee attesting to basic competencies and practical experience, The reference letters shall include any proof of recognition of the referee (LinkedIn ID, Google scholars ID, or any proof online).
  9. proofs of employment (employment certificate/ internships) of the last 5 years by the deadline of the student scholarship application.
  10. Required English Level CEFR – B1: UNILIM, UNIBS, UPV/EHU, FSUJENA.
  11. Copies of any other qualifications (grades, diplomas, certificates).
  12. Courses or workshops (that are not a part of the standard degree program).
  13. Participation in conferences and/or publication of papers/articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals.
  14. relevant work experience.
  • All copies of degrees, transcripts, diplomas, and certificates copies have to be Certified copies, provided in English.
  • If the original documents have not been issued in English, they must be translated by a certified translator.
  • Application Link: Here 
12-Mar-25Erasmus Mundus Joint MastersOfficial Link
  • The student will receive 1400 euros each month during the full duration of the program (max. 24 months).
  •  The scholarship will cover the travel, visa cost, and living allowance.
  • EMIMEP will provide Health and Travel insurance to the students during the full period of studies.
  • EMIMEP will also cover all the tuition fees for the students during the duration of their studies.

Social Relevance of the Humanities for International Scholars 2025/2026

Humanities and the social sciencesFellowshipBulgaria
  • Be non-Bulgarian citizens.
  • Have completed a PhD in the fields of the humanities and the social sciences.
  • Having international research experience (participation in projects and refereed conferences) and publications in peer-reviewed academic editions are strong advantages.
  • Have a Good Command of English.
  1. Download the following forms from: Here
      • Application Form.
      • Proposal Guide.
      • Reference Form.
      • Application Checklist.
  2. A recent photo (can be separately attached or included in the application form)
  3. A scanned Ph.D. certificate.
  4. For Junior scholars (up to 8 years after PhD defense) only: two letters of recommendation by scholars familiar with the applicant’s academic work should be emailed to CAS by the referees.
  5. The file must be entitled Familyname_ApplicationForm_2025 (for example: Smith_ApplicationForm_2025.doc), The file must be kept in Word format.
  6. All application documents should be presented in English and sent by e-mail to dimov@cas.bg with the subject entry “RevHum Fellowships.”
31-Mar-25Centre for Advanced Study Sofia and the New Europe College Bucharest Official Link
  • A monthly stipend of 850 Euro (liable to 10% income tax) to cover living expenses related to the stay in Sofia.
  • Accommodation in Sofia, comprising living quarters and working space.
  • The Fellows will also have free access to the CAS library and electronic resources/databases. Travel, insurance, and visa allowance (up to 850 euros).
  • Research travel abroad (from 750 up to 1500 Euro).
  • Research expenses (up to 100 Euros per fellowship month).
Note: Candidates may apply for a period of five or nine months:
  • 1 October 2025 – 28 February 2026 (Winter semester).
  • 1 March 2026 – 31 July 2026 (Summer semester).
  • 1 October 2025 – 31 July 2026 (Full academic year, ten months).

National Scholarship Programme of the Slovak Republic

VariousFellowship, Exchange ProgramsSlovakia
  • A) students who:
      • Are university students at universities outside Slovakia;
      • Are students of the second level of higher education (master's students), or are students who at the time of the application deadline have already completed at least 2.5 years of their university studies in the same/similar study programme;
      • Will be on a study stay in Slovakia during their higher education outside Slovakia and who will be accepted by a public, private or state higher education institution in Slovakia for an academic mobility to study in Slovakia.
      • All 3 conditions must be met. This category does not apply to doctoral (PhD) studies (or their equivalent).
      • Duration of a scholarship stay (students): 1 – 2 full semesters (i.e. 4 – 5 or 9 – 10 months) or 1 – 3 full trimesters, in case the academic year is divided into trimesters (i.e. 3 – 4 or 6 – 7 or 9 – 10 months).
  • B) PhD students whose higher education or scientific training takes place outside Slovakia and who are accepted by a public, private, or state higher education institution or a research institution in Slovakia eligible to carry out a doctoral study program (e.g. the Slovak Academy of Sciences) for academic mobility to study/conduct research/artistic stay in Slovakia.
  • Duration of a scholarship stay (PhD students): 1 – 10 months.
  • C) international university teachers, researchers and artists who are invited to a teaching/research/artistic stay in Slovakia by an institution with a valid certificate of eligibility to carry out research and development, which is not a business compan and it has its seat in Slovakia.
  • Duration of a scholarship stay (university teachers, researchers or artists): 1 – 10 months.
  • Citizens of any country in the world (except the citizens of Slovakia) can apply for a scholarship stay in Slovakia under the NSP framework.
  • In case of re-applying for a scholarship, the application can only be approved if between the deadline by which the applicant re-submitted the application and the deadline by which the NSP scholarship was last awarded and received, at least 2 years (including) have passed.
  • Exception to this condition can be only in cases worth of special consideration, especially if the previous stay supported by the scholarship was affected by an extraordinary circumstance caused by force majeure (e.g. pandemic, military conflict, etc.).
  1. International students (eligible applicants under the category A):
      1. Curriculum vitae.
      2. Motivation letter.
      3. Detailed study programme
      4. Two recommendation letters issued by applicant’s university teachers
      5. Confirmation issued by the applicant’s home university confirming that the applicant is a regular student of the respective university at the time of applying
      6. Scan of applicant’s bachelor’s diploma, diploma supplement and state examination certificate (if applicable);
      7. Admission/invitation letter issued by applicant’s host university in Slovakia indicating the period of stay.
  2. International PhD students (eligible applicants under the category B):
      • Curriculum vitae.
      • Motivation letter.
      • Detailed study/research/artistic programme.
      • A recommendation letter was issued by the applicant’s dissertation supervisor.
      • Confirmation issued by the applicant’s home university/research organization confirming that the applicant is on the application deadline a regular PhD student of the respective university/research organization
      • Scan of applicant’s master’s diploma, diploma supplement, and state examination certificate (if applicable).
      • List of publications/artistic activities in the required form.
      • Admission/invitation letter issued by the applicant’s host university/research organisation in Slovakia indicating the period of stay.
  3. International university teachers/researchers/artists (eligible applicants under the category C):
      • • curriculum vitae;
      • • detailed teaching and/or research/artistic program
      • • scan of the applicant’s diploma of the highest academic degree achieved;
      • • list of publications/artistic activities in the required form
      • • invitation letter issued by the applicant’s host university/research organization in Slovakia indicating the period of stay.
Application Link: Here
30-Apr-25Ministry of Education, Science, Research and Sport of the Slovak RepublicOfficial Link
  • A) university student of the second level of higher education: 620 EUR/month.
  • B) PhD student: 1025,50 EUR/month.
  • C) university teacher/researcher/artist:
      • Without PhD degree (or its equivalent) and at the same time less than 4 years of work experience as a university teacher/researcher/artist: 1025,50 EUR/month.
      • With PhD degree (or its equivalent) and at the same time less than 10 years of work experience as a university teacher/researcher/artist: 1370 EUR/month.
      • With PhD degree (or its equivalent) and at the same time more than 10 years of work experience as a university teacher/researcher/artist: 1470 EUR/month.
      • The costs related to staying in Slovakia (food, accommodation, etc.), during their study, research/artistic, or teaching stay at universities and in research organizations in Slovakia.
      • Travel grant.

Heilongjiang Government Scholarship for International Students

VariousMSc, PostDoc, BScChina
  • Applicants for bachelor’s degree must have acquired a diploma equivalent to a Chinese high-school graduate and be under the age of 25, and should also be in accordance with the eligibility of the host institution
  • Applicants for a master’s degree program must have bachelor’s degree and be under the age of 35 and should have a bachelor’s degree with letters of recommendation from two professors or associate professors.
  • Applicants for the doctoral degree program must have master’s degree and be under the age of 40 and should have a master’s degree with letters of recommendation from two professors or associate professors.
  1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens (with a foreign nationality over four years) and be in good health.
  2. Applicants must comply with laws and regulations of the Chinese government and rules and disciplines of the host institutions.
  3. Applicants should not be currently studying in China (Students currently in China who graduated from a Chinese institution for more than one academic year are eligible).
  4. Applicants’ proficiency of the Chinese level be determined by the host institution according to specialty and teaching language.
  5. Applicants should not be awardees of any other scholarships.
30-Apr-25Heilongjiang GovernmentOfficial LinkThe scholarship is divided into the following three categories and is granted to the relevant institutions that accept international students:
  • Class A: Doctoral Degree Student’s Scholarship: Class A scholarship is granted to the student for 2 to 3 academic years with the standard of RMB 50,000 per year.
  • Class B: Master’s Degree Student’s Scholarship: Class B scholarship is granted to the student for 2 to 3 academic years with the standard of RMB 40,000 per year.
  • Class C: Bachelor’s Degree Student’s Scholarship: The Class C scholarship is granted to the student for 4 academic years (five years for medical specialties) with a standard of RMB 30,000 per year.

Kofi Annan Global Health Leadership Programme

  • Public health
  • Health
  • Human medicine
  • Finance
  • Health policy
  • Animal health
  • Environmental health
Leadership ProgramHybrid learningApplicants for the Fellowship must:
  • Be citizens of an African Union Member State.
  • Possess a postgraduate degree in a relevant field in public health.
  • Have 10 years of professional experience in any field of public health, including but not limited to one health, medicine, finance, health economics, health policy, animal health, or environmental health.
  • Be in full-time employment in any area of public health, in a private or public institution in Africa.
  • Have a good track record or be able to demonstrate the potential for effective public health leadership where they can positively impact the public health outcomes of populations.
All applications must be submitted using the online application form. All applicants must provide the following required information:
  1. A support letter from the current employer to confirm employment, guaranteeing that the candidate will be allowed enough time to participate in the Fellowship programme and to attend the full eight weeks of institutional residential experience.
  2. Letters of recommendation from two reputable professional referees.
  3. A personal statement (maximum 400 words) providing evidence of the candidate’s commitment to public health in Africa detailing the following:
    1. Their leadership experience and professional attainment.
    2. Their vision of, and the future impact of effective public health leadership in Africa.
    3. How they would champion public health initiatives in Africa.
  4. A leadership challenge project proposal (maximum 400 words) that outlines a potential leadership challenge project they will implement which is feasible to complete with in the 12 month of the fellowship.
  5. Completed applications with all supporting documents should be submitted through: here.  
31-Dec-25Kofi Annan Foundation in Collaboration with The African Union CommissionOfficial Link
  • Africa CDC will provide all learning and development materials and meet all costs associated with the fellowship, including travel, daily allowance and insurance during the residential placements.
  • Fellows will be supported to ensure that they have the relevant software for online learning.

Saxion University of Applied Sciences - Holland Scholarship

  • Design & Graphic Design
  • Chemistry
  • Computers & IT
  • Economics & Business
  • Energy
  • Engineering
  • Media
  • Marketing & PR
  • Physics &Math
  • Arts
  • Video & Photography
BSc, MScNetherlands
  • Your nationality is non-EU/EEA and you pay full institutional tuition fee.
  • You apply for the first time for a full-time programme at Saxion (see qualifying programmes above).
  • You meet the specific requirements of the study programme of your choice.
  • You do not receive any other scholarship for the same study year and study programme.
  1. GPA 80% or higher based on the grade list you use to enroll at Saxion.
  2. IELTS 7.0 or higher (or the equivalent of IELTS).
01-May-25Saxion UniversityOfficial LinkAmount: EUR 5,000

Emory University Scholarships for International Students (2025)

VariousBScUnited States
  • International students must demonstrate English proficiency and provide financial certificate.
  1. The applicant must select one of the three admission decision plans (Early Decision I, Early Decision II, or Regular Decision) and submit all required application materials by November 15. (Those applying Early Decision I must apply by November 1.)
  2. The applicant must answer "yes" to the question on your application that says, "Do you wish to be considered for merit scholarships?"
  3. You must submit the following:
    1. The Common Application
    2. $75 application fee or application fee waiver
    3. Official high school transcripts and official college transcripts, if applicable
    4. If English is your second language, TOEFL or IELTS results are also recommended
    5. Secondary school report/counselor’s recommendation
    6. Two teacher letters of recommendation from core-area academic teachers
    7. For those applying EDII or RD: Midyear report and transcript
  4. Applicants may upload additional materials digitally to add to their application like a resume, digital portfolio, or link to a YouTube page.
  5. Application link: here.
  6. Emory accepts both official and self-reported test scores for TOEFL, IELTS, and DET.
  7.  For more information about English test grades visit: here.
  8. Students applying Early Decision I can apply for the scholar programs but need to meet the November 1 deadline. If your ability to enroll depends on receiving a specific amount of merit scholarships or need-based financial aid, we strongly encourage you to apply Regular Decision.
  9. Scholar program awards are not finalized until early April, after the deposit deadlines for Early Decision I and Early Decision II.
  10. The Financial Aid Application Process & Considerations:
    1. Select "yes" to the Common Application or Coalition Application question that asks about applying for financial aid.
    2. Complete the CSS Profile before February 16th if you think you will need financial assistance at any time during your education.
    3. NOTE: Only students who apply for and receive financial aid in their first year will be eligible for aid in the future.
    4. Submit your tax returns or foreign country equivalent to the College Board's Institutional Documentation (IDOC) Service before February 16.
    5. NOTE: Signed copies of tax documents must be translated to English, converted to USD, and include the currency conversion rate used.
    6. Create a plan for contributing financially for your education, including paying for travel to and from home.
    7. NOTE: Emory cannot assume financial responsibility for currency fluctuations or replace any current financial support that may be lost in the future (such as from relatives, sponsors, government and corporate agencies, or other sources).
Early decision: November 15, 2024 - Regular Decision: January 1, 2025Emory UniversityOfficial Link
  • Scholarships are renewable for a total of eight regular academic year semesters of undergraduate study, provided students maintain high standards of personal and academic excellence and meet semester and annual requirements of their program (details provided upon acceptance).

Oxford University- Clarendon Scholarship 2024

VariousMSc, PhDUnited KingdomIn General:
  • No restrictions to nationality, filed or residency.
  • All part time ad full time master’s and PhD courses are eligible.
  • English language proficiency (unless the applicant is a resident of English-speaking country or a current student at Oxford). For Egyptians:
  • Undergraduate qualifications
    • If the course at Oxford requires a ‘strong upper second-class undergraduate degree with honours’ in the UK system, a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university with an overall grade 80% (‘B+’) or ‘Very Good’, or a GPA of 3.5 out of 4.0 may be required.
    • If the course at Oxford requires a ‘first-class undergraduate degree with honours’ in the UK system, you will usually need a bachelor’s degree from a recognized university with an overall grade of 85% (‘A’) or ‘Excellent’, or a GPA of 3.7 out of 4.0.
  • Masters' qualifications
    • If your graduate course at Oxford requires a master's degree in the UK system, you will usually need a master’s degree (Majister) with an overall grade corresponding to the following:
      • 50% (‘C’) for a passing grade in the UK system
      • 80% (‘B’) for a merit grade in the UK system
      • 90% (‘A’) for a distinction grade in the UK system
    • *Eligibility criteria differs according to the course.
  1. You will be automatically considered for Clarendon if you apply by the December or January deadline, whichever is relevant to your course. You do not need to submit a separate application.
  2. Bachelor’s degree certificate (for Master’s) or Master’s degree certificate for PhD applicants.
  3. Transcript.
  4. English language proficiency (IELTS, TOEFL, Cambridge, Oxford).
  5. 3 Reference letters
  6. Application fee (£75 per taught course application (MPhil, MSc, MSt, PGDip, PGCert and MPhil + DPhil Economics) and £20 per research course application (CDT, DPhil, MSc by Research, DPhil Neuroscience (1+3), MPhil Socio-Legal Research and MPhil Law) which can be waived for certain cases (revise this link: https://www.ox.ac.uk/admissions/graduate/applying-to-oxford/application-guide/declaration-and-payment/application-fee-waivers).
  7. *The applicants are advised to control the “Entry requirements” and “How to Apply” sections of the relevant course page as documents depend on the selected course.
  8. *All submitted papers must be in English language.
Application link: here.
Deadlines differ by the course selected (November, December, and January)Clarendon FundOfficial Link
  • Clarendon offers fully-funded scholarships covering course fees, as well as a grant for living expenses for the period of fee liability.
  • Scholars on a full-time course: annual grant for living expenses of at least the UKRI minimum doctoral stipend rate, which is normally sufficient to cover the living costs of a single student living in Oxford. In 2023-24, scholars receive at least £18,622.
  • Scholars on a part-time course: study support grant to assist with non-fee costs. Study support grants vary in value -- they may be a sixth, a third or half of the UKRI minimum doctoral stipend rate (influenced by the nature and/or duration of the course).

Research Grants – Doctoral Programmes in Germany • DAAD

  • Various.
  • You can apply if you have above-average qualifications and you completed your Master's degree or Diploma, or in exceptional cases a Bachelor's degree, at the latest by the time the funding period begins.
  • Qualification:
    • Academic achievements (grade point average, development of grades)
    • Academic progress
    • Knowledge of the language(s) of instruction or working language(s)
    • If applicable, scholarly achievements after graduation, (e.g. publications, lectures, conference papers)
  • Quality of research project:
    • Quality of research proposal and preparation (originality, topicality and relevance of the project, choice of host institution and first contacts).
    • Feasibility and consistency of study plan and schedule.
    • Incorporation of project within the overall doctorate (in terms of content and time), if relevant.
  • Potential of applicant:
    • Career prospects: significance of the research project and stay in Germany for further academic, professional and personal development.
    • Motivation: academic and personal reasons for wanting to visit Germany, German language skills (if different from working language).
    • Non-study-related activities: non-study-related knowledge and skills, civic engagement.
  1. Online application form.
  2. Full curriculum vitae in tabular form (max. 3 pages).
  3. List of publications (max. 10 pages), if applicable.
  4. Description of academic and personal reasons for your planned project in Germany (letter of motivation: 1-2 pages).
  5. A proposal, prepared and formulated by yourself, as well as a description of previous research work (max. 10 pages in total).
Application link: here.
N/AGerman Academic Exchange ServiceOfficial Link
  • Funding is provided for a maximum of four years; the length of the funding period is decided by a selection committee and depends on your project and study plan.
  • Grants are initially awarded for a maximum of one year. Extensions depend on whether the selection committee considers your previous award period to have been successfully completed.
  • Value:
    • Monthly payments of 1,300 euros.
    • Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover (see also our important information for scholarship applicants / section F, point 4).
    • Travel allowance.
    • Annual research allowance of € 460
  • Under certain circumstances, you can apply for the following additional benefits after start of funding:
    • monthly rent subsidy (please read the important scholarship information / section D, point 9).
    • monthly allowance for accompanying family members. Please also read our important information for scholarship applicants / section F, point 3.
  • In case of a disability or chronic illness: on application, a subsidy may be provided for justified additional costs, incurred in Germany due to the disability, that are necessary to realise the project in Germany and that are not covered by a third party; whether and to what extent a subsidy will be paid, will be reviewed and determined on an individual basis (see important information for scholarship applicants, section F, point 8).
  • To enable you to improve your language skills in preparation for your stay in Germany, DAAD offers the following services:
    • Payment of course fees for an online language course after receipt of the Scholarship Award Letter.
    • If necessary: Language course (2, 4 or 6 months) before the start of the research stay in Germany; the DAAD decides whether to fund the grant holder's participation and for how long depending on language skills and project. If a language course scholarship is granted and the working language at the host institute is German, participation is compulsory.
    • Allowance for a personally chosen German language course during the grant period.
    • Reimbursement of the fee for a TestDaF or DSH test, which you can take either in your home country after you have received your Scholarship Award Letter or in Germany during your funding period.

SBW Berlin Scholarship

  • Various.
BSc, PhDGermany
  • Foreign nationals, whose home countries appear to have a particular need for development assistance.
  • Holders of a student visa for Germany or a residence permit with the purpose of taking up or carrying out a course of study in Germany.
  • Between 18 and 30 years old.
  • Professional or volunteer experience in the non-profit/social sector (proven by a social institution’s letter of recommendation).
  • Able to prove that they have not stayed in Germany for more than 18 months before the application.
  • Qualification for university entrance.
  • Intention to work in their country of origin for at least 18 months after graduation or to engage in non-profit work until the repayment plan has been fulfilled.
  • Able to prove a relatively low net income.
  • Average grades corresponding to a German grade point average of at least 2.
  • No first-degree family members who reside permanently in Germany.
  • Application before the start of their university education or fully enrolled in the first, second or max. third semester at a state-recognized university (in Germany or abroad) or application for a master’s degree shortly before or after obtaining a bachelor’s degree.
  1. When applying for the scholarship, proof of the applicant’s social commitment in the form of a letter of recommendation from a non-profit organization or social institution is required. The nonprofit organization or social institution submits the letter on behalf of the applicant as PDF to application@sbw.berlin. After carefully reviewing the letter, outstanding prospects will be granted access to the application form.
  2. Only complete applications can be considered. Applicants must submit at least the following documents:
    1. Letter of recommendation from a non-profit organization or social institution or one of SBW Berlin’s partner organization (by email).
    2. Application form (A link will be shared with outstanding applicants).
    3. Project description (two to five pages)*Qualification for university entrance.
    4. Information about the net household income.
    5. Copy of the last school or university certificate that shows the grade point average and a grade overview.
    6. Copy of the highest academic degree (high school diploma or university certificate) that shows the grade point average and a grade overview.
  3. If available, copies of the following documents should also be included:
    1. Admission to a university or university of applied sciences (Fachhochschule) in Berlin or Potsdam.
    2. Internationally recognized language certificate for the language in which your studies will be taught.
    3. All already obtained university certificates and records of achievements (graded and ungraded).
    4. All previous work, training, apprenticeship and internship certificates and references.
  4. We recommend to all applicants to submit the following additional documents, which are not mandatory:
    1. One or two letters of recommendation from professors, schoolteachers, employers, etc.
    2. Evidence of the net household income.
    3. The application and all enclosed certificates and supporting documents must be submitted in German or English. If the original document was issued in another language, we also ask for a translation into German or English.
    4. Non-certified copies and simple translations are sufficient for the application.
Applications are accepted all year round.SBW BerlinOfficial Link
  • For the duration of the scholarship (max. funding period is equivalent to the regular period of the
  • study program), SBW Berlin covers necessary living expenses of the scholarship recipients. The
  • scholarship includes:
    • A furnished room in shared student flats in Berlin.
    • Cost-of-living allowance currently in the amount of 480 Euro per month.
    • Tuition fees.
    • Possibly also a travel contribution for the journey to Berlin before the start of the course of study and for the journey home after successful completion of the course.

Universität Konstanz, Zukunftskolleg - 2-year research fellowships

  • Various
  • You should be in possession of a doctoral degree granted between October 31, 2022 and December 31, 2024. Earlier graduation dates can be accepted in case of maternity/paternity leave, or working contracts outside academia.
  • Candidates must not hold a permanent professorship, or have a habilitation or equivalent (Venia legendi). Candidates with their own position funded by another program, which can be transferred to Konstanz, are also eligible.
  • Applicants must propose a research project that ties in with a discipline represented at the University of Konstanz. They are invited to include in their motivation letter a reflection note on how their research relates to the 17 SDGs of the UN.
  • Applicants should contact potential Local Academic Partners among the researchers at the University of Konstanz in order to ensure appropriate affiliation. Support from a department strengthens the application.
  • International experience in teaching or research, and a strong interest in interdisciplinary topics are desirable.
The following documents are required to submit the application:
  1. A complete application form
  2. Motivation letter (1 page max)
  3. Project outline (5 pages max)
  4. Curriculum vitae
  5. Copies of all relevant degree certificates
  6. Writing sample (30 pages max)
  7. Two letters of reference
The University of KonstanzOfficial LinkPostdoctoral Fellows profit from all support measures available at the Zukunftskolleg:
  • They receive an annual research allowance e.g. for funding research assistants or equipment.
  • They are eligible to apply for co-funding.
  • Senior Fellowships and the Mentorship Programme give them the opportunity to invite distinguished colleagues to Konstanz.
  • They can go on a temporary Research Visit abroad or nominate international early career researchers for a Research Visit at the Zukunftskolleg.
  • They are eligible to apply for funding for cooperative initiatives or for funding for particular career stages.
  • They receive non-monetary support like coaching, professional career counseling or in grant proposal writing.
  • They get financial support to organize and run a scientific retreat.


  • Computers & IT
  • Engineering
  •  Physics
  • Math
    BScUnited States
    • Must be pursuing, or plan to pursue, a degree with a focus on cybersecurity, information assurance or similar field in the fall of 2024.
    • Must be pursuing an associates or undergraduate degree in 2024.
    • If you will have graduated with your undergraduate degree by the fall then please apply for the ISC2 Graduate Scholarship if appropriate.
    • GPA must be at least 3.3 on a 4.0 scale (or an analogous rank based on a comparable scale).
    • If you need to convert your GPA please visit https://applications.wes.org/igpa-calculator/
    • You may be a citizen of any country (US citizenship not required)
    • May be attending on campus or online.
    • May be attending full-time or part-time.
    • May be attending in the US or Internationally.
    • You do not currently need to be enrolled, however, no awards will be disbursed until the recipient is enrolled in a college or university.
    1. Unofficial transcripts from your current (or most recent) educational institution. If awarded; no funds will be disbursed until official transcripts have been received.
    2. One Letter of Recommendation outlining the following:
        1. How long have you known the applicant and in what capacity?
        2. What skills or abilities does the applicant have that will support him/her in completing a degree?
        3. What other information about the applicant should be taken into consideration?
    3. Resume/CV – No more than 3 pages maximum.
    4. Essay questions to be filled out in the application, Maximum of 250 words per answer:
        1. Tell us why you should be chosen to receive this ISC2 Cybersecurity Scholarship and what makes you stand out from your peers?
        2. Describe why you need the scholarship.
        3. Describe your personal and education backgrounds.
        4. Describe why you chose your major and your goals for your academic career. What makes you a candidate for success in information security and what are your goals for your professional career.
        5. Describe any contributions to the cybersecurity field i.e., volunteer work, articles, etc., and any other hobbies or extracurricular activities and what they mean to you. (Do not include links to articles)
    • Academic references are preferred; however, you may submit a professional letter of reference addressing the points above.
    • Please tell us anything else you would like us to know about you in consideration of your application.
    • Note: Applications open january 15, 2025 and close february 28, 2025 at 11:59 pm EST
    • Applicants will be scored by members of ISC2 and scholarship sponsors (if applicable). Scoring will be based upon three categories: Passion - Merit - Financial Need
    • NOTE: Not all applicants will receive a scholarship, Scholarships are a one-time award and must be re-applied for each year in order to be considered for another scholarship.


    • Neuroscience
    • Psychology
    • Computer Science
    • Biomedical science
    Target participants include postgraduate students, postdocs, and faculty members from Computer science, Neuroscience, and other fields of biomedical sciences.
    Fill in the online Application Form: HereN/AAfrican Brain Data NetworkOfficial Link
    • ABDS Academy is The Kavli Foundation-funded two-week intensive training program designed to enhance capacity in brain data science.
    • ABDS Academy offers unique opportunities to researchers in Africa (from Neuroscience, Psychology, Computer Science, Biomedical science, and related backgrounds) to gain an understanding of critical computational approaches to the processing and management of large-scale brain datasets.
    • Participants will be trained by world leading experts in the field on novel techniques for brain data collection, processing, analysis and sharing.

    DAAD EPOS Scholarship 2025

    VariousMSc, PhDGermany
    • Applicant should hold a four-year bachelor’s degree or equivalent in an appropriate subject.
    • Applicants must have at least two years of relevant professional work experience.
    • Applicants must be from Developing Countries.
    • You can find the list of eligible countries: Here
    • Applicants must have a motivation for this scholarship, and they can prove it.
    • Applicants must have achieved excellent academic records.
    • The applicants’ academic degrees should not be more than six years old.
    • Applicants must also meet certain requirements of the universities to which they are applying.
    • Applicants should meet a certain level of English language proficiency. Remember, only original certificates of the scores will be accepted. (TOEFL paper-based – 550 score / TOEFL computer-based – 213 score / TOEFL internet-based – 80 score /IELTS – 6 band overall).
    • Students should also check with the institute/university they’re applying to to see if they require proof of English proficiency.
    1. DAAD Application Form.
    2. CV (Europass Format).
    3. Letter of motivation, maximum two pages.
    4. The certificate (s) of Employment from the employer(s) shows at least two years of work experience after the degree.
    5. Proof of Language Skills.
    6. Copies of higher education degree certificates.
    7. Copy of full set of transcript of records.
    Notes: Some courses may require additional documents
    VariesThe DAADOfficial Link
    • Depending on academic level, monthly payments of 934 euros for graduates or 1,300 euros for doctoral candidates.
    • Payments toward health, accident, and personal liability insurance cover.
    • Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of funding.
    • Under certain circumstances, scholarship holders may receive the following additional benefits: (Monthly rent subsidy - Monthly allowance for accompanying members of family).

    Google Conference Scholarships (Africa)

    • Be a full-time student enrolled with a recognized university in Africa who is in need of conference travel funds.
    • Have a paper accepted at a top-tier computer science conference. We prefer to support conferences in research areas where Google has a strong interest. Please visit research.google.com for a list of areas.
    • Be the sole or joint first author of the accepted paper.
    • Google employees are not eligible to apply for Google scholarships. Persons who are (1) residents of embargoed countries, (2) ordinarily resident in embargoed countries, or (3) otherwise prohibited by applicable export controls and sanctions programs may not apply for this scholarship.
    1. Please submit this form by the deadline for the conference that you wish to attend.
    2. Given the shift to virtual mode for conferences, we are currently accepting applications to cover conference fees.
    N/AGoogleOfficial LinkFully funded to attend conferences

    Google Artificial Intelligence Courses

    • Artificial Intelligence
    • Open to all, regardless of background or qualifications.
    • No registration fee, making it financially accessible.
    • Basic computer literacy is recommended.
    • Reliable internet access and a device (computer, laptop, or tablet).
    • Genuine interest in AI is the primary requirement.
    1. Visit the Official Platform: Head to the official Google AI Courses platform to explore the available courses.
    2. Browse Courses.
    3. Choose Your Course.
    4. Click “Enroll”: Once you’ve chosen a course, click on the “Enroll” or equivalent button to express your interest in the selected course.
    5. Follow Registration Steps: Complete any additional registration steps, which may include agreeing to terms and conditions or providing additional information.
    6. Access Course Materials: Once enrolled, access course materials, lectures, and any required resources provided by Google.
    N/AGoogleOfficial Link
    • Zero Cost Education
    • Global Accessibility
    • Career Advancement
    • Inclusive Certification
    • Cutting-edge Curriculum
    • Flexible Learning
    • Community Engagement
    • Practical Application

    Savvy entrepreneurship Online Fellowship

    • Savvy is a virtual Fellowship program for passionate and brilliant young professionals seeking to be part of the new generation of impact entrepreneurs.
    • No ethnic restriction.
    • Ages 18 – 40.
    • It’s a rolling program (no application deadline), so new applications are accepted year-round.
    1. Fill in the online application: here.  
    Savvy Business Incubation and AccelerationOfficial Link
    • Practical Learning: For 12 weeks, you’ll learn how to start, build, and scale an impact venture. Using visual presentations, we’ll help you answer all the relevant questions you need to kickstart that amazing impact venture, gain early traction, achieve product-market fit, and scale into newer markets.
    • Simultaneous Mentorship: While learning, you’re offered mentorship as well, which is a great way to have a better understanding of your industry. Mentorship comes in two ways: peer-to-peer and expert.
    • Life-long Community: “Once a Savvy Fellow, always a Savvy Fellow.” Savvy isn’t just a 12-week learning, assessment, and mentorship program, it’s a lifelong entrepreneurial learning process. Post Fellowship, you can constantly access your Savvy Fellowship account and have access to our weekly updated resources, in the form of entrepreneurial tips, nuggets, and opportunities.

    The Sterling Momship empowering stay-at-home moms

    • Digital Marketing
    • Content Writing
    • Customer Service
    • Graphics Design
    • Human Resources
    • Sales
    • Branding
    • Quality Assurance
    • Technology
    Remote InitiativeNigeria
    • A bachelor’s degree or HND with a minimum of 2:2 or upper credit.
    • A professional certificate and evidence of professional development courses.
    • A minimum of 1 year of professional experience before your career break.
    • We value diversity in our workplace and encourage qualified persons with disabilities and diverse professional, academic, and cultural backgrounds to apply.
    1. Fill in the Online application: Here
    N/AThe Sterling BankOfficial link 
    • Participate in empowering opportunities that align with your expertise and interests.
    • Connect with fellow mom professionals, share experiences and grow together.
    • Talk about having a supportive community.
    • Have a supportive and inclusive work culture where you feel empowered and your voice is heard.
    • Access resources, and participate in workshops and mentoring programs to help you nurture and advance in your career.
    • Enjoy flexibility at its best.

    DAAD Development-Related Postgraduate Courses

    • Social sciences
    • political
    • science
    • law
    • Economics, and other related fields
    • Candidates fulfil the necessary academic requirements and can be expected to successfully complete a study programme in Germany (above-average result for the first academic exam – top performance third, language skills).
    • Candidates have a Bachelor's degree (usually a four-year course) in an appropriate subject.
    • Candidates have at least two years of professional experience.
    • Candidates can prove their motivation is development-related and be expected to take on social responsibility and initiate and support processes of change in their personal and professional environment after their training/scholarship.
    1. DAAD application form.
    2. A copy of the transcript.
    3. Work experience certificates.
    4. English language certificates.
    5. A reference letter.
    6. Motivation letter.
    7. CV.
    8. Copies of degree certificates.
    9. Check English-required test grades at the official website.
    10. The deadline varies according to the chosen programme.
    VariesGerman Academic Exchange Service (DAAD)Official link
    • Depending on the academic level, monthly payments of 934 euros for graduates or 1,200 euros for doctoral candidates.
    • Payments towards health, accident and personal liability insurance cover.
    • Travel allowance, unless these expenses are covered by the home country or another source of funding.
    • Under certain circumstances, scholarship holders may receive the following additional benefits:
    • Monthly rent subsidy.
    • Monthly allowance for accompanying members of the family.

    SAP Virtual Global Finance Rotational Program

    • Economics & Business
    Virtual Training Programonline
    • Bachelor’s or master’s degree in business administration, accounting or with another finance focus.
    • Graduates and young professionals with at least some working experience (e.g. internship) in a finance department.
    • Excellent communication skills and ability to speak and write English fluently, additional language skills are an advantage.
    • Self-driven, self-organized, and open-minded team player.
    • Flexible and motivated.
    • Knowledge of MS Office (Outlook, Excel, Word, and PowerPoint). Experience with SAP systems is a plus.
    Fill in the online application here attaching the following:
    1. CV.
    2. Cover Letter.
    3. Any relevant Certificate.
    Application link: Here
    As soon as possibleSAP CorporationOfficial link
    Virtual onboarding event to get to know SAP as a company and the GFA board area
    • Working in a virtual, international, and collaborative environment.
    • Work for the market leader in enterprise application software and be part of a company that values curiosity, flexibility, diversity, and life-work balance.
    • A channel to expand your network and gain all the necessary skills to succeed in the finance industry while working at a large company.
    • Immediate participation as a functioning team member and engagement with different teams inside and outside the GFA board area while going through the different rotations.
    • On-the-job training supported by experienced high-level managers and colleagues.
    • Various workshops and training sessions to acquire new skills.
    • Formal learning and development opportunities during the entire program.

    Global Marketing Healthcare Internship

    • Marketing
    • You are currently enrolled or within your gap year.
    • First experiences with internships or working student positions are desirable.
    • Strong passion for brands and products.
    • Effective communication and presentation skills.
    • Responsibility and independent and structured way of working.
    • Strong analytical skills with Good knowledge of MS Office (especially PowerPoint and ideally Excel) Pro-active, open-minded team player with an international mindset.
    • Fluent in English, both written and spoken, other language skills such as German would be a plus.
    Fill in the online application form here.
    Documents required: CV and any other relevant document.
    N/ABeiesdorfOfficial Link
    • Your work at Beiersdorf will be fairly remunerated, both with a voluntary internship and with a compulsory internship you earn 2.000 € per month. For a working student activity, our salary is 18,19 € per hour.
    Other benefits:
    • Employee Discounts.
    • Flexible Working Hours.
    • Development Programs.
    • High Retention Rate.
    • Networking Events.
    • Health Program.
    • Located in the heart of the City.
    • Public Transportation Allowance.
    • Sports and Leisure Activities.
    • Talent Pool.
    • International Working Opportunities.
    • Attractive Remuneration.

    Taleo Consulting - Talent manager (CDI / Internship / VIE)

    • Economics
    • Business
    InternshipSwitzerlandRequired profile:
    • Rather than a diploma or extensive experience, your state of mind will allow you to reach your potential and meet the target with Taleo.
    • If these words resonate with you and you identify with this description, send us your CV. We will be delighted to meet you.
    Application link: here.N/ATaleoOfficial LinkFully funded.

    World Bank Junior Professional Associates Program 2022 (Fully-funded)

    • Economics
    • Finance
    • Human development (public health
    • Education, nutrition, population)
    • Social sciences (anthropology, sociology)
    • Agricultureenvironment (climate, blue economy)
    • Infrastructure
    • Private sector
    • Corporate
    • Administrative functions (such as IT, legal, accounting & communications ).
    Program for Young GraduatesGlobal based on business need
    • Recent Graduates from all around the world can apply.
    • A candidate must have at least a bachelor’s or equivalent degree.
    • A candidate should not be more than 28 years of age on the first day of the job.
    • A candidate must be fluent and proficient in the English language.
    • Having command in more than one WB’s official language is a plus point. (Arabic, French, Chinese Portuguese, Russian, and Spanish)
    • The JAPs are eligible to reapply for this program if they take a two-year “Cooling Off” period.
    • CV
    • Experience certificate
    • Educational certificates & credentials.
    • Language Proficiency Certificate
    • Cover Letter
    Reference Letters.
    throughout the yearThe World BankOfficial link
    • The selected candidate will get a competitive salary according to international standards.
    • A two-year contract with the World Bank.

    United Nations World Food Programme Paid Internships Programme

    • Delivering food assistance in emergencies, and working with communities to improve nutrition and build resilience.
    InternshipDifferent WFP-associated countries
    • Applicants should be enrolled in a recognized university or have graduated within the past six months.
    • Must have completed at least two years of study.
    • Passionate individuals are preferred.
    • Should be willing to take challenges.
    • Must be a team player.
    • Excellent English skills are essential.
    • Knowledge of other UN languages would be an advantage.
    • Dedicated to learning in the humanitarian sector and working towards the betterment of humanity.
    1. Applicants must submit their applications via the official WFP website.
    2. You can find current job openings by visiting the careers section of the website.
    3. Please register on the site and create your online CV.
    4. You should select the relevant job option according to your current area of interest.
    5. You should carefully read the job details, including its location, duration, and responsibilities.
    6. Make sure that you are qualified for the position.
    7. Please submit all supporting documents that are listed on the application form.
    8. You can submit your CV and cover letter along with a link to your portfolio.
    9. You should carefully complete the application form before submitting it.
    VariesUNOfficial link
    • The intern will receive a monthly stipend of $1000.
    • Candidates from developing countries will be entitled to reimbursement for travel expenses.

    From idea to science start-up

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